Mastering Control Systems : Very basics to Advance for 2021
Mastering Control Systems : Very basics to Advance for 2021, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.71, with 103 lectures, based on 272 reviews, and has 1938 subscribers.
You will learn about To understand and differentiate the basics of linear time-invariant control system. To understand and analyze time response of first and second order control systems for different standard test signals. To perform frequency domain analysis of linear control system using bode plot and nyquist stability criterion To understand and analyze feedback characteristics of linear control system to reduce the disturbance. The fundamental concepts of Control systems and mathematical modelling of the system. To understand and analyze the stability of LTI systems in Time Domain and Frequency Domain. To draw the Root Locus of First and Second order systems. To understand and analyze the state space analysis. This course is ideal for individuals who are Electrical, Communication, Instrumentation Students. or Who are seeking to learn to design automatic control electrical systems. or GATE, PSU Aspirants and for all competitive exams related to electronics. or Academics It is particularly useful for Electrical, Communication, Instrumentation Students. or Who are seeking to learn to design automatic control electrical systems. or GATE, PSU Aspirants and for all competitive exams related to electronics. or Academics.
Enroll now: Mastering Control Systems : Very basics to Advance for 2021
Title: Mastering Control Systems : Very basics to Advance for 2021
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.71
Number of Lectures: 103
Number of Published Lectures: 103
Number of Curriculum Items: 103
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 103
Original Price: ₹7,900
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- To understand and differentiate the basics of linear time-invariant control system.
- To understand and analyze time response of first and second order control systems for different standard test signals.
- To perform frequency domain analysis of linear control system using bode plot and nyquist stability criterion
- To understand and analyze feedback characteristics of linear control system to reduce the disturbance.
- The fundamental concepts of Control systems and mathematical modelling of the system.
- To understand and analyze the stability of LTI systems in Time Domain and Frequency Domain.
- To draw the Root Locus of First and Second order systems.
- To understand and analyze the state space analysis.
Who Should Attend
- Electrical, Communication, Instrumentation Students.
- Who are seeking to learn to design automatic control electrical systems.
- GATE, PSU Aspirants and for all competitive exams related to electronics.
- Academics
Target Audiences
- Electrical, Communication, Instrumentation Students.
- Who are seeking to learn to design automatic control electrical systems.
- GATE, PSU Aspirants and for all competitive exams related to electronics.
- Academics
This course gives the easy understanding of open-loop system and closed-loop systems. This course deals with transfer functions of the system from block diagram representation, signal flow graph representation and electrical systems.
Time domain analysis explains the time responses like transient and study state responses.
Root locus explains system performance with different system gains.
Frequency Domain analysis deals with frequency responses using Bode Plot, Polar Plot and Nyquist Plot.
Study state analysis deals with stability of multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) systems and dynamic systems.
Define and explain feedback and feed-forward control architecture and learn the importance of robustness, stability and performance in control design.
What you will Learn :
Laplace Transform
Block Diagram Representation
Signal Flow Graph
Mathematical Model
Linear Time Invariant Systems
Time Domain Analysis
Routh Hurwitz (R-H) Criterion
Root Locus
Frequency Domain Analysis
Bode Plot
Polar and Nyquist Plot
Controllers and Compensators
State Space Analysis
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Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: 1. Introduction
Lecture 2: 1.1 Control Systems Introduction
Lecture 3: 1.2 Transfer Function
Lecture 4: 1.3 Stable and NonStable
Lecture 5: 1.4 Poles and Zeroes Location – 1
Lecture 6: 1.5 Open Loop and Closed Loop
Lecture 7: 1.6 Negative Feedback Systems
Lecture 8: 1.7 Types and Order of the System
Lecture 9: 1.8 Transfer Function Essential Network – 1
Lecture 10: 1.9 Transfer Function Essential Network – 2
Chapter 2: Laplace Transform
Lecture 1: Relation Between Laplace Transform and Fourier Transform
Lecture 2: Introduction to Laplace Transform
Lecture 3: Laplace Transform of Basic Signals.
