Learn to Speak Fluent English
Learn to Speak Fluent English, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 74 lectures, based on 12 reviews, and has 111 subscribers.
You will learn about By the end of the course, you will be able to speak English at a much higher level, as you incorporate all the most common words and expressions unique to fluently spoken American English. This course is ideal for individuals who are You need at least one year of experience in the language. It is particularly useful for You need at least one year of experience in the language.
Enroll now: Learn to Speak Fluent English
Title: Learn to Speak Fluent English
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 74
Number of Published Lectures: 74
Number of Curriculum Items: 74
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 74
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- By the end of the course, you will be able to speak English at a much higher level, as you incorporate all the most common words and expressions unique to fluently spoken American English.
Who Should Attend
- You need at least one year of experience in the language.
Target Audiences
- You need at least one year of experience in the language.
In this comprehensive course, you'll learn how to speak fluent, American English. You'll learn how native speakers actually pronounce things, and you'll learn the special words and grammar that are unique to fluently spoken English.
The course is structured around an audio story. Each chapter is then broken into sections, where we analyze and learn all the most common words and features of fluent English. In the Fluency Drills section, you'll practice everything you've learned until you have it mastered. By the end of the course, your English will be at a much higher level, both in understanding what native speakers say, and in your ability to speak with smooth, high-level English.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: The Party!
Lecture 1: "Rita's Story" Chapter 1: The Party!
Lecture 2: The Fluent English Versions of "You" and "Your"
Lecture 3: The Fluent English Versions of "To", "Him" and "Her"
Lecture 4: Fluency Drills: Level 1
Lecture 5: Additional Fluency Drills
Chapter 2: The Party Continued
Lecture 1: The Fluent English Versions of "And, For"
Lecture 2: The Fluent English Versions of "An, Of"
Lecture 3: Fluency Drills: Level 2
Lecture 4: Additional Fluency Drills
Chapter 3: I Have A Boyfriend
Lecture 1: "Rita's Story" Chapter 2: I Have A Boyfriend
Lecture 2: The Fluent English Versions of "What a" and "–ing" words
Lecture 3: The Fluent English Versions of "Got a", "I'll" and "The thing is…"
Lecture 4: Fluency Drills: Level 3
Lecture 5: Additional Fluency Drills
Chapter 4: I Have A Boyfriend (continued)
Lecture 1: The Fluent English Versions of "Let me", "Give me," and "Don't"
Lecture 2: The Fluent English Phrases, "I'm like" and "She's like", plus, "Understand"
Lecture 3: Fluency Drills: Level 4
Lecture 4: Additional Fluency Drills
Chapter 5: Rita's Fiance
Lecture 1: "Rita's Story" Chapter 3: I Have A Fiance
Lecture 2: The Fluent English Versions of "Kind of", "Could have", "Would have"
Lecture 3: The Fluent English Versions of "Going to", "What do you", "What are you"
Lecture 4: Fluency Drills: Level 5
Lecture 5: Additional Fluency Drills
Chapter 6: Rita's Fiance (Continued)
Lecture 1: The Fluent English Versions of "Want to", plus the slang word "Sucks"
Lecture 2: FLuent English Expressions: "What's the catch?", "Huh" and "You know"
Lecture 3: Fluency Drills: Level 6
Lecture 4: Additional Fluency Drills
Chapter 7: Sob Story
Lecture 1: "Rita's Story" Chapter 4: Sob Story
Lecture 2: The Fluent English Versions of "said you", "did you" (The J Morph)
Lecture 3: The Fluent English Versions of "You made your", "Can"
Lecture 4: Fluency Drills: Level 7
Lecture 5: Additional Fluency Drills
Chapter 8: Sob Story (Continued)
Lecture 1: The Fluent English Versions of "Don't you" and "That you" (the Ch morph)
Lecture 2: The Fluent English Versions of "About your", "Because" and "I've got"
Lecture 3: Fluency Drills: Level 8
Lecture 4: Additional Fluency Drills
Chapter 9: What A Rip-Off!
Lecture 1: "Rita's Story" Chapter 5: What A Rip-Off!
Lecture 2: The Fluent English Versions of "A lot of" and the idiom, "Hell of a"
Lecture 3: Fluent English Expressions: "Wait a second/minute", "You've got to be kidding me
Lecture 4: Fluency Drills: Level 9
Lecture 5: Additional Fluency Drills
Chapter 10: What A Rip-Off (continued)
Lecture 1: The Fluent English Versions of "Don't know", "have to" and "hundred"
Lecture 2: The Fluent English Expressions: "What a rip-off", and "Give me a break!"
Lecture 3: Fluency Drills: Level 10
Lecture 4: Additional Fluency Drills
Chapter 11: The Confrontation
Lecture 1: "Rita's Story" Chapter 6: The Confrontation
Lecture 2: The Fluent English Idioms: Let's face it, What's going on, Come on, and more
Lecture 3: The Fluent English Verbs: To call off, to take a swing, to clear
Lecture 4: Fluency Drills: Level 11
Lecture 5: Additional Fluency Drills
Chapter 12: The Confrontation (continued)
Lecture 1: The Fluent English Idioms, "Pissed", "Low budget" and "Dont even think about it"
Lecture 2: The Fluent English Idioms, "To put the fear of God", "Is that right? and more
Lecture 3: Fluency Drills: Level 12
Lecture 4: Additional Fluency Drills
Chapter 13: Rita's New Job
Lecture 1: "Rita's Story" Chapter 7: Rita's New Job
Lecture 2: The Fluent English Idioms, "How about", "Congratulations" and "Cool"
Lecture 3: The Fluent English Slang words, "Bummer", "Psyched" and "No way"
Lecture 4: Fluency Drills: Level 13
Lecture 5: Additional Fluency Drills
Chapter 14: Rita's new Job (continued)
Lecture 1: The Fluent English Idioms, "To burh the hatchet", "That's easy for you to say"..
Lecture 2: Fluent English Verbs: To take someone out, to hook up
Lecture 3: Fluency Drills: Level 14
Lecture 4: Additional Fluency Drills
Chapter 15: Goodbye?
Lecture 1: "Rita's Story" Chapter 8: Goodbye?
Lecture 2: The Fluent English Idioms: Awesome, to be blown away, one of a kind
Lecture 3: The Fluent English idioms: To be bumer, check it out, when the time comes, etc.
Lecture 4: Fluency Drills: Level 15
Chapter 16: Speak Fluent English: FINAL EXAM
Lecture 1: Dialogue 1: Making Plans
Lecture 2: Dialogue 2: The Basketball Bet
Lecture 3: Dialogue #3: The Date with Monica
Lecture 4: Dialogue #4: The New Job
Lecture 5: Dialogue #5: Andy’s New App
Lecture 6: Quiz on New Idioms & Expressions, and Quiz on New Verbs
Lecture 7: How'd'jya do?
Mastery Group
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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