Introduction to International Relations
Introduction to International Relations, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.68, with 78 lectures, 8 quizzes, based on 584 reviews, and has 2745 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand what we mean by the subject of International Relations Understand why International Relations is about global organization of political authority Learn the history of the International Relations discipline Understand the Great Debates of International Relations Learn about the key books, magazines and websites on International Relations Understand what theory is about Recognise the differences between explanatory, predictive and normative theories Understand 3 levels of analysis Learn the key tenets of classical liberalism and neo-liberalism Learn the key tenets of classical realism and neo-realism Learn the key tenets of social constructivism and feminism Understand how the system of modern statehood has evolved Learn about international relations in Medieval Europe Recognise the importance of the The Peace of Augsburg and Treaty of Westphalia for modern statehood Understand how International Relations look differently from the Chinese perspective Learn about war and the causes of war Learn about different theoretical ideas for international peace Understand the role of League of Nations and United Nations in international peace Understand the role of European integration in international peace Learn about the International Political Economy and Bretton Woods institutions Understand the differences between Liberalism, Realism and Marxism in Int. Political Economy Learn about competing theoretical perspectives on globalisation Learn about the impact of COVID-19 on nationalism and globalisation This course is ideal for individuals who are Individuals interested in International Relations and the problems of international politics. or Students of Politics and International Relations who want to consolidate their knowledge and improve their grades. or Commentators, bloggers and journalists covering international politics. or Policy practitioners who want to improve their analytical skills and better understand the context of their policy activities. It is particularly useful for Individuals interested in International Relations and the problems of international politics. or Students of Politics and International Relations who want to consolidate their knowledge and improve their grades. or Commentators, bloggers and journalists covering international politics. or Policy practitioners who want to improve their analytical skills and better understand the context of their policy activities.
Enroll now: Introduction to International Relations
Title: Introduction to International Relations
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.68
Number of Lectures: 78
Number of Quizzes: 8
Number of Published Lectures: 78
Number of Published Quizzes: 8
Number of Curriculum Items: 86
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 86
Original Price: £22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand what we mean by the subject of International Relations
- Understand why International Relations is about global organization of political authority
- Learn the history of the International Relations discipline
- Understand the Great Debates of International Relations
- Learn about the key books, magazines and websites on International Relations
- Understand what theory is about
- Recognise the differences between explanatory, predictive and normative theories
- Understand 3 levels of analysis
- Learn the key tenets of classical liberalism and neo-liberalism
- Learn the key tenets of classical realism and neo-realism
- Learn the key tenets of social constructivism and feminism
- Understand how the system of modern statehood has evolved
- Learn about international relations in Medieval Europe
- Recognise the importance of the The Peace of Augsburg and Treaty of Westphalia for modern statehood
- Understand how International Relations look differently from the Chinese perspective
- Learn about war and the causes of war
- Learn about different theoretical ideas for international peace
- Understand the role of League of Nations and United Nations in international peace
- Understand the role of European integration in international peace
- Learn about the International Political Economy and Bretton Woods institutions
- Understand the differences between Liberalism, Realism and Marxism in Int. Political Economy
- Learn about competing theoretical perspectives on globalisation
- Learn about the impact of COVID-19 on nationalism and globalisation
Who Should Attend
- Individuals interested in International Relations and the problems of international politics.
- Students of Politics and International Relations who want to consolidate their knowledge and improve their grades.
- Commentators, bloggers and journalists covering international politics.
- Policy practitioners who want to improve their analytical skills and better understand the context of their policy activities.
Target Audiences
- Individuals interested in International Relations and the problems of international politics.
- Students of Politics and International Relations who want to consolidate their knowledge and improve their grades.
- Commentators, bloggers and journalists covering international politics.
- Policy practitioners who want to improve their analytical skills and better understand the context of their policy activities.
This course will introduce you to the discipline of International Relations. Whether you are a student or just someone interested in what International Relations is about, this course will carefully guide you through the basics of this fascinating academic discipline.
The course is ideal for beginners with no prior university education because it allows you to understand the basics of the discipline. Although it is designed for beginners, the course will give you confidence to speak about International Relations with much greater confidence.
You will understand the history of International Relations as a discipline as well as the major theories of IR. You will also learn about theory as such – what it is and different kinds of theories. Equipped with this fundamental knowledge, you will then explore the key topics forming the core of International Relations at any university:
the evolution of sovereign states states,
the causes of war and conflict
the struggle for peace and international organisations
international political economy
Sure, there are many other topics which could be covered under the label International Relations, but this course is designed as a complete introduction to give you solid knowledge and understanding of the core elements of this fascinating discipline.
