Learn Chinese HSK 3 Intensive Reading Course H31001
Learn Chinese HSK 3 Intensive Reading Course H31001, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 69 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 87 reviews, and has 2060 subscribers.
You will learn about Can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in their daily, academic and professional lives. They can manage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China Be able to pass the HSK 3 (Level 3) Master basic 600 Vocabulary This course is ideal for individuals who are Non-native Chinese learner or Beginners who want take Mandarin Chinese seriously a language or For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese Intermediate learner or For IB Chinese, SAT Chinese, AP Chinese Intermediate learner It is particularly useful for Non-native Chinese learner or Beginners who want take Mandarin Chinese seriously a language or For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese Intermediate learner or For IB Chinese, SAT Chinese, AP Chinese Intermediate learner.
Enroll now: Learn Chinese HSK 3 Intensive Reading Course H31001
Title: Learn Chinese HSK 3 Intensive Reading Course H31001
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 69
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 69
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 71
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 71
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in their daily, academic and professional lives.
- They can manage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China
- Be able to pass the HSK 3 (Level 3)
- Master basic 600 Vocabulary
Who Should Attend
- Non-native Chinese learner
- Beginners who want take Mandarin Chinese seriously a language
- For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese Intermediate learner
- For IB Chinese, SAT Chinese, AP Chinese Intermediate learner
Target Audiences
- Non-native Chinese learner
- Beginners who want take Mandarin Chinese seriously a language
- For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese Intermediate learner
- For IB Chinese, SAT Chinese, AP Chinese Intermediate learner
July 02 2021 Announcement:
2021 Updates, View more amazing courses and Publications
We made the latest updates in the following Lectures:
Lecture 3: this is FREE for all. For FULL PDF books for this course, please buy this courses. If you are registered student in this course, you can download it at Lecture 7, You can download and do revision anytime, anywhere, online or offline.
Lecture 7: Resource: Downloadable materials
We added PDF books for this course. You can download and do revision anytime, anywhere, online or offline. This is only for registered students.
Dear All:
There are few improvements based the feedbacks and my experience.
1. PDF past paper and Audio file just uploaded, you can download to practice as the real exam.
2. The Practice Test are just done. You can do many time you can.
3. More HSK Intensive course are coming, under preparation now. It is tough for me. I hope few more different sets will cover more topics and help you master Chinese better. Meanwhile, the Version 2018 has the following improvements:
More detail explanations,
Origin of Chinese Characters
Chinese Radicals
More Pictures
PDF Vocabulary list
More Practice
More Test and Quiz
As an instructor, I want to share the best I know and what I know best. Please give good ranking to encourage instructors. Cheers to others are blessing to you also. Thanks. (November 07, 2018 )
The new HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) is an international standardized exam that tests and rates Chinese language proficiency. Chinese Language Proficiency (HSK), which is organized by Chinese government for foreigners. It assesses non-native Chinese speakers’ abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK consists of six levels, namely the HSK (level I), HSK (level II), HSK (level III), HSK (level IV), HSK (level V), and HSK (level VI).
II. Test Levels
New HSK Vocabulary
HSK (Level I) 150
HSK (Level II) 300
HSK (Level III) 600
HSK (Level IV) 1200
HSK (Level V) 2500
HSK (Level VI) Over 5,000
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level I) can understand and use very simple Chinese words and phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further their Chinese language studies.
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level II) have an excellent grasp of basic Chinese and can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level III) can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in their daily, academic and professional lives. They can manage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China.
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level IV) can converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers.
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level V) can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays, and give a full-length speech in Chinese.
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level VI) can easily comprehend written and spoken information in Chinese and can effectively express themselves in Chinese, both orally and on paper.
