Instructional Design for Online and Blended Courses
Instructional Design for Online and Blended Courses, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.25, with 30 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 312 reviews, and has 8733 subscribers.
You will learn about Complete the design of an online or blended course using best practices. Use our template to conduct analysis, research and planning for your course. Design each week of your course using our course template and use the OSCQR rubric to evaluate your course for best practices. Design using latest technology, videos and screencasts to improve the engagement of your course. Develop and publish your course in Canvas (or other system) based on the course blueprint you designed. For those who come from Christian institutions, you will apply best practices to integrate a Christian worldview into course design. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone wanting to design an online or blended course. or Students who value pragmatism and cost-effectiveness in education. or Academic leaders needing to add online and blended courses to complement their campus-based offering. or This course is designed to be re-purposed as faculty training for smaller institutions. or A particular focus will be on those teaching in under-resourced contexts such as the majority world or serving disadvantaged populations or An educational director at an NGO or parachurch ministry seeking to develop a combination of an offline and blended program that could be accepted as credit by accredited institutions. or Staff at a nonprofit, Christian ministry, missions agency or church with high quality unaccredited training program wishing to ready it for accreditation and/or an online/blended format. It is particularly useful for Anyone wanting to design an online or blended course. or Students who value pragmatism and cost-effectiveness in education. or Academic leaders needing to add online and blended courses to complement their campus-based offering. or This course is designed to be re-purposed as faculty training for smaller institutions. or A particular focus will be on those teaching in under-resourced contexts such as the majority world or serving disadvantaged populations or An educational director at an NGO or parachurch ministry seeking to develop a combination of an offline and blended program that could be accepted as credit by accredited institutions. or Staff at a nonprofit, Christian ministry, missions agency or church with high quality unaccredited training program wishing to ready it for accreditation and/or an online/blended format.
Enroll now: Instructional Design for Online and Blended Courses
Title: Instructional Design for Online and Blended Courses
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 30
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 30
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 44
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 44
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Complete the design of an online or blended course using best practices.
- Use our template to conduct analysis, research and planning for your course.
- Design each week of your course using our course template and use the OSCQR rubric to evaluate your course for best practices.
- Design using latest technology, videos and screencasts to improve the engagement of your course.
- Develop and publish your course in Canvas (or other system) based on the course blueprint you designed.
- For those who come from Christian institutions, you will apply best practices to integrate a Christian worldview into course design.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone wanting to design an online or blended course.
- Students who value pragmatism and cost-effectiveness in education.
- Academic leaders needing to add online and blended courses to complement their campus-based offering.
- This course is designed to be re-purposed as faculty training for smaller institutions.
- A particular focus will be on those teaching in under-resourced contexts such as the majority world or serving disadvantaged populations
- An educational director at an NGO or parachurch ministry seeking to develop a combination of an offline and blended program that could be accepted as credit by accredited institutions.
- Staff at a nonprofit, Christian ministry, missions agency or church with high quality unaccredited training program wishing to ready it for accreditation and/or an online/blended format.
Target Audiences
- Anyone wanting to design an online or blended course.
- Students who value pragmatism and cost-effectiveness in education.
- Academic leaders needing to add online and blended courses to complement their campus-based offering.
- This course is designed to be re-purposed as faculty training for smaller institutions.
- A particular focus will be on those teaching in under-resourced contexts such as the majority world or serving disadvantaged populations
- An educational director at an NGO or parachurch ministry seeking to develop a combination of an offline and blended program that could be accepted as credit by accredited institutions.
- Staff at a nonprofit, Christian ministry, missions agency or church with high quality unaccredited training program wishing to ready it for accreditation and/or an online/blended format.
This is a project-based course where the finished project will be a complete online or blended course. This course was co-written by an online university president and a Director of the Office of Innovative Teaching and Technology at one of the largest Christian universities. Key elements of the course include:
An extensive template for conducting Needs Analysis, Research and Planning for your course.
