Learn the Basics of Electric Vehicles: A Beginner's Course
Learn the Basics of Electric Vehicles: A Beginner's Course, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.55, with 43 lectures, 12 quizzes, based on 166 reviews, and has 2922 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the fundamentals of electric vehicles, including how they work, lifecycle analysis and their advantages over traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. Identify the key components of an electric vehicle, including the battery, motor, and power electronics. Explain the factors that affect the performance and lifespan of an electric vehicle battery, such as temperature, charging rate, and depth of discharge. Understand the importance of recycling and proper disposal of used batteries, and identify the economic and environmental benefits of battery repurposing. Describe government policies and incentives for promoting the adoption of electric vehicles and reducing the environmental impact of transportation Recognize the future trends in electric vehicle technology, including the development of solid-state batteries, wireless charging, and integration of renewable. Understand the differences between owning and maintaining an electric vehicle versus internal combustion vehicle, including expertise required for EVs., Evaluate the potential of electric vehicles to transform transportation and contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone interested in staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the electric vehicle industry, including battery technology, charging infrastructure, government policies, and future trends, will benefit from this course's comprehensive and informative content. or Managers who are leading zero-emission projects in their companies will learn about government policies and incentives for electric vehicles and energy efficiency, helping them make informed decisions that promote sustainability. or Individuals looking to start a new career in the electric vehicle field will acquire a solid foundation of knowledge, including the basics of electric vehicle technology and maintenance, industry trends, and future developments. or This course is ideal for regular drivers who want to transition to electric vehicles and learn best practices for ownership and maintenance, reducing their carbon footprint and promoting sustainability. or Learners interested in reducing their environmental impact and mitigating climate change will gain valuable insights into the role of renewable energy and green technology in the transportation sector. It is particularly useful for Anyone interested in staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the electric vehicle industry, including battery technology, charging infrastructure, government policies, and future trends, will benefit from this course's comprehensive and informative content. or Managers who are leading zero-emission projects in their companies will learn about government policies and incentives for electric vehicles and energy efficiency, helping them make informed decisions that promote sustainability. or Individuals looking to start a new career in the electric vehicle field will acquire a solid foundation of knowledge, including the basics of electric vehicle technology and maintenance, industry trends, and future developments. or This course is ideal for regular drivers who want to transition to electric vehicles and learn best practices for ownership and maintenance, reducing their carbon footprint and promoting sustainability. or Learners interested in reducing their environmental impact and mitigating climate change will gain valuable insights into the role of renewable energy and green technology in the transportation sector.
Enroll now: Learn the Basics of Electric Vehicles: A Beginner's Course
Title: Learn the Basics of Electric Vehicles: A Beginner's Course
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 43
Number of Quizzes: 12
Number of Published Lectures: 43
Number of Published Quizzes: 12
Number of Curriculum Items: 55
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 55
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the fundamentals of electric vehicles, including how they work, lifecycle analysis and their advantages over traditional gasoline-powered vehicles.
- Identify the key components of an electric vehicle, including the battery, motor, and power electronics.
- Explain the factors that affect the performance and lifespan of an electric vehicle battery, such as temperature, charging rate, and depth of discharge.
- Understand the importance of recycling and proper disposal of used batteries, and identify the economic and environmental benefits of battery repurposing.
- Describe government policies and incentives for promoting the adoption of electric vehicles and reducing the environmental impact of transportation
- Recognize the future trends in electric vehicle technology, including the development of solid-state batteries, wireless charging, and integration of renewable.
- Understand the differences between owning and maintaining an electric vehicle versus internal combustion vehicle, including expertise required for EVs.,
- Evaluate the potential of electric vehicles to transform transportation and contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone interested in staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the electric vehicle industry, including battery technology, charging infrastructure, government policies, and future trends, will benefit from this course's comprehensive and informative content.
- Managers who are leading zero-emission projects in their companies will learn about government policies and incentives for electric vehicles and energy efficiency, helping them make informed decisions that promote sustainability.
- Individuals looking to start a new career in the electric vehicle field will acquire a solid foundation of knowledge, including the basics of electric vehicle technology and maintenance, industry trends, and future developments.
- This course is ideal for regular drivers who want to transition to electric vehicles and learn best practices for ownership and maintenance, reducing their carbon footprint and promoting sustainability.
- Learners interested in reducing their environmental impact and mitigating climate change will gain valuable insights into the role of renewable energy and green technology in the transportation sector.
