Japanese language course: MISJ NOVICE PROGRAM LEVEL 3
Japanese language course: MISJ NOVICE PROGRAM LEVEL 3, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.83, with 216 lectures, based on 6 reviews, and has 283 subscribers.
You will learn about ・New topics of grammar include the ADJECTIVE sentence patterns for comparing things, counting suffixes, ABILITY VERBs, 「ないFORM」and「ないFORM」& 「てFOMR」based express ・New conversational topics are; how to compare things, talk about ability and possibility, decision making, ask for permissions, talk about or confirm duties an ・About 45 new かんじ (about 115 in total) ・Japanese culture This course is ideal for individuals who are ・People who have finished learning the MISJ NOVICE PROGRAM LEVEL 2 up to about 80% or ・People who can read 「ひらがな」and「カタカナ」and some かんじ or ・People who learned with the popular textbooks such as 「みんなの にほんご」and “Japanese for busy people,” and still have difficulties in speech and writing. or ・People who are puzzled with the Japanese grammar, VERB conjugation, various form-based VERBs & expressions, and need explanations or a better way to learn. or ・People who want to review the basic grammar and expressions quickly concerning ADJECTIVEs and VERBs in「てFORM」&「ないFORM」necessary to pass JALP N5 and N4. It is particularly useful for ・People who have finished learning the MISJ NOVICE PROGRAM LEVEL 2 up to about 80% or ・People who can read 「ひらがな」and「カタカナ」and some かんじ or ・People who learned with the popular textbooks such as 「みんなの にほんご」and “Japanese for busy people,” and still have difficulties in speech and writing. or ・People who are puzzled with the Japanese grammar, VERB conjugation, various form-based VERBs & expressions, and need explanations or a better way to learn. or ・People who want to review the basic grammar and expressions quickly concerning ADJECTIVEs and VERBs in「てFORM」&「ないFORM」necessary to pass JALP N5 and N4.
Enroll now: Japanese language course: MISJ NOVICE PROGRAM LEVEL 3
Title: Japanese language course: MISJ NOVICE PROGRAM LEVEL 3
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.83
Number of Lectures: 216
Number of Published Lectures: 216
Number of Curriculum Items: 216
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 216
Original Price: $49.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- ・New topics of grammar include the ADJECTIVE sentence patterns for comparing things, counting suffixes, ABILITY VERBs, 「ないFORM」and「ないFORM」& 「てFOMR」based express
- ・New conversational topics are; how to compare things, talk about ability and possibility, decision making, ask for permissions, talk about or confirm duties an
- ・About 45 new かんじ (about 115 in total)
- ・Japanese culture
Who Should Attend
- ・People who have finished learning the MISJ NOVICE PROGRAM LEVEL 2 up to about 80%
- ・People who can read 「ひらがな」and「カタカナ」and some かんじ
- ・People who learned with the popular textbooks such as 「みんなの にほんご」and “Japanese for busy people,” and still have difficulties in speech and writing.
- ・People who are puzzled with the Japanese grammar, VERB conjugation, various form-based VERBs & expressions, and need explanations or a better way to learn.
- ・People who want to review the basic grammar and expressions quickly concerning ADJECTIVEs and VERBs in「てFORM」&「ないFORM」necessary to pass JALP N5 and N4.
Target Audiences
- ・People who have finished learning the MISJ NOVICE PROGRAM LEVEL 2 up to about 80%
- ・People who can read 「ひらがな」and「カタカナ」and some かんじ
- ・People who learned with the popular textbooks such as 「みんなの にほんご」and “Japanese for busy people,” and still have difficulties in speech and writing.
- ・People who are puzzled with the Japanese grammar, VERB conjugation, various form-based VERBs & expressions, and need explanations or a better way to learn.
- ・People who want to review the basic grammar and expressions quickly concerning ADJECTIVEs and VERBs in「てFORM」&「ないFORM」necessary to pass JALP N5 and N4.
