Let's Speak Polish – Numeral in Polish
Let's Speak Polish – Numeral in Polish, available at $44.99, with 15 lectures.
You will learn about Cardinal Numerals: characteristics and application. Ordinal Numerals: characteristics and application. Rest of the Types of Numerals: characteristics and application. Declension of the cardinal numerals through cases depending on the gender in the singular number. Declension of the cardinal numerals through cases depending on the gender in the plural number. Declension of the ordinal numerals through cases depending on the gender in the singular number. Declension of the ordinal numerals through cases depending on the gender in the plural number. This course is ideal for individuals who are For anyone wishing to use Polish language. It is particularly useful for For anyone wishing to use Polish language.
Enroll now: Let's Speak Polish – Numeral in Polish
Title: Let's Speak Polish – Numeral in Polish
Price: $44.99
Number of Lectures: 15
Number of Published Lectures: 15
Number of Curriculum Items: 15
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 15
Original Price: zł79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Cardinal Numerals: characteristics and application.
- Ordinal Numerals: characteristics and application.
- Rest of the Types of Numerals: characteristics and application.
- Declension of the cardinal numerals through cases depending on the gender in the singular number.
- Declension of the cardinal numerals through cases depending on the gender in the plural number.
- Declension of the ordinal numerals through cases depending on the gender in the singular number.
- Declension of the ordinal numerals through cases depending on the gender in the plural number.
Who Should Attend
- For anyone wishing to use Polish language.
Target Audiences
- For anyone wishing to use Polish language.
This course is one of the ‘Polish almost without Secrets’ series. The entire series is dedicated to the practical aspects of using various types of verbs, other parts of speech, and grammatical tenses in the Polish language.
This particular course covers numerals in Polish.
This course does not cover all the detailed issues related to the use of numerals in the Polish language, but completing it already allows for fluent use of Polish numerals in most practical situations.
Types of Numerals
Both in Polish and English, there are several types of numerals, each serving a different purpose. Here are the main types:
1. Liczebniki główne(Cardinal Numerals)
These are the basic numbers used for counting and expressing quantity, for example: jeden(one), dwa(two), trzy(three), cztery(four), pięć(five), etc.
2. Liczebniki porządkowe(Ordinal Numerals)
These indicate the position or order of something in a sequence, for example: pierwszy (first), drugi (second), trzeci (third), czwarty (fourth), piąty (fifth), etc.
3. Liczebniki nominalne(Nominal Numerals)
These are numbers used as names or labels, for example: ‘Droga 66’ (‘Route 66’)
4. Liczebniki ułamkowe(Fractional Numerals)
These represent a part of a whole and are typically expressed as a ratio of two numbers, for example: jedna-druga (one-half), trzy-czwarte (three-quarters), etc.
5. Liczebniki dziesiętne(Decimal Numerals)
These are numbers expressed in the decimal system, with a decimal point to indicate the position of digits, for example: 3,14 (3.14)
6. Liczebniki rzymskie(Roman Numerals)
These are a numeral system that originated in ancient Rome and are still occasionally used today, for example: I (1), V (5), X(10), L(50), C(100), D (500), M (1000)
7. Punkty kardynalne (Cardinal Points)
These are used for directions and are often expressed as numbers, for example: północ (north), południe (sout), wschód (east), zachód (west)
8. Liczebniki mnożące(Multiplicative Numerals)
These indicate the number of times something is multiplied, for example: pojedynczy (single), podwójny (double), potrójny (triple), etc.
9. Liczebniki wielorakie (Multiple Numerals), for example: dwojako (twofold), czworako(fourfold), etc.
They are used to express a multiplier or multiple of a number, for example: dwojako (twofold), czworako (fourfold), etc.