The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF), GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows:
The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF),
GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows:
GCSE Chinese / IGCSE Chinese = HSK (Level 4) 1200 Vocabulary
A1 A2 Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500
IB Chinese (SL) HSK (Level 5) 2500
AP Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500
SAT Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500
A Level Chinese HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000
IB Chinese (HL) HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: 2021 Updates, View more amazing courses and Publications
Lecture 1: How to Use of Classified Chinese Vocabulary & Download PDF Book Now
Lecture 2: HSK Level Classification Vs Oversea Chinese Examinations CLPS CEF GCSE AP SAT
Chapter 2: Listening Part 1
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: HSK 3 H31001 L1 Q00 Sample Lesson 请问张经理在吗
Lecture 3: HSK 3 H31001 L1 Q01 你有什么急事吗 Do you have anything urgent
Lecture 4: HSK 3 H31001 L1 Q02 穿哪双鞋好 Which shoes should I wear?
Lecture 5: HSK 3 H31001 L1 Q03 我每天都骑自行车上下班 I ride my bike to go to work every day
Lecture 6: HSK 3 H31001 L1 Q04 真的不需要吃药 Really no need to take medicine
Lecture 7: HSK 3 H31001 L1 Q05 已经解决问题了Has solved the problem
Lecture 8: HSK 3 H31001 L1 Q06 可以让他不哭吗 Can stop him crying
Lecture 9: HSK 3 H31001 L1 Q07 电子词典的作用大不大 The electronic dictionaries is not useful
Lecture 10: HSK 3 H31001 L1 Q08 准备好去野餐 Ready for Picnic
Lecture 11: HSK 3 H31001 L1 Q09 我做饭 你洗碗 I prefer cooking than washing dish
Lecture 12: HSK 3 H31001 L1 Q10 你想看什么节目 What's your favourite programme
Chapter 3: Listening Part 2
Lecture 1: HSK 3 H31001 L2 Q00a 为了让自己更健康 For your own health
Lecture 2: HSK 3 H31001 L2 Q00b 我的手表不走了My watch stopped
Lecture 3: HSK 3 H31001 L2 Q11 北京话和普通话 Beijing Dialects and Mandarin
Lecture 4: HSK 3 H31001 L2 Q12 你明天到办公室找我 You go to meet me in my office tomorrow
Lecture 5: HSK 3 H31001 L2 Q13 你们等我一会儿 You wait a moment for me
Lecture 6: HSK 3 H31001 L2 Q14 这辆车现在能卖十万块钱 This car can now sell for a hundred thousand dol
Lecture 7: HSK 3 H31001 L2 Q15 小孩子爱吃蛋糕 Kids love to eat cake
Lecture 8: HSK 3 H31001 L2 Q16 这次来北京只能住三天 This trip to Beijing is only for three days
Lecture 9: HSK 3 H31001 L2 Q17 周明坐火车时喜欢看报纸 He likes to read a newspaper while sitting on a
Lecture 10: HSK 3 H31001 L2 Q18 他有很多爱好 He has a lot of hobbies
Lecture 11: HSK 3 H31001 L2 Q19 到办公室的第一件事 The first thing to do when come to the office
Lecture 12: HSK 3 H31001 L2 Q20 这种颜色的手机怎么样 How about this color of the hand phone
Chapter 4: Listening Part 3
Lecture 1: HSK 3 H31001 L3 Q00 帮我开一下门 Help me open the door
Lecture 2: HSK 3 H31001 L3 Q21 现在好些了吗 Are you better now
Lecture 3: HSK 3 H31001 L3 Q22 我房间里的灯坏了 The light in my room is broken
Lecture 4: HSK 3 H31001 L3 Q23 动物园今天怎么这么安静 How the zoo is so quiet today
Lecture 5: HSK 3 H31001 L3 Q24 又下雪了 It snowed again
Lecture 6: HSK 3 H31001 L3 Q25 我在书店门口等你 I will wait for you at the bookstore entrance
