Learn Chinese HSK 4 Intensive Reading Course H41001
Learn Chinese HSK 4 Intensive Reading Course H41001, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.05, with 85 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 116 reviews, and has 6969 subscribers.
You will learn about can converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers. Be able to pass the HSK 4 (Level 4) Master basic 1200 Vocabulary This course is ideal for individuals who are Non-native Chinese learner or Intermediate who want take Mandarin Chinese seriously a language or Perfect For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese learner or Perfect For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese exmination takers or Perfect For IB Chinese, SAT Chinese, AP Chinese Intermediate learner It is particularly useful for Non-native Chinese learner or Intermediate who want take Mandarin Chinese seriously a language or Perfect For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese learner or Perfect For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese exmination takers or Perfect For IB Chinese, SAT Chinese, AP Chinese Intermediate learner.
Enroll now: Learn Chinese HSK 4 Intensive Reading Course H41001
Title: Learn Chinese HSK 4 Intensive Reading Course H41001
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.05
Number of Lectures: 85
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 85
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 87
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 87
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $174.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- can converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers.
- Be able to pass the HSK 4 (Level 4)
- Master basic 1200 Vocabulary
Who Should Attend
- Non-native Chinese learner
- Intermediate who want take Mandarin Chinese seriously a language
- Perfect For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese learner
- Perfect For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese exmination takers
- Perfect For IB Chinese, SAT Chinese, AP Chinese Intermediate learner
Target Audiences
- Non-native Chinese learner
- Intermediate who want take Mandarin Chinese seriously a language
- Perfect For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese learner
- Perfect For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese exmination takers
- Perfect For IB Chinese, SAT Chinese, AP Chinese Intermediate learner
July 02 2021 Announcement:
2021 Updates, View more amazing courses and Publications
We made the latest updates in the following Lectures:
Lecture 3: this is FREE for all. For FULL PDF books for this course, please buy this courses. If you are registered student in this course, you can download it at Lecture 7, You can download and do revision anytime, anywhere, online or offline.
Lecture 7: Resource: Downloadable materials
We added PDF books for this course. You can download and do revision anytime, anywhere, online or offline. This is only for registered students.
Dear All:
There are few improvements based the feedbacks and my experience.
1. PDF past paper and Audio file just uploaded, you can download to practice as the real exam.
2. The Practice Test are just done. You can do many time you can.
3. More HSK Intensive course are coming, under preparation now. It is tough for me. I hope few more different sets will cover more topics and help you master Chinese better. Meanwhile, the Version 2018 has the following improvements:
More detail explanations,
Origin of Chinese Characters
Chinese Radicals
More Pictures
PDF Vocabulary list
More Practice
More Test and Quiz
As an instructor, I want to share the best I know and what I know best. Please give good ranking to encourage instructors. Cheers to others are blessing to you also. Thanks. (November 07, 2018 )
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level IV) can converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers.
New HSK Vocabulary
HSK (Level IV) 1200
The new HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) is an international standardized exam that tests and rates Chinese language proficiency. Chinese Language Proficiency (HSK), which is organized by Chinese government for foreigners. It assesses non-native Chinese speakers’ abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK consists of six levels, namely the HSK (level I), HSK (level II), HSK (level III), HSK (level IV), HSK (level V), and HSK (level VI).
II. Test Levels
New HSK Vocabulary
HSK (Level I) 150
HSK (Level II) 300
HSK (Level III) 600
HSK (Level IV) 1200
HSK (Level V) 2500
HSK (Level VI) Over 5,000
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level I) can understand and use very simple Chinese words and phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further their Chinese language studies.
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level II) have an excellent grasp of basic Chinese and can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level III) can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in their daily, academic and professional lives. They can manage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China.
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level IV) can converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers.
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level V) can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays, and give a full-length speech in Chinese.
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level VI) can easily comprehend written and spoken information in Chinese and can effectively express themselves in Chinese, both orally and on paper.