Declension of the Cardinal Numerals through Cases in the Singular Number
The masculine personalcardinalnumeral jeden(one) is declined through cases in the following way:
Mianownik: kto? co? (Nominative: who? what?): jeden chłopiec (one boy), jeden kot (one cat),
Dopełniacz: kogo? czego? (Genitive: of whom? of what?): jednego chłopca (of one boy), jednego kota (of one cat),
Celownik: komu? / dla kogo? // czemu? / dla czego? (Dative: to whom? / for whom? // to what? / for what?): jednemuchłopcu (to one boy) / dla jednego chłopca (for one boy), jednemu kotu(to one cat), dla jednegokota (for one cat),
Biernik: kogo? co?(Accusative: whom? what?): jednego chłopca (one boy), jednegokota (one cat),
Narzędnik: z kim/ kim// z czym?/ czym?(Instrumental: with who? / by who? // with what? / by what?): z jednym chłopcem (with one boy) / jednym chłopcem(by one boy), z jednymkotem (with one cat) / jednymkotem (by one cat),
Miejscownik: o kim? o czym? (Locative: about whom? about what?): o jednym chłopcu (about one boy), o jednymkocie (about one cat),
Wołacz O!(Vocative O!): O, jedenchłopak! (Oh, one boy!), O, jedenkot! (Oh, one cat!),
Ten jedenchłopiecjestbardzo zadowolony.–This oneboyis very satisfied.
To jest porter tego jednegochłopca. –This portrait is ofthis oneboy.
Oni dali to temu jednemuchłopcu. – They gave it tothis oneboy.
Oni dali todla tego jednegochłopca. – They gave it forthis oneboy.
Nie widziałem tego jednegochłopca wtedy. – I couldn’t see this oneboy then.
Będziemy mieliztym jednymchłopcem problemy. – We will have some problems withthis oneboy.
Oni chcą, żeby to było zrobioneprzeztego jednegochłopca. – They want it to be donebythis oneboy.
Oni nie chcą rozmawiaćotym jednymchłopcu. – They don’t want to talkaboutthis oneboy.
‘O,ten jedenchłopiec!’– ktoś zawołał.– ‘Oh,this oneboy!’ – someone called.
Section 8 contains the key to all the Control Tests of this course, so you can track your progress in learning.
You can find complete numeral characterization, its declension through cases, and gradation in the following sections:
Section 1 Cardinal Numerals
Section 2 Ordinal Numerals
Section 3 Rest of the Types of Numerals
Section 4 Declension of the CardinalNumerals through Cases in the Singular Number
Section 5 Declension of the CardinalNumerals through Cases in the Plural Number
Section 6 Declension of the OrdinalNumerals through Cases in the Singular Number
Section 7 Declension of the OrdinalNumerals through Cases in the Plural Number
Section 8 Key to the Control Tests
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Let's Speak Polish – Numerals in Polish
Lecture 1: Cardinal Numerals
Lecture 2: Cardinal Numerals
Chapter 2: Let's Speak Polish – Numerals in Polish
Lecture 1: Ordinal Numerals
Lecture 2: Ordinal Numerals
Chapter 3: Let's Speak Polish – Numerals in Polish
Lecture 1: Rest of the Numerals
Lecture 2: Rest of the Numerals
Chapter 4: Let's Speak Polish – Numerals in Polish
Lecture 1: Declension of the Cardinal Numerals through Cases in the Singular Number
Lecture 2: Declension of the Cardinal Numerals through Cases in the Singular Number
Chapter 5: Let's Speak Polish – Numerals in Polish
Lecture 1: Declension of the Cardinal Numerals through Cases in the Plural Number
Lecture 2: Declension of the Cardinal Numerals through Cases in the Plural Number
Chapter 6: Let's Speak Polish – Numerals in Polish
Lecture 1: Declension of the Ordinal Numerals through Cases in the Singular Number
Lecture 2: Declension of the Ordinal Numerals through Cases in the Singular Number
Chapter 7: Let's Speak Polish – Numerals in Polish
Lecture 1: Declension of the Ordinal Numerals through Cases in the Plural Number
Lecture 2: Declension of the Ordinal Numerals through Cases in the Plural Number
Chapter 8: Let's Speak Polish – Numerals in Polish
Lecture 1: The Key to the Control Tests
Czesław J. Smolak
Czesław J. Smolak
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