Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.85, with 95 lectures, based on 17 reviews, and has 216 subscribers.
You will learn about What are matrices and vectors. Matrix and vector operations — addition, subtraction, multiplication, dot product, and transposes. How to determine if a matrix has an inverse and, if so, how to compute it. Producing the row echelon form (REF) and reduced row echelon form (RREF) of a matrix. How to solve systems of equations. How to find the determinant and rank of a matrix. What vector spaces and subspaces are. What is the nullspace and column space of a matrix. What are linear combinations of vectors, what is the span of a set of vectors, and is the set linearly independent. What is a basis for a vector space, what are coordinate systems, and how to produce a change of basis. What is the Invertible Matrix Theorem and why it tells us so much about a matrix. Orthogonality of vectors, orthogonal projections, orthonormal sets, and orthogonal matrices. How to perform the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process and how to use it to produce the QR factorization of a matrix. How to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square matrix. Less common topics, including least squares, the singular value decomposition, and and introduction to numerical linear algebra. This course is ideal for individuals who are Students currently enrolled in a college linear algebra course. or People who would like to better understand the mechanics of doing things in linear algebra and also understand why they are doing them. or This course is NOT for someone looking for a theorem-proof approach to the topic. It is particularly useful for Students currently enrolled in a college linear algebra course. or People who would like to better understand the mechanics of doing things in linear algebra and also understand why they are doing them. or This course is NOT for someone looking for a theorem-proof approach to the topic.
Enroll now: Linear Algebra
Title: Linear Algebra
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.85
Number of Lectures: 95
Number of Published Lectures: 95
Number of Curriculum Items: 95
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 95
Original Price: $59.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- What are matrices and vectors.
- Matrix and vector operations — addition, subtraction, multiplication, dot product, and transposes.
- How to determine if a matrix has an inverse and, if so, how to compute it.
- Producing the row echelon form (REF) and reduced row echelon form (RREF) of a matrix.
- How to solve systems of equations.
- How to find the determinant and rank of a matrix.
- What vector spaces and subspaces are.
- What is the nullspace and column space of a matrix.
- What are linear combinations of vectors, what is the span of a set of vectors, and is the set linearly independent.
- What is a basis for a vector space, what are coordinate systems, and how to produce a change of basis.
- What is the Invertible Matrix Theorem and why it tells us so much about a matrix.
- Orthogonality of vectors, orthogonal projections, orthonormal sets, and orthogonal matrices.
- How to perform the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process and how to use it to produce the QR factorization of a matrix.
- How to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square matrix.
- Less common topics, including least squares, the singular value decomposition, and and introduction to numerical linear algebra.
Who Should Attend
- Students currently enrolled in a college linear algebra course.
- People who would like to better understand the mechanics of doing things in linear algebra and also understand why they are doing them.
- This course is NOT for someone looking for a theorem-proof approach to the topic.
Target Audiences
- Students currently enrolled in a college linear algebra course.
- People who would like to better understand the mechanics of doing things in linear algebra and also understand why they are doing them.
- This course is NOT for someone looking for a theorem-proof approach to the topic.
I believe that linear algebra is the most important area of math that most people have never heard of. While it has long been important in engineering and the sciences, it is also widely used in the currently popular fields of machine learning and data science.
To give you an idea of how widely it is used, check out the titles of these books:
An Introduction to Wavelets Through Linear Algebra
Fundamentals and Linear Algebra for the Chemical Engineer
Graph Algorithms in the Language of Linear Algebra
Intermediate Dynamics: A Linear Algebraic Approach
Introduction to Linear Algebra: A Primer for Social Scientists
Introduction to Linear Algebra in Geology
Introduction to Matrix Methods in Optics
Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning
Linear Algebra for Economists
Linear Algebra for Signal Processing
Matrix Algebra From a Statistician’s Perspective
Theory of Matrix Structural Analysis
My goal in this course is to introduce you to linear algebra in such a way that you not only understand the purpose of the various topics, but that you also see how you can apply the material. I hope that if you begin the course thinking “what is linear algebra used for?” that you end the course thinking “what can’t you use linear algebra for?”
We will cover standard topics of linear algebra that you can find in any linear algebra textbook, but I also spend a lot of time on topics that are less common in an undergraduate linear algebra course: least squares, singular value decomposition, and numerical linear algebra.
I am a big believer that in order to learn to do something, you have to actually practice doing it. Therefore, I do the following:
work problems by hand, explaining the steps used and promoting understanding of why we are doing it
in a few cases the problems are too large or complex to do by hand, so I wrote a computer program in the Python programming language to do the work or plot the values
provide practice problems with solutions, showing my work for obtaining the answers
It is also easy to claim that linear algebra is useful but then not back it up. Therefore, for each major topic I include practical applications.
Finally, let me leave you with a quote from Linear Algebra: A Happy Chance to Apply Mathematics by Gilbert Strang, who teaches linear algebra at MIT: “I believe that linear algebra is the most important subject in college mathematics. Isaac Newton would not agree! But he isn’t teaching mathematics in the 21st century (and maybe he wasn’t a great teacher, we will give him the benefit of the doubt). Certainly Newton demonstrated that the laws of physics are best expressed by differential equations. He needed calculus: quite right. But the scope of science and engineering and management (and life) is now so much wider, and linear algebra has moved into a central place.”
