Learn Chinese HSK 5 Intensive Reading Course H51001
Learn Chinese HSK 5 Intensive Reading Course H51001, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 72 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 71 reviews, and has 621 subscribers.
You will learn about Can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in their daily, academic and professional lives. can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays, and give a full-length speech in Chinese. They can manage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China. Be able to pass the HSK 5 (Level 5) Master basic 2500 Vocabulary This course is ideal for individuals who are Non-native Chinese learner or Intermediate who want take Mandarin Chinese seriously a language or Perfect For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese Advance learner or Perfect For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese examination takers or Perfect For A1 A2 Chinese examination takers or Perfect For GCE Chinese, O Level Chinese, A Level Chinese examination takers or Perfect For IB Chinese, SAT Chinese, AP Chinese Intermediate learner It is particularly useful for Non-native Chinese learner or Intermediate who want take Mandarin Chinese seriously a language or Perfect For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese Advance learner or Perfect For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese examination takers or Perfect For A1 A2 Chinese examination takers or Perfect For GCE Chinese, O Level Chinese, A Level Chinese examination takers or Perfect For IB Chinese, SAT Chinese, AP Chinese Intermediate learner.
Enroll now: Learn Chinese HSK 5 Intensive Reading Course H51001
Title: Learn Chinese HSK 5 Intensive Reading Course H51001
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 72
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 72
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 74
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 74
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in their daily, academic and professional lives.
- can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays, and give a full-length speech in Chinese.
- They can manage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China.
- Be able to pass the HSK 5 (Level 5)
- Master basic 2500 Vocabulary
Who Should Attend
- Non-native Chinese learner
- Intermediate who want take Mandarin Chinese seriously a language
- Perfect For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese Advance learner
- Perfect For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese examination takers
- Perfect For A1 A2 Chinese examination takers
- Perfect For GCE Chinese, O Level Chinese, A Level Chinese examination takers
- Perfect For IB Chinese, SAT Chinese, AP Chinese Intermediate learner
Target Audiences
- Non-native Chinese learner
- Intermediate who want take Mandarin Chinese seriously a language
- Perfect For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese Advance learner
- Perfect For IGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese examination takers
- Perfect For A1 A2 Chinese examination takers
- Perfect For GCE Chinese, O Level Chinese, A Level Chinese examination takers
- Perfect For IB Chinese, SAT Chinese, AP Chinese Intermediate learner
July 02 2021 Announcement:
2021 Updates, View more amazing courses and Publications
We made the latest updates in the following Lectures:
Lecture 3: this is FREE for all. For FULL PDF books for this course, please buy this courses. If you are registered student in this course, you can download it at Lecture 7, You can download and do revision anytime, anywhere, online or offline.
Lecture 7: Resource: Downloadable materials
We added PDF books for this course. You can download and do revision anytime, anywhere, online or offline. This is only for registered students.
Dear All:
There are few improvements based the feedbacks and my experience.
1. PDF past paper and Audio file just uploaded, you can download to practice as the real exam.
2. The Practice Test are just done. You can do many time you can.
3. More HSK Intensive course are coming, under preparation now. It is tough for me. I hope few more different sets will cover more topics and help you master Chinese better. Meanwhile, the Version 2018 has the following improvements:
More detail explanations,
Origin of Chinese Characters
Chinese Radicals
More Pictures
PDF Vocabulary list
More Practice
More Test and Quiz
As an instructor, I want to share the best I know and what I know best. Please give good ranking to encourage instructors. Cheers to others are blessing to you also. Thanks. (November 07, 2018 )
This course is for Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level IV) can converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers.
New HSK Vocabulary
HSK (Level V) 2500
The new HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) is an international standardized exam that tests and rates Chinese language proficiency. Chinese Language Proficiency (HSK), which is organized by Chinese government for foreigners. It assesses non-native Chinese speakers’ abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK consists of six levels, namely the HSK (level I), HSK (level II), HSK (level III), HSK (level IV), HSK (level V), and HSK (level VI).
II. Test Levels
New HSK Vocabulary
HSK (Level I) 150
HSK (Level II) 300
HSK (Level III) 600
HSK (Level IV) 1200
HSK (Level V) 2500
HSK (Level VI) Over 5,000
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level I) can understand and use very simple Chinese words and phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further their Chinese language studies.
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level II) have an excellent grasp of basic Chinese and can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level III) can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in their daily, academic and professional lives. They can manage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China.