This is the third of four levels of the MISJ NOVICE PROGRAM, the most suitable course for those who have finished MISJ NOVICE PROGRAM LEVEL 2.
The main purpose of this course is to let students completely master 「てFORM」and 「ないFORM」 making rules. To achieve the goal, you will learn many practical expressions based on 「てFORM」 and 「ないFORM」. This is the course to make a solid foundation for future study, NOVICE PROGRAM LEVEL 4, the final level.
Even if you are new to MISJ, if you are sure about: 1. how to choose particles appropriately in making VERB sentences, 2. how to make 「てFORM」 based VERBs such as 「Vてみる」 and 「Vておく」, 3. how to use 「てFORM」 based expressions such as 「Vてください」, this is the right course to start with.
You can download the review materials such as review sheets, lists of patterns & extra vocabulary, one reading material, and the audio material corresponding to the reading material at the end of each lesson. In the future, smartphone Apr. will also be provided.
Suppose you are not confident in particle usages, making Japanese sentences, and handling them in conversations. In that case, I recommend that you start your brush-up study with the MISJ WELCOME PROGRAM SECTION 2.
If you are confident in particle usages but not at all confident in making and using 「てFORM」 based expressions, I recommend that you start your brush-up study with the MISJ NOVICE PROGRAM LEVEL 2.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Lesson 18
Lecture 1: Introduction of the MISJ NOVICE PROGRAM LEVEL 3
Lecture 2: Introduction of Lesson 18 & カタカナの ふくしゅう
Lecture 3: けいようし(ADJECTIVE)の ふくしゅう:BCP (Bottom Changing Pattern)
Lecture 4: :How to modify NOUNs(めいし)
Lecture 5: :Asking "Which"
Lecture 6: :ふくし(ADVERB)
Lecture 7: :けいようしの ひょうげん (ADJECTIVE-based expression)
Lecture 8: :How to modify VERBs(どうし)
Lecture 9: :Looks, smells, sounds ADJ & Measurement vocabulary
Lecture 10: Comparing two things (2つのものを ひかくする)(1)
Lecture 11: あたらしい かんじ (1)
Lecture 12: 2つのものを ひかくする/くらべる (2)
Lecture 13: あたらしい かんじ (2)
Lecture 14: 2つのものを くらべる (3):Q&A
Lecture 15: 会話(かいわ):Conversation
Lecture 16: 2つのものを くらべる (4):by far
Lecture 17: 会話(かいわ)
Lecture 18: 2つのものを くらべる (5):a little
Lecture 19: 会話(かいわ)
Lecture 20: 2つのものを くらべる (6):both
Lecture 21: 会話(かいわ)
Lecture 22: まとめ:ADVERBs (ふくし)
Lecture 23: Comparing more than two things(3ついじょうの ものを くらべる)(1):どれが?/どのNOUNか?
Lecture 24: 3ついじょうの ものを くらべる (2):だれが?
Lecture 25: 会話(かいわ)
Lecture 26: 3ついじょうの ものを くらべる (3):なにが?/この中では?/ぜんぶ (all)
Lecture 27: 3ついじょうの ものを くらべる (4):いつが?
Lecture 28: 3ついじょうの ものを くらべる (5):どこが?
