Indeterminate Structures & The Moment Distribution Method
Indeterminate Structures & The Moment Distribution Method, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.9, with 37 lectures, based on 139 reviews, and has 1503 subscribers.
You will learn about You will have a deep understanding of how structures respond to loading. You will clearly understand the methods used to analyse statically indeterminate beams and frames. You will be comfortable determining shear force, bending moment and deflected shape diagrams. You will be able to analyse both non-sway and sway frames – essential when designing real world structures. This course is ideal for individuals who are Student who want to take their understanding of structural analysis up a level! or Engineering students who need to know how to analyse more complex structures without resorting to computer analysis, e.g. continuous beams. or Students tired of being limited to analysis of statically determinate structures. or Students wishing to analyse structural frames to facilitate design; e.g. reinforced concrete subframe analysis. It is particularly useful for Student who want to take their understanding of structural analysis up a level! or Engineering students who need to know how to analyse more complex structures without resorting to computer analysis, e.g. continuous beams. or Students tired of being limited to analysis of statically determinate structures. or Students wishing to analyse structural frames to facilitate design; e.g. reinforced concrete subframe analysis.
Enroll now: Indeterminate Structures & The Moment Distribution Method
Title: Indeterminate Structures & The Moment Distribution Method
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.9
Number of Lectures: 37
Number of Published Lectures: 37
Number of Curriculum Items: 37
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 37
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will have a deep understanding of how structures respond to loading.
- You will clearly understand the methods used to analyse statically indeterminate beams and frames.
- You will be comfortable determining shear force, bending moment and deflected shape diagrams.
- You will be able to analyse both non-sway and sway frames – essential when designing real world structures.
Who Should Attend
- Student who want to take their understanding of structural analysis up a level!
- Engineering students who need to know how to analyse more complex structures without resorting to computer analysis, e.g. continuous beams.
- Students tired of being limited to analysis of statically determinate structures.
- Students wishing to analyse structural frames to facilitate design; e.g. reinforced concrete subframe analysis.
Target Audiences
- Student who want to take their understanding of structural analysis up a level!
- Engineering students who need to know how to analyse more complex structures without resorting to computer analysis, e.g. continuous beams.
- Students tired of being limited to analysis of statically determinate structures.
- Students wishing to analyse structural frames to facilitate design; e.g. reinforced concrete subframe analysis.
Go Beyond Simple Statically Determinate Structures
Almost all real world civil engineering structures of any significance are indeterminate meaning we can’t simply rely on the trusty equations of static equilibrium. The moment distribution method is one of the most intuitive ways to analyse these structures.
After completing this course you will be well equipped to determine the shear force diagram, bending moment diagram and qualitative deflected shape for any statically determinate or indeterminate structure you’re likely to encounter as a civil engineer.
Having a fast hand-analysis method for indeterminate structures is invaluable for any good engineer!The analysis of indeterminate structures is all too often left to the computer in civil engineering these days. But as an engineer, if you can’t approximate by hand what the computer is telling – you’re on thin ice! By the end of this course you’ll have given yourself an invaluable skill – the ability to make sensible judgements on a computer analyses!
Section 1: Establishing the fundamentals
I will start by setting out the fundamental parts of the moment distribution method; explaining each element before using some worked examples to tie them all together. After completing this section you will have a clear analysis procedure to employ. Each worked example concludes with development of a complete shear force and bending moment diagram.
Section 2: Understanding the importance of structural stability
One of the main areas of application for the moment distribution method is the analysis of structural frames. However, before we can start analysing frames, we first need an understanding of structural stability. In this section I will outline some of the common methods employed by civil engineers to ensure lateral stability of their structures. This will equip you for the analysis of frames in the following sections.
Section 3: Applying what you have learned to non-sway frames
Now we will start to really see the power of this analysis technique. We will apply the procedure and techniques from section 1 to the analysis of non-sway or propped structural frames. This will equip you to perform sub-frame analyses commonly required in the design of reinforced concrete frame structures. After completing this section you will be able to analyse some of the most common structural forms employed in civil engineering today.
Section 4: Expanding to consider sway-frames
In this final section we will bring your analysis skills to the next level by introducing you to the analysis of sway frames. Structures expected to undergo significant lateral deflections under loading will experience additional sway moments. Taking proper account of these sway effects is essential for an accurate analysis of the structure. Following an explanation and demonstration of the techniques, you are challenged to complete the analysis of a number of sway frame structures.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and Beam Analysis
Lecture 1: Welcome to the course
Lecture 2: The moment distribution process
Lecture 3: Member stiffness and distribution factors
Lecture 4: Developing reactions, shear forces and span moments
Lecture 5: Dealing with pinned ends
Lecture 6: Dealing with cantilever ends
Lecture 7: Multi-iteration distributions
Lecture 8: Worked Example 1
Lecture 9: Worked Example 2
Lecture 10: Worked Example 3
Chapter 2: Lateral Stability
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Lateral stability systems
Lecture 3: Sway versus Non-sway frames
Chapter 3: Non-Sway Frame Analysis
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Worked Example 4: The distribution
Lecture 3: Worked Example 4: Free-body diagrams
Lecture 4: Worked Example 4: Drawing the solution
Lecture 5: Worked Example 5: The distribution
Lecture 6: Worked Example 5: Free-body diagrams
Lecture 7: Worked Example 5: Drawing the solution
Lecture 8: Worked Example 6: The distribution
Lecture 9: Worked Example 6: Free-body diagrams
Lecture 10: Worked Example 6: Drawing the solution
Chapter 4: Sway Frame Analysis
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: The two-stage analysis
Lecture 3: Step-by-step demonstration 1 – Stage 1
Lecture 4: Step-by-step demonstration 1 – Stage 2
Lecture 5: Step-by-step demonstration 2 – Stage 1
Lecture 6: Step-by-step demonstration 2 – Stage 2
Lecture 7: Worked Example 7: Stage 2 analysis
Lecture 8: Worked Example 7: Post-distribution
Lecture 9: Worked Example 8: Stage 2 analysis
Lecture 10: Worked Example 8: Post-distribution
Lecture 11: Worked Example 9: Stage 2 analysis
Lecture 12: Worked Example 9: Post-distribution
Lecture 13: Course wrap-up
Dr Seán Carroll
BEng (Hons), MSc, PhD, CEng MIEI, FHEA
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 36 votes
- 5 stars: 94 votes
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