Learn the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet and Language
Learn the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet and Language, available at $129.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 70 lectures, 7 quizzes, based on 498 reviews, and has 2010 subscribers.
You will learn about Know the different stages of the Hebrew alphabet from its ancient origins to its modern form. Recognize the letters in ancient semitic and Hebrew inscriptions Know the meanings of each Hebrew letter based on their original pictograph Learn the different forms of Hebrew root words and how words are formed out of these roots. Learn how the Ancient Hebrew culture and philosophy is closely related to the Hebrew language. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for those who are interested in the history of the Hebrew alphabet and want to learn how to read the Ancient forms of the Hebrew alphabet, such as is seen in ancient inscriptions. or While this course will be helpful with Biblical Hebrew, it is not designed to teach you how to read the Bible in Hebrew. or This course is not for learning how to read or speak modern Hebrew. It is particularly useful for This course is for those who are interested in the history of the Hebrew alphabet and want to learn how to read the Ancient forms of the Hebrew alphabet, such as is seen in ancient inscriptions. or While this course will be helpful with Biblical Hebrew, it is not designed to teach you how to read the Bible in Hebrew. or This course is not for learning how to read or speak modern Hebrew.
Enroll now: Learn the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet and Language
Title: Learn the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet and Language
Price: $129.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 70
Number of Quizzes: 7
Number of Published Lectures: 70
Number of Published Quizzes: 7
Number of Curriculum Items: 77
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 77
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Know the different stages of the Hebrew alphabet from its ancient origins to its modern form.
- Recognize the letters in ancient semitic and Hebrew inscriptions
- Know the meanings of each Hebrew letter based on their original pictograph
- Learn the different forms of Hebrew root words and how words are formed out of these roots.
- Learn how the Ancient Hebrew culture and philosophy is closely related to the Hebrew language.
Who Should Attend
- This course is for those who are interested in the history of the Hebrew alphabet and want to learn how to read the Ancient forms of the Hebrew alphabet, such as is seen in ancient inscriptions.
- While this course will be helpful with Biblical Hebrew, it is not designed to teach you how to read the Bible in Hebrew.
- This course is not for learning how to read or speak modern Hebrew.
Target Audiences
- This course is for those who are interested in the history of the Hebrew alphabet and want to learn how to read the Ancient forms of the Hebrew alphabet, such as is seen in ancient inscriptions.
- While this course will be helpful with Biblical Hebrew, it is not designed to teach you how to read the Bible in Hebrew.
- This course is not for learning how to read or speak modern Hebrew.
The Modern Hebrew alphabet is only about 2,000 years old, but the Hebrew alphabet has a very long and interesting history that goes back another two thousand years. Prior to this modern alphabet, the Hebrew language was written with a more pictographic script, similar to Egyptian hieroglyphs, where each letter was a picture. These pictures help to define the letter within its original Hebrew culture and thereby help to define the words that these letters are written with.
This course will examine the history and evolution of the Ancient Semitic/Hebrew alphabet from its early pictographic origins to its modern forms as well as its adoption into the Greek and Latin alphabets.Â
You will learn the origins of our numbering system in the Hebrew alphabet, the meanings of each Hebrew letter, how to recognize the letters in ancient inscriptions and writings and have a basic knowledge of Hebrew word structure.
You will also learn about the root system of Hebrew words, how to interpret them and how the Ancient Hebrew philosophy and culture influence their definition and meanings.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: The History of the Hebrew Alphabet
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet
Lecture 2: The Hebrew and Samaritan Alphabet
Lecture 3: The Hebrew and Phoenician Alphabets
Lecture 4: The Hebrew and Greek Alphabets
Lecture 5: The Hebrew and Aramaic Alphabets
Lecture 6: Origins of the Hebrew Alphabet
Lecture 7: Discovery of Inscriptions
Chapter 2: The Evolution of the Hebrew Alphabet
Lecture 1: Introduction to this section
Lecture 2: Aleph (×)
Lecture 3: Beyt (ב)
Lecture 4: Gimel (×’)
Lecture 5: Dalet (ד)
Lecture 6: Hey (×”)
Lecture 7: Vav (ו)
Lecture 8: Zayin (×–)
Lecture 9: Hhet (×—)
Lecture 10: Tet (ט)
Lecture 11: Yud (×™)
Lecture 12: Kaph (×›)
Lecture 13: Lamed (ל)
Lecture 14: Mem (מ)
Lecture 15: Nun (× )
Lecture 16: Samehh (ס)
Lecture 17: Ayin (×¢)
Lecture 18: Pey (פ)
Lecture 19: Tsade (צ)
Lecture 20: Quph (ק)
Lecture 21: Resh (ר)
Lecture 22: Shin (ש)
Lecture 23: Tav (ת)
Lecture 24: Ghayin (×¢)
Chapter 3: Ancient Hebrew Philosophy and Culture
Lecture 1: An overview of the differences between Hebrew and Greek thought
Lecture 2: Eastern and Western Thought
Lecture 3: Known verses Unknown
Lecture 4: The Past and the Future
Lecture 5: Hebrew Descriptions
Lecture 6: Abstract verses Concrete Thought
Lecture 7: The culture of the Ancient Hebrews
Lecture 8: Interpreting the Bible through the Hebrew Culture
Chapter 4: How to type in Ancient Hebrew
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: Formating your computer to use Hebrew fonts
Lecture 3: Installing the Ancient Hebrew Font
Lecture 4: If you are unable to install the Hebrew keyboard or the Ancient Hebrew Font…
Chapter 5: The Ancient Hebrew Vocabulary – Parent Roots
Lecture 1: Parent Roots
Lecture 2: Pronunciation of Parent Roots and Syllables
Lecture 3: Words derived from Parent Roots
Lecture 4: Parent Root Dictionary
Chapter 6: Ancient Hebrew Vocabulary – Child and Adopted Roots
Lecture 1: Child Roots
Lecture 2: Adopted Roots
Lecture 3: Words
Lecture 4: Prefixes
Lecture 5: The Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible
Chapter 7: Hebrew Word Studies
Lecture 1: Halleluyah
Lecture 2: Wisdom
Lecture 3: Fringes
Chapter 8: Genesis in Ancient Hebrew
Lecture 1: Prefixes and Parent roots in Genesis 1:1
Lecture 2: Genesis 1 in Ancient Hebrew
Chapter 9: Reading Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions
Lecture 1: The Wadi El-Hhol Inscription
Lecture 2: Inscription #1 (Exercise)
Lecture 3: Inscription #1 (Review)
Lecture 4: Inscription #2 (Exercise)
Lecture 5: Inscription #2 (Review)
Lecture 6: Inscription #3 (Alphabet Exercise)
Lecture 7: Inscription #3 (Alphabet Review)
Lecture 8: Inscription #3 (Root Word Exercise)
Lecture 9: Inscription #3 (Root Word Review)
Lecture 10: Inscription #4 (Exercise)
Lecture 11: Inscription #4 (Review)
Lecture 12: The Dead Sea Scrolls
Chapter 10: Congratulations!
Lecture 1: What's next?
Jeff Benner
Author, Teacher and Administrator
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 33 votes
- 4 stars: 97 votes
- 5 stars: 361 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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