Introduction to Robotics & Entrepreneurship
Introduction to Robotics & Entrepreneurship, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.75, with 44 lectures, 10 quizzes, based on 70 reviews, and has 3898 subscribers.
You will learn about You will be able to build simple robots You will be able to understand how businesses work You will be able to create a product You will learn Product development You will learn to control simple motors You will be able to market your product You will be able to go to advanced technical courses after this course. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn Robotics or Anyone who wants to study Robotics & Engineering or Anyone who want to learn Entrepreneurship or Anyone who wants to create a Company or Anyone who wants to learn Product Development or Anyone who wants to learn Marketing strategies It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn Robotics or Anyone who wants to study Robotics & Engineering or Anyone who want to learn Entrepreneurship or Anyone who wants to create a Company or Anyone who wants to learn Product Development or Anyone who wants to learn Marketing strategies.
Enroll now: Introduction to Robotics & Entrepreneurship
Title: Introduction to Robotics & Entrepreneurship
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.75
Number of Lectures: 44
Number of Quizzes: 10
Number of Published Lectures: 44
Number of Published Quizzes: 10
Number of Curriculum Items: 57
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 57
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will be able to build simple robots
- You will be able to understand how businesses work
- You will be able to create a product
- You will learn Product development
- You will learn to control simple motors
- You will be able to market your product
- You will be able to go to advanced technical courses after this course.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn Robotics
- Anyone who wants to study Robotics & Engineering
- Anyone who want to learn Entrepreneurship
- Anyone who wants to create a Company
- Anyone who wants to learn Product Development
- Anyone who wants to learn Marketing strategies
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn Robotics
- Anyone who wants to study Robotics & Engineering
- Anyone who want to learn Entrepreneurship
- Anyone who wants to create a Company
- Anyone who wants to learn Product Development
- Anyone who wants to learn Marketing strategies
This course is going to give anyone who is interested in Robotics a Chance to learn the basics without any prior experience. The course contains content which is suited for Beginners.
This course will also allow anyone to learn Entrepreneurship through your product. You would learn how to make your Robots and create a company out of it by going through,
•Fundamental Theory of Robotics
•Introduction to Sensors & Actuators
•Learn and manipulate Motor Drives
•Brief about Entrepreneurship
•Brief about Market Research
•Brief about Product Development
The course is uniquely designed with a blend of Business theory with the technical theory of Robotics Engineering suitable for any Budding Entrepreneur who wants to know the ins and outs of the field.
You will get simple and sophisticated Quiz questions to test your understanding. So Let’s get started!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Basics of Robotics
Lecture 1: What is Robotics?
Lecture 2: How do Robot Systems work?
Chapter 3: Main Components of Robots
Lecture 1: What is a Sensor?
Lecture 2: Brain of the Robot
Lecture 3: Arduino MCU detailed Introduction
Lecture 4: Processor and Controller briefly
Lecture 5: What are Actuators?
Lecture 6: What are Control Systems?
Chapter 4: Motor Drive and Control
Lecture 1: What are Motor Drives?
Lecture 2: Testing the DC Motor and L293D introduction
Chapter 5: Disciplines Involved in Robotics
Lecture 1: What disciplines are involved in Robotics?
Chapter 6: Entrepreneurship | Product Development | Marketing
Lecture 1: What is Product Development? | How you can develop your next product?
Lecture 2: What is Market Research? Importance of Market Research for startups
Lecture 3: How to fix the design and functionalities?
Chapter 7: Google Sketchup Lessons
Lecture 1: Google Sketchup introduction
Lecture 2: Starting up with Google Sketchup
Lecture 3: Get Familiar with the Google Sketchup Workspace
Lecture 4: Design your First home | Tools and tricks
Lecture 5: 3D Design Zimo – our BOX Robot
Chapter 8: Autodesk FUSION 360 & Working in Fritzing
Lecture 1: Autodesk Fusion 360 Introduction
Lecture 2: Get familiar with Fusion 360 Workspace
Lecture 3: Skippy Fusion 360 Design
Lecture 4: Zimo Design Sneak Peak – Fusion 360
Lecture 5: Creating the ZIMO Design using Fusion 360
Lecture 6: How to download Fritzing Software?
Lecture 7: Fritzing – Electronics Prototyping first look
Lecture 8: Skippy Schematics Explanation
Lecture 9: Components Connection Fritzing explanation
Chapter 9: Funds for your venture | Product prototypes | Marketing and Selling
Lecture 1: Where to get Funds from?
Lecture 2: What are Product Prototypes?
Lecture 3: How to market and sell your product?
Chapter 10: Our First practical Robot | Skippy | Obstacle Avoidance Robot
Lecture 1: Let's Build our First Robot!
Chapter 11: Programming our Robot
Lecture 1: How to install Arduino IDE ?
Lecture 2: Arduino IDE first look
Lecture 3: Your first program – Blink explanation
Lecture 4: Our Program explained for Obstacle Avoidance Robot
Lecture 5: Ultrasonic Sensor – Programming and Testing
Lecture 6: Arduino Blink LED Connection explanation
Lecture 7: ROS Introduction
Chapter 12: Electronics Hands On
Lecture 1: Introduction to Digital Multimemeter
Lecture 2: What is Soldering ?
Lecture 3: Components needed to solder
Lecture 4: Basics of PCB and Examples
Mahadi Hasan Meem
Electrical and Electronics Engineer, CTO at Adama Robotics
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 15 votes
- 4 stars: 25 votes
- 5 stars: 20 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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