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Matrix Arithmetic
Lecture 1: Introduction and Overview
Lecture 2: Matrices and Vectors
Lecture 3: Matrix Arithmetic — Addition and Subtraction
Lecture 4: Matrix Arithmetic — Multiplication
Lecture 5: Matrix Arithmetic — Counter Examples
Lecture 6: Transpose
Lecture 7: Examples of Matrix Arithmetic (with practice problems)
Lecture 8: Dot Product
Lecture 9: Application: Adjacency Matrix
Chapter 2: Systems of Linear Equations
Lecture 1: Introduction to Systems of Linear Equations
Lecture 2: Reduced Row Echelon Form (REF)
Lecture 3: Examples of Producing REF
Lecture 4: Solving Systems of Equations
Lecture 5: Examples of Solving Systems of Equations (with practice problems)
Lecture 6: Application: Finding a Cubic Equation to Fit Points
Lecture 7: Application: Cryptography
Lecture 8: Application: Network Flow
Lecture 9: Application: Finding Average Cost of Mixture
Lecture 10: Application: Social Security Benefits Crossover Point
Chapter 3: Matrix Inverse
Lecture 1: Matrix Inverse
Lecture 2: Examples of Finding the Matrix Inverse
Lecture 3: Example of Finding the Matrix Inverse, Part 2 (with practice problems)
Lecture 4: Invertible Matrix Theorem
Chapter 4: Determinants
Lecture 1: Finding the Determinant of a 2×2 or 3×3 Matrix
Lecture 2: Finding the Determinant of Larger Matrices (with practice problems)
Lecture 3: Application: Finding the Area of a Polygon
Lecture 4: Application: Collision Detection
Chapter 5: Vector Spaces
Lecture 1: Vector Spaces
Lecture 2: Vector Space Examples
Lecture 3: Subspaces
Lecture 4: Subspace Examples
Lecture 5: Linear Combinations
Lecture 6: Span of a Vector Space
Lecture 7: Nullspace
Lecture 8: Column Space (with practice problems)
Lecture 9: Linear Independence
Lecture 10: Application: Eliminating Redundancy in a Graph
Lecture 11: Basis for a Vector Space
Lecture 12: The Standard Basis
Lecture 13: Finding a Basis for Vector Spaces of Polynomials
Lecture 14: Finding a Basis for Vector Spaces of Matrices
Lecture 15: Find a Basis for Matrices that Commute (with practice problems)
Chapter 6: Linear Transformations
Lecture 1: Linear Transformations
Lecture 2: Linear Transformation Examples, part 1
Lecture 3: Linear Transformation Examples, part 2 (with practice problems)
Lecture 4: Application: Differentiation of Polynomials
Lecture 5: Matrices as Linear Transformations
Lecture 6: Geometric Transformations
Lecture 7: Application: Computer Graphics
Lecture 8: Dimension, Rank, and Nullity
Lecture 9: Isomorphisms
Lecture 10: Application: Artificial Intelligence
Lecture 11: Coordinate Systems
Lecture 12: Coordinate System Examples
Lecture 13: Change of Basis (with practice problems)
Lecture 14: Application: Data Transmission and Error-Correcting Codes
Lecture 15: Application: Perspective Rectification in Computer Vision
Chapter 7: Orthogonality
Lecture 1: Orthogonality
Lecture 2: Orthogonal and Orthonormal Sets
Lecture 3: Application: Calculating Normal Vectors for Ray Tracing
Lecture 4: Orthogonal Basis
Lecture 5: Orthogonal Basis, Part 2
Lecture 6: Orthogonal Matrix
Lecture 7: Orthogonal Projections
Lecture 8: Orthogonal Projections, Part 2
Lecture 9: Orthogonal Projection onto a Subspace
Lecture 10: Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization
Lecture 11: Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Examples (with practice problems)
Lecture 12: QR Factorization
Chapter 8: Least Squares
Lecture 1: Introduction to Least Squares
Lecture 2: Producing the Normal Equations
Lecture 3: Least Squares Examples
Lecture 4: Least Squares Examples, Part 2
Lecture 5: Linear Regression (with practice problems)
Lecture 6: Application: Fitting Models
Lecture 7: Application: Fitting a Circle to Data Points
Lecture 8: Application: Fitting Periodic Data
Chapter 9: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Lecture 1: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Lecture 2: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Examples
Lecture 3: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Special Cases
Lecture 4: Trace of a Square Matrix (with practice problems)
Lecture 5: Application: Principal Component Analysis
Lecture 6: Application: Markov Chain
Chapter 10: Singular Value Decomposition
Lecture 1: Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
Lecture 2: SVD Examples
Lecture 3: SVD Examples, Part 2 (with practice problems)
Lecture 4: General Applications of the SVD
Lecture 5: Application: Image Classification
Lecture 6: Application: Image Compression
Chapter 11: Numerical Linear Algebra
Darin Brezeale
former university lecturer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 11 votes
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