kids first steps in English
kids first steps in English, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 126 lectures, based on 86 reviews, and has 17947 subscribers.
You will learn about English letters simple conversations Handwriting phonatics flashcards This course is ideal for individuals who are for parents who want to help their kids in their learning or parents who want to improve their kids skills in english It is particularly useful for for parents who want to help their kids in their learning or parents who want to improve their kids skills in english.
Enroll now: kids first steps in English
Title: kids first steps in English
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 126
Number of Published Lectures: 125
Number of Curriculum Items: 126
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 125
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- English letters
- simple conversations
- Handwriting
- phonatics
- flashcards
Who Should Attend
- for parents who want to help their kids in their learning
- parents who want to improve their kids skills in english
Target Audiences
- for parents who want to help their kids in their learning
- parents who want to improve their kids skills in english
Dear parents
as parents teachers we are responsible for improving our kids skills
there is no doubt that the preschoolis the most significant and enriched education stage
it occupies an important position across education
meanwhile it constitute the solid basis of all other stages
as well as the bridge through which children pass from limitted world of house to preschool atmosphere
including subjects,programmes and social relationships
preschool should satisfy different needs of children including mental,social ,linguistics,all in interesting way
It is pleasure to introduce the first level of very easy English
in simple way my aim is to develop listening speaking reading and writing skills for the children
in this first level
I introduce letters to kids
letters flash cards
practice writing letters
simple conversations
what is your name ?my name is——
let us go to the zoo
My body let us play a game
touch your nose
touch your hair
touch your eyes
touch your ears
In my class
In class I find chairs Desk Board pen pencil
pencil cases compass calculators
In class teacher says stand up sit down
open your book close your book
open your bag close your bag
principles of hand writing with worksheets to practice writing
simple phonetics
how can we pronounce letters game letters
preschool phonic CA sound
preschool phonic o sound
preschool phonic xyz sound
preschool phonic QK sound
preschool phonic KL sound
preschool phonic Au sound
preschool phonic B sound
preschool phonic E L sound
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: introduction
Lecture 3: English alphabet
Lecture 4: Numbers from1-10
Lecture 5: numbers from 10 to 20
Lecture 6: numbers from 20 to 30
Lecture 7: numbers 30 to 100
Lecture 8: examples numbers 20 to 99
Lecture 9: numbers 100 to 1000
Lecture 10: Days of the week
Lecture 11: Months of the year
Lecture 12: Telling time
Chapter 2: Grammar
Lecture 1: what is grammar?
Lecture 2: sentence
Lecture 3: Sentence
Lecture 4: parts of speeh
Lecture 5: subject predicate
Lecture 6: verb to be
Lecture 7: verb to have
Lecture 8: Nouns
Lecture 9: Nouns
Lecture 10: Nouns
Lecture 11: pronoun
Lecture 12: question words
Chapter 3: punctuation
Lecture 1: what is punctuation
Lecture 2: possessives overview
Lecture 3: possessives examples
Chapter 4: conversations
Lecture 1: what is your name
Lecture 2: what do you want to be song
Lecture 3: what you want to be in the future
Lecture 4: what is your name?
Lecture 5: exercise rearrange the words your is what name?
Lecture 6: exercise rearrange the sentence
Lecture 7: what is your favorite food
Lecture 8: let us visit the zoo
Lecture 9: Tell me what is this?
Lecture 10: My body let us play agame touch your ears
Lecture 11: exercise rearrange the sentence
Lecture 12: match the words with the pictures
Lecture 13: In my class
Lecture 14: Hold on your jacket
Chapter 5: vocaularies
Lecture 1: week one
Lecture 2: vocabularies week two
Lecture 3: week 3
Lecture 4: week 4
Lecture 5: week 5
Lecture 6: A apple
Lecture 7: B Bear
Lecture 8: C Cat
Lecture 9: D Dog
Lecture 10: E Egg
Lecture 11: F Fish
Lecture 12: H hand
Lecture 13: letters flash cards
Lecture 14: cute animals flash cards
Lecture 15: food flash cards
Lecture 16: Do you know seasons of the year
Lecture 17: circus flash cards
Lecture 18: what is your favorite color?
Lecture 19: Body parts
Chapter 6: Hand writing
Lecture 1: trace and write A a
Lecture 2: colour and trace letters
Lecture 3: writing letters in 4 lines
Lecture 4: how can we write B capital and B small
Lecture 5: how can we write H capital h small
Lecture 6: hand writing c capital
Lecture 7: hand writing O capital o small
Lecture 8: c small
Lecture 9: hand writing how can we write D and G
Lecture 10: han writing how can we write J and V
Lecture 11: hand writing how to write A and S
Lecture 12: hand writng how to write m and w
Lecture 13: hand writing how can we write f and s
Lecture 14: hand writing how to write E and L
Lecture 15: hand writing how to write K and Q
Lecture 16: hand writing how can we write XYZ
Lecture 17: write the missing letters
Lecture 18: Hand writing write and trace letters
Lecture 19: tracing coloring and writing English letters on guided lines
Lecture 20: write the suitable word describe the picture
Chapter 7: preschool phonic
Lecture 1: what is phonics how we teach it?
Lecture 2: preschool phonics letters games
Lecture 3: preschool phonic how to pronounce letter B
Lecture 4: z n sound
Lecture 5: difference between A and E sound
Lecture 6: preschool phonic CA sound O sound
Lecture 7: preschool phonics XYZ
Chapter 8: Habits and hobbies
Lecture 1: let us wash our hands let us wash our face
Lecture 2: let us play music
Lecture 3: let us play music piano guitar fluit drum
Lecture 4: let us go to the circus
Lecture 5: let us create and share our ideas
Mohamed AL ashram
Author instructor full time content creator
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 11 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 11 votes
- 4 stars: 24 votes
- 5 stars: 38 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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