Lecture 7: HSK 3 H31001 L3 Q26 您是教历史的吗 Are you teaching history
Lecture 8: HSK 3 H31001 L3 Q27 我喜欢看足球比赛 I like to watch football matches
Lecture 9: HSK 3 H31001 L3 Q28 买个新的冰箱吧 Buy a new refrigerator
Lecture 10: HSK 3 H31001 L3 Q29 上山容易下山难 Uphill easy downhill difficult
Lecture 11: HSK 3 H31001 L3 Q30 老地方见 See you at the old place
Chapter 5: Listening Part 4
Lecture 1: HSK 3 H31001 L4 Q00 准备吃饭了 Ready to eat
Lecture 2: HSK 3 H31001 L4 Q31 北方的秋天常刮风 Autumn in the north often winds
Lecture 3: HSK 3 H31001 L4 Q32 准备了几双筷子 Prepare two extra pairs of chopsticks
Lecture 4: HSK 3 H31001 L4 Q33 我帮您拿行李吧 Let me help you to take your luggage
Lecture 5: HSK 3 H31001 L4 Q34 明天天气怎么样 How is the weather tomorrow
Lecture 6: HSK 3 H31001 L4 Q35 那个女孩儿是谁的孩子 Whose child is that girl
Lecture 7: HSK 3 H31001 L4 Q36 现在天短了 Now days are short
Lecture 8: HSK 3 H31001 L4 Q37 表演什么时候开始 When does the show begin
Lecture 9: HSK 3 H31001 L4 Q38 听说你要去国外读书 I heard that you are going to study abroad
Lecture 10: HSK 3 H31001 L4 Q39 护照是在哪儿 Where is the passport
Lecture 11: HSK 3 H31001 L4 Q40 刚才你在忙什么呢 What are you doing now
Chapter 6: Reading Part 1
Lecture 1: HSK 3 H31001 R1 Q41-45 句子配对 Sentence pairing Part 1
Lecture 2: HSK 3 H31001 R1 Q41-45 句子配对 Sentence pairing Part 2
Lecture 3: HSK 3 H31001 R1 Q46-50 句子配对 Sentence pairing
Chapter 7: Reading Part 2
Lecture 1: HSK 3 H31001 R2 Q51-55 选词填空 Fill the Phrase into blank Part 1
Lecture 2: HSK 3 H31001 R2 Q51-55 选词填空 Fill the Phrase into blank Part 2
Lecture 3: HSK 3 H31001 R2 Q56-60 选词填空 Fill the Phrase into blank Part 1
Lecture 4: HSK 3 H31001 R2 Q56-60 选词填空 Fill the Phrase into blank Part 2
Chapter 8: Reading Part 3
Lecture 1: HSK 3 H31001 R3 Q00 您是来参加今天会议的吗 Did you come to the meeting today
Lecture 2: HSK 3 H31001 R3 Q61 今天工作不努力 明天努力找工作 Today does not work hard, go to find a job h
Lecture 3: HSK 3 H31001 R3 Q62 把黑板上的这些词写在本子上 Write these words on the blackboard in the boo
Lecture 4: HSK 3 H31001 R3 Q63 我对这儿很满意 I am very happy with this place
Lecture 5: HSK 3 H31001 R3 Q64 昨天晚上睡得太晚 Sleeping too late last night
Lecture 6: HSK 3 H31001 R3 Q65 我几乎不认识上海了 I almost do not know Shanghai
Lecture 7: HSK 3 H31001 R3 Q66 世界真的很小 The world is really small
Lecture 8: HSK 3 H31001 R3 Q67 路上遇到一个老同学 Encounter an old classmate on the road
Lecture 9: HSK 3 H31001 R3 Q68 刘老师课讲得很好 Teacher Liu made a very good lecture
Lecture 10: HSK 3 H31001 R3 Q69 家里需要买什么 What to buy for home
Lecture 11: HSK 3 H31001 R3 Q70 我长得像谁 Who do I look like
Chapter 9: Writing
Lecture 1: HSK 3 H31001 W1 Q71-75 词句重组 Reorganize the words into sentence
Lecture 2: HSK 3 H31001 W2 Q76-80 根据拼音写词填空 Fill in the blanks according to Pinyin
Chapter 10: Past Papers Practice Test (H31001 )
Lecture 1: Download PDF past paper and Audio file to practice as the real exam
David Yao
founder of Educational Video Courses Online & LEGOO Mandarin
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 10 votes
- 4 stars: 23 votes
- 5 stars: 52 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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