Lecture 4: Overview of Properties of Laplace Transform
Lecture 5: Applications of Laplace Transform – 1
Lecture 6: Applications of Laplace Transform – 2
Lecture 7: Inverse Laplace Transform – 1
Lecture 8: Inverse Laplace Transform – 2
Chapter 3: 2. Block Diagram Representation
Lecture 1: 2.1 Block Diagram Representation and Reduction Poles – 1
Lecture 2: 2.2 Block Diagram Representation and Reduction Poles – 2
Lecture 3: 2.3 Problems on Block Diagram Representation
Lecture 4: 2.4 Problems on Block Diagram Representation for MIMO
Chapter 4: 3. Signal Flow Graph
Lecture 1: 3.1 Signal Flow Graph Representation
Lecture 2: 3.2 Mason's Gain Formula
Lecture 3: 3.3 Transfer Function Example
Lecture 4: 3.4 Transfer Function Problem – 1
Lecture 5: 3.5 Transfer Function Problem – 2
Lecture 6: 3.6 Transfer Function Problem (More Forward Paths)
Lecture 7: 3.7 Conversion From Block Diagram to Signal Flow Graph Representation
Chapter 5: 4. Mathematical Model
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: 4.2 Transfer Function from mechanical System
Lecture 3: 4.3 Force – Voltage (F-I) and Force – Current Analogy
Lecture 4: 4.4 Problems on F-V, F-I
Chapter 6: 5. Linear Time Invariant Systems
Lecture 1: 5.1 Linear Time Invariant Systems Introduction
Lecture 2: 5.2 Linear Time Invariant (LTI) System Responses
Lecture 3: 5.3 Differential Equations
Lecture 4: 5.4 Impulse Response of the System
Lecture 5: 5.5 Sinusoidal Responses
Lecture 6: 5.6 Initial and Final Values of Function
Chapter 7: 6. Time Domain Analysis
Lecture 1: 6.1 Introduction to Transient and Steady State Response
Lecture 2: 6.2 Steady State Error
Lecture 3: 6.3 Steady State Error with Inputs (Step, Ramp and Parabolic)
Lecture 4: 6.4 Steady state error with different type of system
Lecture 5: 6.5 Problems on Steady State Error
Lecture 6: 6.6 Transient Response of first order system
Lecture 7: 6.7 Transient Response of Second order system
Lecture 8: 6.8 Stability condition with damping factor
Lecture 9: 6.9 Step Response of Second Order System
Lecture 10: 6.10 Delay time, Peak time and transient response parameters
Lecture 11: 6.11 Problems on transient parameters
Chapter 8: 7. Routh Hurwitz (R-H) Criterion
Lecture 1: 7.1 Stability
Lecture 2: 7.2 Stability Problems
Lecture 3: 7.3 Stability Analysis – 1
Lecture 4: 7.4 Stability Analysis – 2
Lecture 5: 7.5 R-H Critiria
Lecture 6: 7.6 Problems on R-H Critiria
Lecture 7: 7.7 Absolute and conditional Stable
Lecture 8: 7.8 Problems on R-H Critiria
Chapter 9: 8. Root Locus
Lecture 1: 8.1 Root Locus Introduction
Lecture 2: 8.2 The relation between Closed Loop and Open Loop Transfer Function
Lecture 3: 8.3 Poles of Closed Loop Systems
Lecture 4: 8.4 Procedure to Draw Root Locus
Lecture 5: 8.5 How to find asymptotes of Transfer Function
Lecture 6: 8.6 Problems on Root Locus – 1
Lecture 7: 8.7 Problems on Root Locus – 2
Lecture 8: 8.8 Problems on Root Locus – 3 ( Break Point & Cross Section of Imaginary Axis)
Lecture 9: Graph
Lecture 10: 8.9 Problems on Root Locus – 4
Lecture 11: 8.10 Problems on Root Locus – 5 (Unity Feedback System)
Lecture 12: graph 1
Lecture 13: graph 2
Chapter 10: 9. Frequency Domain Analysis
Lecture 1: 9.1 Frequency Domain Analysis Introduction (Magnitude Response & Phase Response)
Lecture 2: 9.2 Resonance Frequency (Wr) & Resonance Peak (Mr) for Unity Feedback System)
Lecture 3: 9.3 Finding Gain Margin and Phase Margin using Open Loop Transfer Function
Lecture 4: 9.4 Problems on Gain Margin and Phase Margin
Lecture 5: 9.5 Problems on Phase Margin
Chapter 11: 10. Bode Plot
Lecture 1: 10.1 Bode Plot Introduction
Lecture 2: 10.2 Procedure to Draw the Bode Plot of given Transfer Function
Lecture 3: 10.3.1 Problems on Bode Plot – 1
Lecture 4: 10.3.2 "Semilog Graph" Representation for above Problem
Lecture 5: 10.4.1 Problems on Bode Plot – 2
Lecture 6: 10.4.2 "Semilog Graph" Representation for above Problem
Chapter 12: 11. Polar and Nyquist Plot
Lecture 1: 11.1 Polar Plot Introduction
Lecture 2: 11.2 Problems on Polar Plot
Lecture 3: 11.3 Shortcut Technique to draw Polar Plot
Lecture 4: 11.4 Phase Margin and Gain Margin from Polar Plot
Lecture 5: 11.5 Introduction to Nyquist Plot
Lecture 6: 11.6 Problems on Nyquist Plot – 1
Edufulness Srinivas Andoor
Professional GATE ECE Faculty
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 25 votes
- 4 stars: 72 votes
- 5 stars: 171 votes
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