Japanese Foundation Course : Grammar, Speaking, Vocabulary
Japanese Foundation Course : Grammar, Speaking, Vocabulary, available at $199.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 61 lectures, based on 10 reviews, and has 17 subscribers.
You will learn about Introduce yourself, family members, and friends build basic sentences in Japanese ( I do ~, I will do ~, I did ~, I want to ~ and MORE! ) Tell and ask for time Tell the location of things and people, including directions Talk about your daily activities, plans and memories nvite someone to do things together and making plans Express your needs and wants in various situations Use Particles (は、も、の、を、に、で、と、か) Speak 100 Essential survival phrases like a native speaker Master ALL 130 Essential Verbs You Must Know (JLPT N5 level) Complete 70 Kanji characters used for verbs in Japanese This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is designed for learners who… or Have learned Hiragana and Katakana and basic phrases, but don’t know what to do next or Are still struggling with speaking Japanese despite studying for JLPT N5 or Are having a lack of confidence when it comes to speaking Japanese It is particularly useful for This course is designed for learners who… or Have learned Hiragana and Katakana and basic phrases, but don’t know what to do next or Are still struggling with speaking Japanese despite studying for JLPT N5 or Are having a lack of confidence when it comes to speaking Japanese.
Enroll now: Japanese Foundation Course : Grammar, Speaking, Vocabulary
Title: Japanese Foundation Course : Grammar, Speaking, Vocabulary
Price: $199.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 61
Number of Published Lectures: 61
Number of Curriculum Items: 61
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 61
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Introduce yourself, family members, and friends
- build basic sentences in Japanese ( I do ~, I will do ~, I did ~, I want to ~ and MORE! )
- Tell and ask for time
- Tell the location of things and people, including directions
- Talk about your daily activities, plans and memories
- nvite someone to do things together and making plans
- Express your needs and wants in various situations
- Use Particles (は、も、の、を、に、で、と、か)
- Speak 100 Essential survival phrases like a native speaker
- Master ALL 130 Essential Verbs You Must Know (JLPT N5 level)
- Complete 70 Kanji characters used for verbs in Japanese
Who Should Attend
- This course is designed for learners who…
- Have learned Hiragana and Katakana and basic phrases, but don’t know what to do next
- Are still struggling with speaking Japanese despite studying for JLPT N5
- Are having a lack of confidence when it comes to speaking Japanese
Target Audiences
- This course is designed for learners who…
- Have learned Hiragana and Katakana and basic phrases, but don’t know what to do next
- Are still struggling with speaking Japanese despite studying for JLPT N5
- Are having a lack of confidence when it comes to speaking Japanese
You will be able to..
Introduce yourself, family members, and friends
build basic sentences in Japanese ( I do ~, I will do ~, I did ~, I want to ~ and MORE! )
Tell and ask for time
Tell the location of things and people, including directions
Talk about your daily activities, plans and memories
Invite someone to do things together and making plans
Express your needs and wants in various situations
Use Particles (は、も、の、を、に、で、と、か)
Speak 100 Essential survival phrases like a native speaker
Master ALL 130 Essential Verbs You Must Know (JLPT N5 level)
Complete 70 Kanji characters used for verbs in Japanese
This course covers a broad range of topics that are essential for beginners to learn in order to communicate effectively in Japanese.
This course is perfect for those who have learned Hiragana and Katakana and basic phrases, but are feeling lost and unsure of what to do next.
Are you ready to take your Japanese language skills to the next level?
With this course, you will not only learn grammar but also practice creating various sentences. You will quickly learn useful phrases and vocabulary that you can use in everyday conversation. If you find it challenging to converse in basic Japanese, this course is perfect for you, as it will surely boost your Japanese language proficiency.
By the end of this course, you will be able to introduce yourself, describe your family members and friends, talk about your daily activities and plans, ask and tell time, give directions, and express your needs and wants in different situations like a native speaker. You will master all the essential verbs you need to know at the JLPT N5 level and learn 70 kanji characters used for verbs in Japanese.
Most importantly, you will improve your speaking skills, leading to a bright future filled with endless possibilities. Don’t miss this opportunity to take your Japanese language skills to the next level!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Section1
Lecture 1: Welcome to the Ultimate Japanese Language Learning Journey with Ninjapanese!