What You Will Get in This Course
Here is a summary of what you will learn in this course:
Understand what we mean by the subject of International Relations
Understand why International Relations is about global organisation of political authority
Learn the history of the International Relations discipline
Understand the Great Debates of International Relations
Learn about the key books, magazines and websites on International Relations
Understand what theory is about
Recognise the differences between explanatory, predictive and normative theories
Understand 3 levels of analysis
Learn the key tenets of classical liberalism and neoliberalism
Learn the key tenets of classical realism and neorealism
Learn the key tenets of social constructivism and feminism
Understand how the system of modern statehood has evolved
Learn about international relations in Medieval Europe
Recognise the importance of the Peace of Augsburg and Peace of Westphalia for modern statehood
Understand how International Relations look differently from the Chinese perspective
Learn about war and the causes of war
Learn about different theoretical ideas for international peace
Understand the role of League of Nations and United Nations in international peace
Understand the role of European integration in international peace
Learn about the International Political Economy and Bretton Woods institutions
Understand the differences between Liberalism, Realism and Marxism in Int. Political Economy
Learn about competing theoretical perspectives on globalisation
Learn about the impact of COVID-19 on nationalism and globalisation
My Promise to You
I promise that the tuition in this course is of the highest quality, based on genuine university-level teaching and research. It is presented in a highly-accessible and engaging way, designed specifically for those who do not have prior university degree in Politics or International Relations.
I invite you to send me a message if you have any questions about the content of this course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: What to Expect in this Course
Lecture 2: What You Will Learn
Lecture 3: How You Will Learn
Lecture 4: About the Author
Chapter 2: What is International Relations?
Lecture 1: Definitions of International Relations
Lecture 2: The Organisation of Political Authority
Lecture 3: The Impact of Political Authority
Lecture 4: International Relations: Brexit and COVID-19
Lecture 5: International Relations: China, Conflicts and Climate Change
Chapter 3: The History of International Relations
Lecture 1: Historical Background: World War I
Lecture 2: The Birth of International Relations Pt. 1
Lecture 3: The Birth of International Relations Pt. 2
Lecture 4: The First Great Debate: Idealism
Lecture 5: The First Great Debate: Realism
Lecture 6: IR Expansion after World War II
Lecture 7: The Second Great Debate
Lecture 8: Classical Approach to IR Explained
Lecture 9: The Third Great Debate
Lecture 10: Resources in International Relations
Chapter 4: Thinking Theoretically about International Relations
Lecture 1: What is a Theory?
Lecture 2: Explanatory Theories
Lecture 3: Predictive Theories
Lecture 4: Normative Theories
Lecture 5: Levels of Analysis
Chapter 5: Theories of International Relations
Lecture 1: Classical Realism
Lecture 2: Morgenthau on Realism
Lecture 3: Structural Realism (Neo-realism)
Lecture 4: Mearsheimer on Offensive Neo-realism
Lecture 5: Classical Liberalism Pt. 1
Lecture 6: Classical Liberalism Pt. 2
Lecture 7: Angell on International Anarchy
Lecture 8: Neo-liberal institutionalism
Lecture 9: Keohane on Information in IR
Lecture 10: Social Constructivism Pt 1
Lecture 11: Social Constructivism Pt 2
Lecture 12: The EU and Climate Security
Lecture 13: Feminism
Lecture 14: Tickner's on Feminism in IR
Chapter 6: The Evolution of Inter-state Relations
Lecture 1: The System of Sovereign States
Lecture 2: Holy Roman Empire and Church in Medieval Europe
Lecture 3: Political Life in Medieval Europe
Lecture 4: The Emergence of Modern States
Lecture 5: Religious Wars and Modern States
Lecture 6: The Peace of Augsburg
Lecture 7: The Peace of Westphalia
Lecture 8: The Key Elements of Peace of Westphalia
Lecture 9: Chinese State System
Chapter 7: The Causes of War
Lecture 1: What is War?
Lecture 2: Hedley Bull on What is War
Lecture 3: Thomas Hobbes on War
Lecture 4: Thucydides on War
Lecture 5: War in Classical Realism
Lecture 6: War in Neorealism
Lecture 7: War in Liberalism
Lecture 8: What Causes War?
Chapter 8: The Quest for International Peace
Lecture 1: Peace as the Purpose of International Relations
Lecture 2: Peace through the Balance of Power
Lecture 3: Waltz on the Balance of Power
Lecture 4: Balance of Power and the Cold War
Lecture 5: Peace through Collective Security
Lecture 6: Collective Security and the League of Nations
Lecture 7: League of Nations Covenant
Lecture 8: Collective Security and the United Nations
Lecture 9: The Purpose of the United Nations
Lecture 10: Peace through European Integration
Chapter 9: International Political Economy
Lecture 1: Bretton Woods: World Bank
Lecture 2: Bretton Woods: International Monetary Fund
Lecture 3: Bretton Woods: World Trade Organisation
Lecture 4: Liberal Approach to International Political Economy
Lecture 5: Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations
Lecture 6: Realist Approach to International Political Economy
Lecture 7: John Mearsheimer and American Hegemony
Lecture 8: Marxist Approach to International Political Economy
Lecture 9: Lenin on Capitalism and Imperialism
Lecture 10: Approaches to Globalisation
Lecture 11: On Economic Inequality
Lecture 12: COVID-19 and Globalisation
Lecture 13: Bonus Lecture
Kamil Zwolski, PhD
Associate Professor in International Politics
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 52 votes
- 4 stars: 192 votes
- 5 stars: 331 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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