The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF), GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows:
The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF),
GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows:
GCSE Chinese / IGCSE Chinese = HSK (Level 4) 1200 Vocabulary
A1 A2 Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500
IB Chinese (SL) HSK (Level 5) 2500
AP Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500
SAT Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500
A Level Chinese HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000
IB Chinese (HL) HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: 2021 Updates, View more amazing courses and Publications
Lecture 1: How to Use of Classified Chinese Vocabulary & Download Vocabulary List Now
Lecture 2: HSK Level Classification Vs Oversea Chinese Examinations CLPS CEF GCSE AP SAT
Chapter 2: Course Overview
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 3: Listening Part 1
Lecture 1: HSK 4 H41001 L1 Q00 Do you have time Full Edeo – Part 1
Lecture 2: HSK 4 H41001 L1 Q00 Do you have time Full Edeo – Part 2
Lecture 3: HSK 4 H41001 L1 Q01 我们去树林里走走吧 Let's go to walk in the woods
Lecture 4: HSK 4 H41001 L1 Q02 我经常在电梯里遇到她 I often meet her in the elevator
Lecture 5: HSK 4 H41001 L1 Q03 西红柿鸡蛋汤的做法很简单 Cook Tomato Egg Soup is simple
Lecture 6: HSK 4 H41001 L1 Q04 世界上最著名的矮个子篮球运动员 The most famous short basketball player
Lecture 7: HSK 4 H41001 L1 Q05 小刘已经提前完成了全年任务 He has completed the task ahead of schedule
Lecture 8: HSK 4 H41001 L1 Q06 我今天去北京出差 I will go to Beijing on business trip today
Lecture 9: HSK 4 H41001 L1 Q07 They are sisters, but so different! 她俩是姐妹,性格却很不一样
Lecture 10: HSK 4 H41001 L1 Q08 Don't waste this concert Ticket 这张票浪费了就可惜了
Lecture 11: HSK 4 H41001 L1 Q09 Do market research according to this plan 按照这个计划去做市场调查
Lecture 12: HSK 4 H41001 L1 Q10 女儿发烧了,我带她去医院 Daughter has a fever, I took her to the hospita
Chapter 4: Listening Part 2
Lecture 1: HSK 4 H41001 L2 Q00 去机场的路上有加油站吗 Is there a gas station on the way to the airport
Lecture 2: HSK 4 H41001 L2 Q11 附近有超市吗 Is there a supermarket nearby
Lecture 3: HSK 4 H41001 L2 Q12 天都这么晚了, 你还出去干什么 It is so late, what are you go out for
Lecture 4: HSK 4 H41001 L2 Q13 难道你不减肥了 Do you really give up diet
Lecture 5: HSK 4 H41001 L2 Q14 八点来得及来不及 It's too late if you come at eight
Lecture 6: HSK 4 H41001 L2 Q15 我下个月五号要结婚了I'm getting married on the 5th of next month
Lecture 7: HSK 4 H41001 L2 Q16 外面下雪了 It is snowing outside
Lecture 8: HSK 4 H41001 L2 Q17 有点儿堵车 There is some traffic jam
Lecture 9: HSK 4 H41001 L2 Q18 听说你准备出国读博士 I heard that you are going to study abroad for Ph
Lecture 10: HSK 4 H41001 L2 Q19 我女儿多少钱一张票 How much is my daughter a ticket
Lecture 11: HSK 4 H41001 L2 Q20 这种打扮参加正式的舞会 This dress up attending an official ball
Lecture 12: HSK 4 H41001 L2 Q21 北方和南方在气候上有什么区别 What is the difference between northern and s
Lecture 13: HSK 4 H41001 L2 Q22 您对新的办公室环境还满意吗 Are you satisfied with the new office environm
Lecture 14: HSK 4 H41001 L2 Q23 明天的面试很重要 The interview is very important
Lecture 15: HSK 4 H41001 L2 Q24 你对小李的印象怎么样 How's your impression of Lee
Lecture 16: HSK 4 H41001 L2 Q25 今天是父亲节 快去买礼物吧 Today is the father's day, go to buy gifts
Chapter 5: Listening Part 3
Lecture 1: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q00 sample 会议是下午三点吗 Is the meeting three o'clock in the aftern
Lecture 2: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q26 肚子有点儿饿了The stomach is a bit hungry
Lecture 3: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q27 那个女孩儿是谁 Who is that girl
Lecture 4: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q28 请问王师傅在家吗 Is Mr. Wang at home
Lecture 5: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q29 杂志怎么找不到了 How come can not find the magazine
Lecture 6: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q30 这儿不能抽烟 You can not smoke here
Lecture 7: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q31 这几篇文章您什么时候要 When do you want these articles
Lecture 8: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q32 这是您的房卡 This is your Room Card
Lecture 9: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q33 我想要一个窗户旁边的座位 I would like a seat next to the window
Lecture 10: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q34 以后别随便扔东西 Do not throw thing simply
Lecture 11: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q35 换球鞋出去打网球 Change shoes to go out and play tennis
Lecture 12: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q36-37 这房子家具全价格也比较便宜 This house is fully furnitured and relative
