Learn psychology at the beginner's level
Learn psychology at the beginner's level, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 3.95, with 113 lectures, based on 21 reviews, and has 120 subscribers.
You will learn about One will understand the crux and the essence of the subject. One will understand how psychology adds value and meaning to our life as it is a science based on reasoning and experimentation. One's self awareness increases. This course is ideal for individuals who are First Year Students and anyone who is passionate to learn about the human mind. It is particularly useful for First Year Students and anyone who is passionate to learn about the human mind.
Enroll now: Learn psychology at the beginner's level
Title: Learn psychology at the beginner's level
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 3.95
Number of Lectures: 113
Number of Published Lectures: 113
Number of Curriculum Items: 113
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 113
Original Price: ₹1,199
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- One will understand the crux and the essence of the subject. One will understand how psychology adds value and meaning to our life as it is a science based on reasoning and experimentation. One's self awareness increases.
Who Should Attend
- First Year Students and anyone who is passionate to learn about the human mind.
Target Audiences
- First Year Students and anyone who is passionate to learn about the human mind.
Hello Everyone! Psychology is a subject that gives a lot of information about ourselves. It’s Human Specific. Isn’t it interesting to know about ourselves at our deepest level? We all are aware about many things such as How does the mobile work? Or what are its features? and what are the societal norms? But are we aware about What is Human Mind? and How does it function?and How it enables us to function in our day to day activities. Psychology is the study of Human Mind. It gives us a very different perspective of looking at the World.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: The Science Of Psychology.
Lecture 1: Preview
Lecture 2: Introduction To Psychology And The History Of Psychology.
Lecture 3: Discovery of a new subject- Psychology.
Lecture 4: Various Professions In The Field Of Psychology.
Lecture 5: The 3 Influential Approaches.
Lecture 6: The 7 Modern Perspectives.
Lecture 7: The 5 Steps Used In Scientific Research.
Lecture 8: Methods Used To Carry Out Scientific Research.
Lecture 9: How Is An Experiment Conducted In Psychology?
Lecture 10: Correlation – A Technique Used In Measuring Relationship Between 2 Variables.
Lecture 11: Problems Faced While Conducting An Experiment and What Is Its Root Cause?
Lecture 12: Ethical Guidelines Taken Into Consideration While Dealing With People.
Lecture 13: Importance Of Critical Thinking.
Lecture 14: Lets get started for the quiz . The questions are in the desciption box
Lecture 15: Answers of the quiz are in the description box.
Chapter 2: The Biological Perspective.
Lecture 1: Structure of the Neuron: The Nervous System's Building Block.
Lecture 2: What is Action Potential?
Lecture 3: What is Neurotransmission?
Lecture 4: 2nd part of Neurotransmission.
Lecture 5: The Central Nervous System.
Lecture 6: The Peripheral Nervous System
Lecture 7: Pituitary Gland : Master of the hormonal universe
Lecture 8: Roles of various Endocrine Glands.
Lecture 9: Lesioning Studies and Brain Stimulation.
Lecture 10: Neuroimaging Techniques.
Lecture 11: The Hindbrain
Lecture 12: The lymbic system in the brain.
Lecture 13: The 4 lobes of the brain.
Lecture 14: 2 parts of the cortex that are involved in Language.
Lecture 15: The Cerebral Hemispheres: Left Hemisphere and Right Hemisphere.
Lecture 16: what are the various causes of Attention Deficit Hyperativity Disorder.
Lecture 17: Lets get started for the quiz . The questions are in the desciption box
Lecture 18: Answers of the quiz are in the description box.
Chapter 3: Learning.
Lecture 1: What is learning?
Lecture 2: How Classical Conditioning is useful in learning?
Lecture 3: Several criterians and certain concepts in Classical Conditioning
Lecture 4: How can classical conditioning be applied to human behavior?
Lecture 5: What is Law of Effect and Operant Conditioning?
Lecture 6: Applying Operant Conditioning to human behavior.
Lecture 7: The Concept Of Reinforcement.
Lecture 8: What are the 4 schedules of reinforcement?
Lecture 9: Effects of Punishment on human behavior.
Lecture 10: The concept of "Latent Learning".
Lecture 11: Insight Learning in Animals.
Lecture 12: Learned Helplessness observed in Dogs.
Lecture 13: Observational Learning.
Lecture 14: Lets get started for the quiz . The questions are in the desciption box
Lecture 15: Answers of the quiz are in the description box.
Chapter 4: Memory
Lecture 1: What is memory and the 3 processes of memory?
Lecture 2: Sensory Memory
Lecture 3: Short-Term Memory
Lecture 4: Long-Term Memory.
Lecture 5: Effects of cues on Memory Retrieval.
Lecture 6: Recall and Recognition.
Lecture 7: How some memories are automatically encoded in the long-term memory?
Lecture 8: Describe the curve of forgetting.
Lecture 9: What are the common reasons that people forget?
Lecture 10: The Neuroscience Of memory and the biological causes of Amnesia
Lecture 11: Continuation of the biological causes of Amnesia.
Lecture 12: Explain how sleep, diet, and exercise affect memory?
Lecture 13: Lets get started for the quiz . The questions are in the desciption box
Lecture 14: Answers of the quiz are in the description box.
Chapter 5: Cognition: Thinking, Intelligence and Language.
Lecture 1: What is a thought and the difference between thought and thinking?
Lecture 2: How mental images are involved in the process of thinking?
Lecture 3: How Concepts and Prototypes influence our thinking?
Lecture 4: Methods that can be used in solving problems and making decisions.
Lecture 5: What are the common barriers in successful problem solving?
Lecture 6: What is creativity?
Lecture 7: Theories of Intelligence.
Lecture 8: Continuation of Theories Of Intelligence.
Lecture 9: Various methods used to measure intelligence of an individual.
Lecture 10: How can we evaluate the quality of Intelligence tests?
Lecture 11: What is Intellectual Disability, Giftedness and Emotional Intelligence mean?
Lecture 12: What is Language and the different elements and structure of language?
Lecture 13: How Language develops?
Lecture 14: What is the relationship between language and thought?
Lecture 15: Lets get started for the quiz . The questions are in the desciption box
Lecture 16: Answers of the quiz are in the description box.
Chapter 6: Motivation And Emotion
Lecture 1: What is Motivation?
Lecture 2: 2 approaches to understanding motivation.
Lecture 3: McClelland's Theory Of Motivation.
Lecture 4: Arousal and Incentive theory of motivation.
Lecture 5: How Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Self-Determination Theory explain motivation
Lecture 6: Physiological and Social factors of hunger.
Lecture 7: Factors contributing to obesity.
Lecture 8: The 3 Elements of Emotion.
Lecture 9: Continuation of the 3 elements of emotion.
Lecture 10: Various Theories Of Emotions.
Lecture 11: Lets get started for the quiz . The questions are in the desciption box
Lecture 12: Answers of the quiz are in the description box.
Chapter 7: Theories Of Personality.
Lecture 1: Freud's conception of personality.
Lecture 2: Continuation of Freud's conception of personality.
Lecture 3: 5 psychosexual stages of personality development.
Eesha Manish Savla
Hello Students. I am Eesha Savla and your Psychology Mentor.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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