Target Audiences
- Anyone interested in staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the electric vehicle industry, including battery technology, charging infrastructure, government policies, and future trends, will benefit from this course's comprehensive and informative content.
- Managers who are leading zero-emission projects in their companies will learn about government policies and incentives for electric vehicles and energy efficiency, helping them make informed decisions that promote sustainability.
- Individuals looking to start a new career in the electric vehicle field will acquire a solid foundation of knowledge, including the basics of electric vehicle technology and maintenance, industry trends, and future developments.
- This course is ideal for regular drivers who want to transition to electric vehicles and learn best practices for ownership and maintenance, reducing their carbon footprint and promoting sustainability.
- Learners interested in reducing their environmental impact and mitigating climate change will gain valuable insights into the role of renewable energy and green technology in the transportation sector.
“Learn the Basics of Electric Vehicles: A Beginner’s Course” is the only course you need to learn! From the history and evolution of electric vehicles to the current state of the market and the latest technological advancements, this course covers everything you need to know about electric vehicles.
This electric vehicle course is undoubtedly the most comprehensive electric course available anywhere online, whether you’re a student, professional, or just curious about the technology. A solid foundation in the fundamental concepts is essential for success in the electric vehicle industry. That’s why this electric vehicle course is designed to be accessible to anyone, regardless of your background or without requiring an extensive technical background.
For students, this course provides a strong foundation in the basics of electric vehicles, including the history, science, and benefits. You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the technology, making informed decisions about future career paths.
Professionals in the transportation field will appreciate this course’s ability to provide the foundational knowledge needed to understand the concepts of electric vehicles without requiring an extensive technical background. Learn about the lifecycle analysis of electric vehicles, identify various types, and understand the infrastructure and best practices needed to maintain and operate them. By the end of the course, you’ll be well-equipped to lead your team in developing and implementing zero-emission projects.
For those interested in pursuing a career in the electric vehicle industry, this course is the perfect starting point. Learn about the skills and knowledge required to succeed in this rapidly growing industry. You’ll gain a great understanding of the electric vehicle landscape and be prepared to take your first steps into the field.
Finally, for regular drivers who are curious about electric vehicles, this course offers a comprehensive understanding of how electric vehicles work, their benefits for everyday driving, and the best practices for maintaining and operating them. You’ll be well-equipped to make the switch to an electric vehicle yourself.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn the course from industry expert instructor and gain a comprehensive understanding of electric vehicles. Start your journey towards a sustainable future with the course today! Here is Why?
The course has been updated to be 2023 ready and you’ll be learning the latest tools and technologies.
The curriculum was developed over 1 year, with comprehensive student testing and feedback from the various leading Universities in California to develop a future workforce in the clean transportation field.
You will get a chance to put your knowledge to the test. The quiz at the end of each lesson is developed to reinforce your learning and ensure you have a solid understanding.
The course is constantly updated with new content, with new modules determined by students – that’s you!
With 2 hours of HD video tutorials, you’ll build your knowledge with real-life explanations and plain English pronunciation, making it accessible to anyone worldwide. Say goodbye to boring lectures and hello to engaging content that will leave you eager to learn more!
Throughout this comprehensive course, we cover a massive amount technologies, as follows:
I. Introduction of the Course
A. Welcome
B. Who Should Attend?
C. Course Outline?
D. What Does this Course Not cover?
1. Introduction to Electric Vehicles
A. Definition of Electric Vehicles
B. Brief history of Electric Vehicles
C. Types of Electric Vehicles
D. Differences between Electric and ICE Vehicles
E. Advantages and disadvantages of Electric Vehicles
F. Main Components in Electric Vehicles vs. Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Vehicles
2. Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles
A. Comparison of emissions from Electric Vehicles and combustion engine vehicles
B. Lifecycle analysis of Electric Vehicles
C. Impact of EVs on reducing greenhouse gas emissions
3. Battery System
A. Types of batteries used in Electric Vehicles
B. Battery chemistry and construction
C. Battery Selection and Sizing
D. Battery Management System
4. Electric Motors and Drivetrain
A. Types of Electric Motors
B. Operating principles of Electric Motors
C. Components of an Electric Drivetrain:
D. Differences between Electric Drivetrains and Traditional Internal Combustion Engine Drivetrains:
5. Power Conversion and Regenerative Braking
A. Power Conversion
B. Regenerative Braking System
C. Energy Management Systems
6. Vehicle Dynamics and Control
A. Characteristics of Electric Vehicle Dynamics
B. Motor control strategies
C. Vehicle stability control and traction control
7. Electric Vehicle Performance and Range
A. Factors affecting electric vehicle range
B. Battery capacity and energy consumption
C. Electric vehicle efficiency and energy management
8. Well-to-Tank (WTT) Energy Efficiency
A. Definition of Well-to-Tank energy efficiency
B. Calculation of WTT efficiency for gasoline and electric vehicles
C. Factors that affect WTT efficiency
9. Tank-to-Wheel (TTW) Energy Efficiency
A. Definition of Tank-to-Wheel energy efficiency
B. Calculation of TTW efficiency for gasoline and electric vehicles
C. Factors that affect TTW efficiency
10. Electric Vehicle Charging and Infrastructure
A. Types of Charging Stations, Charging Time and Speed
B. Types of Connectors
C. Charging Station Locations and Networks
D. Home Charging Options and Installation
11. Battery Life, Replacement and Recycling
A. Factors Affecting Battery Life and Replacement
B. Recycling and Disposal of Used Batteries
12. Electric Vehicle Industry and Future Trends
A. Government policies and incentives for Electric Vehicles
B. Future trends in Electric Vehicle technology
C. Electric Vehicle ownership and maintenance
13. Conclusion
A. Key takeaways
So, what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world’s best beginner Electric Vehicle course to start your journey to becoming an electric vehicle expert!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Electric Vehicles
Lecture 1: What are Electric vehicles
Lecture 2: Brief History of Electric Vehicles
Lecture 3: Types of Electric Vehicles
Lecture 4: Differences between Electric and Gasoline Vehicles
Lecture 5: Advantages and disadvantages of Electric Vehicles
Lecture 6: Overview of main Components in Electric Vehicles vs. Internal Combustion Engine
Chapter 2: Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles
Lecture 1: Comparison of emissions from Electric Vehicles and combustion engine vehicles
Lecture 2: Lifecycle analysis of Electric Vehicles
Lecture 3: Impact of Electric Vehicles on reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Chapter 3: Battery System
Lecture 1: Types of batteries used in Electric Vehicles
Lecture 2: Battery chemistry and construction
Lecture 3: Battery Selection and Sizing
Lecture 4: Battery Management System
Chapter 4: Electric Motors and Drivetrains
Lecture 1: Types of Electric Motors
Lecture 2: Operating principles of Electric Motors
Lecture 3: Components of an Electric Drivetrain
Lecture 4: Differences between Electric vs Internal Combustion Engine Drivetrain
Chapter 5: Power Conversion and Regenerative Braking
Lecture 1: Power Conversion
Lecture 2: Regenerative Braking
Lecture 3: Energy Management Systems
Chapter 6: Vehicle Dynamics and Control
Lecture 1: Characteristics of Electric Vehicle Dynamics
Lecture 2: Motor Control Strategies
Lecture 3: Vehicle Stability Control and Traction Control
Chapter 7: Electric Vehicle Performance and Range
Lecture 1: Factors affecting electric vehicle range
Lecture 2: Battery capacity and energy consumption
Lecture 3: Electric vehicle efficiency and energy management
Chapter 8: Well-to-Tank (WTT) Energy Efficiency for electric vehicles
Lecture 1: Definition of Well-to-Tank energy efficiency
Lecture 2: Calculation of Well-to-Tank efficiency for gasoline and electric vehicles
Lecture 3: Factors that affect Well-to-Tank efficiency
Chapter 9: Tank-to-Wheel (TTW) Energy Efficiency
Lecture 1: Definition of Tank-to-Wheel energy efficiency
Lecture 2: Calculation of Tank-to-Wheel efficiency for gasoline and electric vehicles
Lecture 3: Factors that affect Tank-to-Wheel efficiency
Chapter 10: Electric Vehicle Charging and Infrastructure
Lecture 1: Types of Charging Stations
Lecture 2: Connectors
Lecture 3: Charging Station Locations and Networks
Lecture 4: Home Charging Options and Installation
Chapter 11: Battery Replacement and Recycling
Lecture 1: Factors Affecting Battery Life and Replacement
Lecture 2: Battery life, Recycling, and Disposal of Used Batteries
Chapter 12: Electric Vehicle Industry and Future Trends
Lecture 1: Electric Vehicle Market Overview
Lecture 2: Government policies and incentives for Electric Vehicles
Lecture 3: Future trends in Electric Vehicle technology
Lecture 4: Electric Vehicle ownership and maintenance
Chapter 13: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Key takeaways
Samir Mulgaonkar
Innovation and Technology Design Specialist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 8 votes
- 4 stars: 59 votes
- 5 stars: 97 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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