Lecture 2: Lesson 0 :New Vocabulary – Section1
Lecture 3: Lesson 1:わたしは [noun] です。
Lecture 4: Lesson 2:わたしは [noun] じゃないです。
Lecture 5: Lesson 3:___さんは [noun] ですか。
Lecture 6: Lesson 4:このひとは だれですか。
Lecture 7: Lesson 5:___さんも [noun] です。
Lecture 8: Lesson 6:___さんは なんさいですか。
Chapter 2: Section2
Lecture 1: Lesson 0 :New Vocabulary – Section2
Lecture 2: Lesson 1:これは [noun] です。
Lecture 3: Lesson 2:これは なんですか。
Lecture 4: Lesson 3:それは なんの [noun] ですか。
Lecture 5: Lesson 4:これは [person] の [noun] です。
Lecture 6: Lesson 5:これは だれの [noun] ですか。
Lecture 7: Lesson 6:この [noun] はだれのですか。
Chapter 3: Section3
Lecture 1: Lesson 0 :New Vocabulary – Section3
Lecture 2: Lesson 1: ここ/そこ/あそこ は [noun] です。
Lecture 3: Lesson 2: [noun] は [place] です。/ [noun] は [どこ] ですか?
Lecture 4: Lesson 3: [noun] は こちら/そちら/あちら です。
Lecture 5: Lesson 4:[country] / [company] の [noun] です。
Lecture 6: Lesson 5:[noun] は [price] です。
Chapter 4: Section4
Lecture 1: Lesson 0 :New Vocabulary – Section4
Lecture 2: Lesson 1:いま、なん時 ですか。/ ○時○分です。
Lecture 3: Lesson 2:きょうは ___ようびです。
Lecture 4: Lesson 3:[place] は [time] から [time] までです。
Lecture 5: Lesson 4: [time] に おきます / ねます / Vます。
Lecture 6: Lesson 5: [time] から [time] まで Vます。
Lecture 7: Lesson 6:Verb – Future・Present form
Lecture 8: Lesson 7:Verb – Past form
Chapter 5: Section5
Lecture 1: Lesson 0 :New Vocabulary – Section5
Lecture 2: Lesson 1:[place] に いきます/かえります/きます。
Lecture 3: Lesson 2:[vehicle] で [place]に いきます。
Lecture 4: Lesson 3: [person] と [place]に いきます。
Lecture 5: Lesson 4: [date] に [place]に いきます。
Chapter 6: Section6
Lecture 1: Lesson 0 :New Vocabulary – Section6
Lecture 2: Vocabulary:JLPT N5 Verb1/ Verb2
Lecture 3: Lesson 1:(わたしは)[noun]を Vます。
Lecture 4: Lesson 2:[noun]を Vますか。/ なにを Vますか。
Lecture 5: Lesson 3:(わたしは)[noun]を Vました。
Lecture 6: Lesson 4:[noun]を Vましたか。/ なにを Vましたか。
Lecture 7: Lesson 5:[place] で Vます。/ Vました。
Lecture 8: Lesson 6:なにをしますか。/ しましたか。
Lecture 9: Verbs part1
Lecture 10: Verbs part2
Chapter 7: Section7
Lecture 1: Lesson 0 :New Vocabulary – Section7
Lecture 2: Lesson 1: [noun] で 〜Vます。
Lecture 3: Lesson 2:これは にほんごで なんですか?
Lecture 4: Lesson 3:[A]は [B]に [thing]を あげます / もらいます。
Lecture 5: Lesson 4:[A]は [B]に [thing]を かします/ かります/ おしえます / ならいます。
Lecture 6: Lesson 5 :[verb] ましょう!
Lecture 7: Lesson 6:いっしょに [verb]ませんか?
Chapter 8: Section 8
Lecture 1: Lesson 1: [noun] が ほしい です。
Lecture 2: Lesson 2: [verb] たいです。
Lecture 3: Lesson 3: [verb] たくないです。
Lecture 4: Lesson 4:どこ/ だれ/ なに [verb]たいですか。
Chapter 9: Speak 150 Essential survival phrases like a native speaker !
Lecture 1: Survival phrases:1~50
Lecture 2: Survival phrases:51~100
Lecture 3: Survival phrases:101~150
Lecture 4: 150 Essential survival phrases
Chapter 10: Complete 70 Kanji characters used for verbs in Japanese
Lecture 1: 70 Kanji Worksheet – Verbs
Lecture 2: Complete 70 Kanji characters used for verbs in Japanese
Sensei Ninja
Qualified Japanese teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 0 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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