Lecture 29: Comparing situations:ADJECTIVEs(けいようし)
Lecture 30: Comparing actions:VERBs(どうし)
Lecture 31: せんせいの はなしを きく:Dictation
Lecture 32: Lesson 18の まとめ (summary) & Review materials
Chapter 2: Lesson 19
Lecture 1: Introduction of Lesson 19 & カタカナの ふくしゅう
Lecture 2: Counting things:もの(1~10)
Lecture 3: :ちいさいもの(1~)
Lecture 4: Counting actions:How to pray at Shrines
Lecture 5: Counting floors:Conversation in the elevator
Lecture 6: Counting houses:いえ
Lecture 7: まとめ:Counting suffixes start with [ka] line syllables「こ」「かい」「けん」
Lecture 8: Counting people:人(ひと) (1)
Lecture 9: 会話(かいわ):かぞくに ついて
Lecture 10: 会話(かいわ):レストランの よやく(reservation)
Lecture 11: Counting ages:とし/ねんれい
Lecture 12: 会話(かいわ):じぶんと かぞく(INSIDERs)の ねんれい
Lecture 13: Counting books, notebooks, etc. : 本やノートなど
Lecture 14: まとめ:Counting suffixes start with [sa] line syllables「さい」「さつ」
Lecture 15: Counting people:人(ひと)(2)
Lecture 16: Counting thin and flat things
Lecture 17: まとめ:Counting suffixes start with [ma] line syllables 「めい」「まい」
Lecture 18: Counting money:お金(おかね)
Lecture 19: How to use the PARTICLE「で」:「で」の つかい方(かた)
Lecture 20: Counting thin and long things
Lecture 21: Counting small animals:小さい(ちいさい) どうぶつ
Lecture 22: Counting containers with drinks
Lecture 23: まとめ:Counting suffixes start with [ha] line syllables「ほん」「ひき」「はい」
Lecture 24: Counting scores:せいせき
Lecture 25: Counting big animals:大きい(おおきい)どうぶつ
Lecture 26: まとめ:Counting suffixes start with [ta] line syllables「てん」「とう」
Lecture 27: Counting birds:とり
Lecture 28: Counting machines:きかい
Lecture 29: まとめ:Introduced counting suffixes
Lecture 30: あたらしい かんじ
Lecture 31: A little, a little more, another one
Lecture 32: NUMBER more, NUMBER each
Lecture 33: So many/much, only, not even one
Lecture 34: Lesson 19の まとめ (summary) & Review materials
Chapter 3: Lesson 20
Lecture 1: Introduction of Lesson 20 & カタカナの ふくしゅう
Lecture 2: あたらしい「ますFORM」の ひょうげん(expression):begin to do ~
Lecture 3: ふくしゅう (review):NOUNが できる、V(DIC FORM)ことが できる
Lecture 4: ABILITY VERBs (AV)の つくりかた:TYPE (a) の どうし(VERB)
Lecture 5: あたらしい かんじ (1)
Lecture 6: れんしゅう(practice):TYPE (a)の どうし(VERB)⇒AV
Lecture 7: :アクセント(accent)
Lecture 8: :TYPE (b)の どうし(VERB)
Lecture 9: あたらしい かんじ (2)
Lecture 10: れんしゅう(practice):TYPE (b)の どうし(VERB)⇒AV
Lecture 11: :アクセント (accent)
Lecture 12: :TYPE (c)の どうし(VERB)
Lecture 13: ルール(rule)の まとめと れんしゅう:DICTIONARY FORM⇒AV
Lecture 14: Culture:the phenomena happen recently
Lecture 15: Sentence making & 会話(かいわ)
Lecture 16: Listening comprehension:せんせいの はなしを 聞く(きく)
Lecture 17: Talking about possibilities
Lecture 18: 会話(かいわ):おきる/ねる
Lecture 19: とくべつ(special)な AV:みえる(can see)
Lecture 20: 会話(かいわ):みえる
Lecture 21: とくべつ(special)な AV:きこえる(can hear)
Lecture 22: Talking about laws
Lecture 23: が→は:Contrasting / が→も:Also
Lecture 24: VERBs you cannot make AVs
Lecture 25: Stating reasons:イADJECTIVEを つかって
Lecture 26: :ナADJECTIVEとNOUNを つかって
Lecture 27: Become able to do ~ & ADVERBs
Lecture 28: まとめ:「できる」の つかいかた
Lecture 29: New CONJUNCTIONS (Extra study)
Lecture 30: まとめ(summary) & Review materials
Chapter 4: Lesson 21
Mikiko Iwasaki
Japanese language education & teacher training 日本語教育
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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