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level IV) can converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers.
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level V) can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays, and give a full-length speech in Chinese.
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level VI) can easily comprehend written and spoken information in Chinese and can effectively express themselves in Chinese, both orally and on paper.
The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF), GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows:
The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF),
GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows:
GCSE Chinese / IGCSE Chinese = HSK (Level 4) 1200 Vocabulary
A1 A2 Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500
IB Chinese (SL) HSK (Level 5) 2500
AP Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500
SAT Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500
A Level Chinese HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000
IB Chinese (HL) HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: 2021 Updates, View more amazing courses and Publications
Lecture 1: HSK Level Classification Vs Oversea Chinese Examinations CLPS CEF GCSE AP SAT
Lecture 2: How to Use of Classified Chinese Vocabulary & Download Vocabulary List Now
Chapter 2: Introduction
Lecture 1: HSK 5 Introduction
Lecture 2: Course Introduction – HSK 5 Intensive Reading Course H51001
Chapter 3: Listening Part 1
Lecture 1: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q01下雨了,出门时别忘了带伞 It rains, do not forget to take the umbrella
Lecture 2: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q02 你最近还去参加那个训练吗 Do you still go to the training recently
Lecture 3: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q03 感谢您出席今天的宴会 Thank you for attending today's banquet
Lecture 4: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q04 最近你怎么老在单位吃饭 How do you eat in the canteen recently
Lecture 5: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q05 降落时就已经七点半了It was at half past seven when I landed
Lecture 6: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q06 我们可以坐这儿吗 Can we sit here
Lecture 7: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q07 那个调研报告什么时候可以完成 When will the research report be completed
Lecture 8: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q08 这种手术大概需要多长时间 How long this operation will take
Lecture 9: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q09 都几点了!快去洗澡吧 It is late, Go and take a bath
Lecture 10: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q10 机会来之不易,你可要好好把握 Chances are hard to get, you have to grasp it
Lecture 11: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q11 公司的产品最近卖得很好 Company Sales is good
Lecture 12: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q12 多亏你提醒,要不我也忘了 Thanks to you for reminding me, or I forgot
Lecture 13: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q13 这个饭店做的川菜最地道 This restaurant is the most authentic Sichuan cu
Lecture 14: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q14 如果压力太大 If the pressure is too high
Lecture 15: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q15 小王呢 他早就辞职了 He resigned long time ago
Lecture 16: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q16 因为大雾 航班取消了 Flight canceled due to fog
Lecture 17: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q17 今年流行短发 Short hair cut is popular
Lecture 18: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q18 早饭不吃,营养跟不上Do not eat breakfast, nutrition…
Lecture 19: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q19 价格当然可以再商量 Price can be negotiated
Lecture 20: HSK 5 H51001 L1 Q20 你的失眠好些了么 How is your insomnia
Chapter 4: Listening Part 2
Lecture 1: HSK 5 H51001 L2 Q21 这儿的风景很漂亮 The scenery here is very beautiful
