Master English Pronunciation with 1000+ WORDS!
Master English Pronunciation with 1000+ WORDS!, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.85, with 82 lectures, based on 57 reviews, and has 705 subscribers.
You will learn about The 44 sounds of English and the phonetic alphabet How the English sounds can be spelled The correct pronunciation of over 1000 English words This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for people who learn English mostly from books and have difficulty communicating directly with native speakers. or Beginners are welcome. You do not need to be fluent to follow along and make the sounds with the instructor. It is particularly useful for This course is for people who learn English mostly from books and have difficulty communicating directly with native speakers. or Beginners are welcome. You do not need to be fluent to follow along and make the sounds with the instructor.
Enroll now: Master English Pronunciation with 1000+ WORDS!
Title: Master English Pronunciation with 1000+ WORDS!
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.85
Number of Lectures: 82
Number of Published Lectures: 82
Number of Curriculum Items: 82
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 82
Original Price: $27.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The 44 sounds of English and the phonetic alphabet
- How the English sounds can be spelled
- The correct pronunciation of over 1000 English words
Who Should Attend
- This course is for people who learn English mostly from books and have difficulty communicating directly with native speakers.
- Beginners are welcome. You do not need to be fluent to follow along and make the sounds with the instructor.
Target Audiences
- This course is for people who learn English mostly from books and have difficulty communicating directly with native speakers.
- Beginners are welcome. You do not need to be fluent to follow along and make the sounds with the instructor.
In this course you will learn all the sounds of English using the international phonetic alphabet. You will also learn the correct pronunciation of over 1000 English words. This course includes a free workbook to keep track of your progress and audio files to help you review the words. This course will help students who have a difficult time pronouncing the English words they learned by reading. This is common because the English spelling system is much more complex than Spanish, Arabic, or Indonesian. Beginners and intermediate students are welcome! As long as you can understand simple instructions in English you can follow this course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome!
Lecture 1: Introducing the Standard North American Accent
Chapter 2: Introduction to the IPA
Lecture 1: The Phonetic Alphabet (downloadable workbook)
Lecture 2: The alphabet. Wait! It has 19 missing sounds!
Lecture 3: A note on variation
Chapter 3: All of the individual vowel sounds
Lecture 1: Sound 1: iː (spelled e, ee, ea, y, ey, oe, ie, eo)
Lecture 2: Sound 1 practice
Lecture 3: Sound 2: ɪ (spelled i, e, o, u, ui, y, ie)
Lecture 4: Sound 2 practice
Lecture 5: Sound 3: ɛ (spelled e, ea, u, ue, ie, ai, a, eo, ei, ae)
Lecture 6: Sound 3 practice
Lecture 7: Sound 4: æ (spelled a, ai, au, al)
Lecture 8: Sound 4 practice
Lecture 9: Sound 5: æ when followed by n,m, or ŋ
Lecture 10: Sound 5 practice
Lecture 11: Sound 6: ə (spelled a, e, i, o, u)
Lecture 12: Sound 6 practice
Lecture 13: Sound 7: ʊ (spelled o, oo, u, oul)
Lecture 14: Sound 7 practice
Lecture 15: Sound 8: ʌ (spelled u, o, oo, ou)
Lecture 16: Sound 8 practice
Lecture 17: Sound 9: uː (spelled o, oo, ew, ue, u_e, oe, ough, ui, oeu, ou)
Lecture 18: Sound 9 practice
Lecture 19: Sound 10: ɑː (spelled o, aw, a, augh, ough, au)
Lecture 20: Sound 10 practice
Lecture 21: Side note: Another sound you may find
Lecture 22: Sound 11: eɪ (spelled ay, ai, a_e, eigh, aight, er, et, ei, au, ea, ey)
Lecture 23: Sound 11 practice
Lecture 24: Sound 12: aʊ (spelled ow, ou, ough)
Lecture 25: Sound 12 practice
Lecture 26: Sound 13: aɪ (spelled i,y, igh, ie, uy, ye, ai, is, eigh, i_e)
Lecture 27: Sound 13 practice
Lecture 28: Sound 14: oʊ (spelled o, oa, o_e, oe, ow, ough, eau, oo, ew)
Lecture 29: Sound 14 practice
Lecture 30: Sound 15: ɔɪ (spelled oi, oy)
Lecture 31: Sound 15 practice
Lecture 32: The Vowel Chart
Chapter 4: The vowels that change when mixed with R
Lecture 1: Introduction to the R-controlled vowel sounds
Lecture 2: Sound 16: ɝ and ɚ (spelled er, ir, ur, ure, ear, ere, or, our, yr)
Lecture 3: Sound 16 practice
Lecture 4: Sound 17: ɔːr (spelled or, ore, oor, oar, our, ar)
Lecture 5: Sound 17 practice
Lecture 6: Sound 18: er or ɛr (spelled air, are, ear, ere, eir, ayer, aer, er, ar)
Lecture 7: Sound 18 practice
Lecture 8: Sound 19: ɪr (spelled ear, eer, ere, ier, ir)
Lecture 9: Sound 19 practice
Lecture 10: Sound 20: ɑːr (spelled ar, are)
Lecture 11: Sound 20 practice
Lecture 12: Sound 21 ʊr can be avoided
Lecture 13: Recap of the R-controlled vowels
Chapter 5: The consonants
Lecture 1: Sound 22: r (spelled r, rr, wr, rh)
Lecture 2: Sound 22 practice
Lecture 3: Sound 23: l (spelled l, ll)
Lecture 4: Sound 23 practice
Lecture 5: Sound 24: j (spelled y, i, j, *u)
Lecture 6: Sound 24 practice
Lecture 7: Sound 25: w (spelled w, wh, u, o)
Lecture 8: Sound 25: w practice
Lecture 9: Sound 26: h (spelled h, wh)
Lecture 10: Sound 26 practice
Lecture 11: Sound 27: m (spelled m, mm, mb, mn, lm)
Lecture 12: Sound 27 practice
Lecture 13: Sound 28: n (spelled n, nn, kn, gn, pn)
Lecture 14: Sound 28 practice
Lecture 15: Sound 29: ŋ (spelled ng, n, ngue)
Lecture 16: Sound 29 practice
Lecture 17: Sound 30/31: p and b (spelled p, pp / b, bb)
Lecture 18: Sound 30/31 practice
Lecture 19: Sound 32/33: f and v (spelled f, ff, ph, gh, lf/ v, f, ph, ve)
Lecture 20: Sound 32/33 practice
Lecture 21: Sound 34/35: t and d (spelled t, tt, th, ed/ d, dd, ed)
Lecture 22: Sound 34/35 practice
Lecture 23: Sound 36/37: k and g (spelled k, c, ch, cc, lk, q, ck, x/ g, gg, gh, gu, gue)
Lecture 24: Sound 36/37 practice
Lecture 25: Sound 38/39: ʧ and ʤ (spelled ch, tch, tu, ti, te/ j, ge, g, dge, di, du, gg)
Lecture 26: Sound 38/39 practice
Lecture 27: Sound 40/41: s and z (spelled s, ss, c, sc, ps, ce, se/ z, zz, s, ss, x, ze, se)
Lecture 28: Sound 40/41 practice
Lecture 29: Sound 42/43: ʃ and ʒ (spelled sh, ce, s, ci, si, ch, sci, ti/ s, si, z)
Lecture 30: Sound 42/43 practice
Lecture 31: Sound 44/45: θ and ð (spelled th / th)
Lecture 32: Sound 44/45 practice
Lecture 1: Thank You
Sacha Stevenson
Professional Youtuber
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 11 votes
- 5 stars: 45 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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