Lecture 13: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q38-39 狗是一种聪明的动物 Dogs are a clever animal
Lecture 14: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q40-41 这个节目我一直在看 This program I have been watching for a long ti
Lecture 15: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q42-43 妻子让我陪她去商店 My wife asked me go shopping Part 1
Lecture 16: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q42-43 妻子让我陪她去商店 My wife asked me go shopping Part 2
Lecture 17: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q44-45 哭不一定是坏事 Crying is not necessarily a bad thing Part 2
Lecture 18: HSK 4 H41001 L3 Q44-45 哭不一定是坏事 Crying is not necessarily a bad thing Part 2
Chapter 6: Reading Part 1
Lecture 1: HSK 4 H41001 R1 Q46-50 选词填空 完成句子 Choose words to complete sentences Part 1
Lecture 2: HSK 4 H41001 R1 Q46-50 选词填空 完成句子 Choose words to complete sentences Part 2
Lecture 3: HSK 4 H41001 R1 Q51-55 选词填空 完成句子 Choose words to complete sentences Part 1
Chapter 7: Reading Part 2
Lecture 1: HSK 4 H41001 R2 Q00 平时我骑自行车上下班 I ride bike to work
Lecture 2: HSK 4 H41001 R2 Q56 这种植物长满了这面墙 This plant is covering this wall
Lecture 3: HSK 4 H41001 R2 Q57 他比同年龄人更成熟 He is more mature than the same age
Lecture 4: HSK 4 H41001 R2 Q58 批评人是一门艺术 Criticism is an art
Lecture 5: HSK 4 H41001 R2 Q59 还需要找更好的办法 Still need to find a better way
Lecture 6: HSK 4 H41001 R2 Q60 这种游戏十分简单 This game is very simple
Lecture 7: HSK 4 H41001 R2 Q61 这个任务没有那么困难 This task is not that difficult
Lecture 8: HSK 4 H41001 R2 Q62 我儿子的个子长得非常快 My son grows taller very fas
Lecture 9: HSK 4 H41001 R2 Q63 你安排几个外国留学生参观一下 You have to arrange a visit for few foreign s
Lecture 10: HSK 4 H41001 R2 Q64 生活的味道是酸甜苦辣咸 The taste of life is bittersweet salty
Lecture 11: HSK 4 H41001 R2 Q65 有的父母对孩子的要求很严格 Some parents are very strict with their childr
Chapter 8: Reading Part 3
Lecture 1: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q00 sample 她很活泼 说话很有趣 She is very lively and fun
Lecture 2: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q66 刷牙的时候使用温水 Use warm water to brush teeth
Lecture 3: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q67 这种葡萄酒瓶都像一件高级艺术品 This wine bottle is like a fine piece of ar
Lecture 4: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q68 阅读能力好的人 The people have good reading ability
Lecture 5: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q69 有些人喜欢不停地换工作 Some people like to keep changing jobs
Lecture 6: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q70 我喜欢读这份报纸 I like reading this newspaper
Lecture 7: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q71 医生提醒用药要读说明书 Doctors advise you to read the instructions
Lecture 8: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q72 他在音乐方面有了很多新的想法 He has a lot of new ideas about music
Lecture 9: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q73 儿子小时候一说话就脸红 When he was a child, he blushed as soon as he sp
Lecture 10: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q74 做生意时会遇到竞争带来的压力 The pressure to compete when doing business
Lecture 11: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q75 原谅是一种美 Forgiveness is a virtue
Lecture 12: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q76 我们翻译收费是 Our translation charge
Lecture 13: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q77 大部分人每天晚上至少应该睡7个小时 Most people should sleep at least 7 hours
Lecture 14: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q78 很多时候孩子发脾气是为了得到一些好处 Children often lose their temper in order
Lecture 15: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q79 什么是真正的朋友 What is a true friend
Lecture 16: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q80-81 世界上第一部无声电影 The world 's first silent film
Lecture 17: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q82-83 女孩子们对衣服颜色的选择 Girl's Choice of Clothes Color
Lecture 18: HSK 4 H41001 R3 Q84-85 科学技术的发展 The Development of Science and Technology
Chapter 9: Writing
Lecture 1: HSK 4 H41001 W1 Q86-95 完成句子 Complete the sentence Part 1
Lecture 2: HSK 4 H41001 W1 Q86-95 完成句子 Complete the sentence Part 2
Lecture 3: HSK 4 H41001 W2 Q96-100 看图用词造句 Look picture and make sentences with given words
Chapter 10: HSK 4 Past Papers Practice Test (H41001 )
Lecture 1: Download PDF past paper and Audio file to practice as the real exam
David Yao
founder of Educational Video Courses Online & LEGOO Mandarin
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 19 votes
- 4 stars: 42 votes
- 5 stars: 50 votes
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