Lecture 2: HSK 5 H51001 L2 Q22 你应聘的那家公司有消息了吗 Any news for your Job application
Lecture 3: HSK 5 H51001 L2 Q23 我要存一些钱 I want bank in some money
Lecture 4: HSK 5 H51001 L2 Q24 你跟出租车司机要发票了吗 Do you have an invoice with the taxi driver
Lecture 5: HSK 5 H51001 L2 Q25 你最近是不是常去打排球 Have you been playing volleyball lately
Lecture 6: HSK 5 H51001 L2 Q26 获得了今年的科技进步奖 Science and Technology Progress Award
Lecture 7: HSK 5 H51001 L2 Q27 你还是开慢点儿吧,注意安全Slow down, pay attention to safety
Lecture 8: HSK 5 H51001 L2 Q28 和出版社合作的事儿 Cooperation with publishers
Lecture 9: HSK 5 H51001 L2 Q29 不用送了 赶紧回去吧 No need send me off
Lecture 10: HSK 5 H51001 L2 Q30 手术很成功 The operation was very successful
Lecture 11: HSK 5 H51001 L2 Q31-32 我明天要去北京参加一个会议 I'm going to Beijingto attend a meeting tom
Lecture 12: HSK 5 H51001 L2 Q33-35 开车上班的感觉不错吧 How is the feeling drive to work
Lecture 13: HSK 5 H51001 L2 Q36-38 大学毕业以后 After graduating from college
Lecture 14: HSK 5 H51001 L2 Q39-42 一位母亲 平时对孩子教育很严格A very strict mother
Lecture 15: HSK 5 H51001 L2 Q43-45 有个城市为解决垃圾问题 Solve the garbage problem Part 1
Lecture 16: HSK 5 H51001 L2 Q43-45 有个城市为解决垃圾问题 Solve the garbage problem Part 2
Chapter 5: Reading Part 1
Lecture 1: HSK 5 H51001 R1 Q46-48 在沙滩排球场上Beach volleyball
Lecture 2: HSK 5 H51001 R1 Q46-48 在沙滩排球场上Beach volleyball Part 2
Lecture 3: HSK 5 H51001 R1 Q49-52 丈夫和爸爸 Husband and dad
Lecture 4: HSK 5 H51001 R1 Q53-56 愚公移山 The Foolish Old Man Moves the Mountain
Lecture 5: HSK 5 H51001 R1 Q57-60 人生就像坐公交车有起点和终点 Life is like taking a bus with starting an
Lecture 6: Q57-60 人生就像坐公交车有起点和终点 Life is like taking a bus with starting and ending Part 2
Lecture 7: HSK 5 H51001 R1 Q61 电子秤 Electronic balance
Lecture 8: HSK 5 H51001 R1 Q62 提高睡眠质量 Improve quality of sleep
Lecture 9: HSK 5 H51001 R1 Q62 提高睡眠质量 Improve quality of sleep Part 2
Lecture 10: HSK 5 H51001 R1 Q63 老舍茶馆 Lao She Teahouse
Lecture 11: HSK 5 H51001 R1 Q64 西红柿 Tomatoes
Lecture 12: HSK 5 H51001 R1 Q64 西红柿 Tomatoes -Part 2
Lecture 13: HSK 5 H51001 R1 Q65 使用筷子的礼节 Etiquette for using of chopsticks
Chapter 6: Reading Part 2
Lecture 1: HSK 5 H51001 R2 Q66 鲨鱼 Shark
Lecture 2: HSK 5 H51001 R2 Q67 哈尔滨冰灯Harbin ice lamp Festival
Lecture 3: HSK 5 H51001 R2 Q67 哈尔滨冰灯Harbin ice lamp Festival Part 2
Lecture 4: HSK 5 H51001 R2 Q68 女朋友美丽的误会 Beautiful Girlfriend's Beautiful misunderstanding
Lecture 5: HSK 5 H51001 R2 Q69 奖励你6个月的假 Reward you for 6 months' leave
Lecture 6: HSK 5 H51001 R2 Q70 木兰辞 Mulan Poem
Chapter 7: Reading Part 3
Lecture 1: HSK 5 H51001 R3 Q71-73 生活就像装瓶子 Life is like filling a bottle
Lecture 2: HSK 5 H51001 R3 Q74-77 奖金与服务员买糖果 Bonus like selling sweets
Lecture 3: HSK 5 H51001 R3 Q74-77 奖金与服务员买糖果 Bonus like selling sweets Part 2
Lecture 4: HSK 5 H51001 R3 Q78-81 阿凡提-闻香 与听钱 Avanti – Pay good smell money by listening to
Lecture 5: HSK 5 H51001 R3 Q82-86 哥哥送给保罗的新车 Brother gave Paul a new car
Lecture 6: HSK 5 H51001 R3 Q82-86 哥哥送给保罗的新车 Brother gave Paul a new car Part 2-
Lecture 7: HSK 5 H51001 R3 Q87-90 楼上新买了一架钢琴 Upstairs Newly bought piano
Lecture 8: HSK 5 H51001 R3 Q87-90 楼上新买了一架钢琴 Upstairs Newly bought piano Part 2
Chapter 8: Writing
Lecture 1: HSK 5 H51001 W1 Q91-98 书 写 第一部分 完成句子 Write – Part 1 Complete sentence
Lecture 2: HSK 5 H51001 W2 Q99-100 书 写第二部分 写短文 Write – Part 2 Essay
Lecture 3: Learn Chinese With David – Founder David YAO Introduction 2017
Lecture 4: Learn Chinese With David -Introduction 2017 P2 How do we challenge you to study
Chapter 9: The Practice Test are just done. You can do many time you can.
Lecture 1: Download PDF past paper and Audio file to practice as the real exam
David Yao
founder of Educational Video Courses Online & LEGOO Mandarin
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 25 votes
- 5 stars: 30 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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