A Course Design Blueprint Template you will use as the major project for this course
Course Introduction Template
Course Syllabus Template and Checklist
Course Design Rubric you will use to self-evaluate your course
By the end of the course, students will have developed at least 6 modules of their course within the Canvas Learning Management System.
Andrew Sears is the President of City Vision University where we are bringing radically affordable education through a $2,000 associate’s degree and a $5,000 bachelor’s degree. I previously co-founded MIT’s Internet Telephony Consortiumwith one of the fathers of the internet (David Clark) focused on disruption in the telecommunications industry. Before spending the past 20 years living with and serving the poor with disruptive educational technologies, Andrew worked as a consultant to Sprint, venture capitalist and internet startups.
Note, because both of the instructors for this course work at Christian higher education institutions, we have included some assignments on how to design courses to integrate faith. Students that are not interested in these topics are welcome to skip them or just view them as an example of how to design for holistic values integration and apply with your own institutional values.
This course was developed largely as a volunteer-driven project of the Christian Higher Education Innovation Alliance to build the global capacity of higher education to serve the poor and the majority world. We would also love for you to make contributions to improve the course, so if you have any suggested resources, links or other improvements, please let us know. We hope that this can become one of the best free courses available on Instructional Design, but we can only do that with help and feedback of people like you.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Analyze: Course Design Process, Research and Planning
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Resources for this Course
Lecture 3: Instructional Design Models Overview
Lecture 4: ADDIE, SAM and the Instructional Design Process (required)
Lecture 5: Analysis: Course Needs, Research and Planning
Lecture 6: Course Evaluation Rubrics and Design Templates Overview
Lecture 7: Required Materials: Course Evaluation Rubrics and Course Design Templates
Lecture 8: Optional Resources for Course Design Process, Research and Planning
Chapter 2: Design: Writing Effective Learning Outcomes & Faith Integration
Lecture 1: Writing Effective Learning Outcomes
Lecture 2: Academic Faith Integration
Lecture 3: Required Materials: Learning Outcomes and Academic Faith Integration
Lecture 4: Optional Resources: Learning Outcomes and Academic Faith Integration
Chapter 3: Designing Course Syllabus and Course Introduction in LMS
Lecture 1: Designing Effective Course Syllabus and LMS Introduction Templates
Lecture 2: Best Practices for Design of Syllabi and LMS Course Introductions (required)
Chapter 4: Developing the First Learning Unit (or Week's materials) for Your Course
Lecture 1: Using the Online Course Blueprint Template
Lecture 2: Developing Meaningful Assessments
Lecture 3: Required Materials: Design Your First Learning Unit
Lecture 4: Optional Resources: Design Your First Learning Unit for Your Course
Chapter 5: Designing for Blended Learning Environments
Lecture 1: Designing for Blended Learning Environments (required)
Lecture 2: Designing a Blended Learning Course: Part 1
Chapter 6: Designing with Instructional Technology, OER, Videos and Screencasts
Lecture 1: Designing with Instructional Technology, OER, Videos and Screencasts
Lecture 2: How to Design Courses in Udemy for Academic Credit
Lecture 3: Proven Unbundling/Rebundling Models to Get Credit for Unaccredited Courses
Lecture 4: Video Introductions, Screencasting and the SAMR Model (required)
Lecture 5: Open Educational Resources, Textbooks and Courses (list of optional resources)
Lecture 6: Visual and Graphic Design Tools and Resources
Lecture 7: Video Production, Screencasting & Audio Resources (list of optional resources)
Lecture 8: Accessibility Tools
Chapter 7: Developing Your Course in a Learning Management System
Lecture 1: Read: Canvas Instructor Getting Started Guide
Lecture 2: Watch: Canvas Video Training
Chapter 8: Finalizing Your Course
Andrew Sears
University President focused on Disruptive Innovation -
Michael Truong
Digital Learning Architect
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 10 votes
- 2 stars: 13 votes
- 3 stars: 66 votes
- 4 stars: 119 votes
- 5 stars: 104 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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