Mastering the Fundamentals of Math (Mathematics) : Part 1
Mastering the Fundamentals of Math (Mathematics) : Part 1, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.05, with 779 lectures, based on 137 reviews, and has 860 subscribers.
You will learn about Chapter 0: Some preliminaries (which you have already studied in your lower classes) Chapter 1: The Basics (Number, Numeral, Numeration, Roman numerals, Hindu-Arabic numerals, International numeration, Indian numeration, Face & Place values,… … continued (Expanded form, Comparison of numbers, Formation of numbers, Greatest and the smallest numbers, Rounding off, and Estimation) Chapter 2: Factors and Multiples (Factors, Multiples, Common factors, Common multiples, HCF, LCM, Prime & Composite numbers, Co-prime numbers, Twin-primes, etc) Chapter 3: Rules of Divisibility Chapter 4: Divisibility Tests of numbers (with proofs) Chapter 5: The Number System (Natural numbers, Whole numbers, Integers, Fractions and Rational numbers, Comparison & Ordering, Operations, Associated Laws) Chapter 6: Decimal number system Chapter 7: Bases and Exponents Chapter 8: Binary Number system Chapter 9: The Set Theory Chapter 10: The Unitary Method Chapter 11: Ratio and Proportion Chapter 12: Percentage Chapter 13: Profit and Loss Chapter 14: Simple Interest Chapter 15: Average Speed This course is ideal for individuals who are All students (new or old) of math who want to clear all concepts from the beginning or All students of math who want to learn multiple methods of solving the same problem or Students who want to build strong foundation for taking up high level competitive exams like Olympiad, etc or Parents or guardians or adults above 18 years looking for a quality content on complete fundamentals of math for their ward or Teachers who want to learn how to present the material in front of their target students or A general math lover who wants to enjoy mathematics It is particularly useful for All students (new or old) of math who want to clear all concepts from the beginning or All students of math who want to learn multiple methods of solving the same problem or Students who want to build strong foundation for taking up high level competitive exams like Olympiad, etc or Parents or guardians or adults above 18 years looking for a quality content on complete fundamentals of math for their ward or Teachers who want to learn how to present the material in front of their target students or A general math lover who wants to enjoy mathematics.
Enroll now: Mastering the Fundamentals of Math (Mathematics) : Part 1
Title: Mastering the Fundamentals of Math (Mathematics) : Part 1
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.05
Number of Lectures: 779
Number of Published Lectures: 779
Number of Curriculum Items: 779
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 779
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Chapter 0: Some preliminaries (which you have already studied in your lower classes)
- Chapter 1: The Basics (Number, Numeral, Numeration, Roman numerals, Hindu-Arabic numerals, International numeration, Indian numeration, Face & Place values,…
- … continued (Expanded form, Comparison of numbers, Formation of numbers, Greatest and the smallest numbers, Rounding off, and Estimation)
- Chapter 2: Factors and Multiples (Factors, Multiples, Common factors, Common multiples, HCF, LCM, Prime & Composite numbers, Co-prime numbers, Twin-primes, etc)
- Chapter 3: Rules of Divisibility
- Chapter 4: Divisibility Tests of numbers (with proofs)
- Chapter 5: The Number System (Natural numbers, Whole numbers, Integers, Fractions and Rational numbers, Comparison & Ordering, Operations, Associated Laws)
- Chapter 6: Decimal number system
- Chapter 7: Bases and Exponents
- Chapter 8: Binary Number system
- Chapter 9: The Set Theory
- Chapter 10: The Unitary Method
- Chapter 11: Ratio and Proportion
- Chapter 12: Percentage
- Chapter 13: Profit and Loss
- Chapter 14: Simple Interest
- Chapter 15: Average Speed
Who Should Attend
- All students (new or old) of math who want to clear all concepts from the beginning
- All students of math who want to learn multiple methods of solving the same problem
- Students who want to build strong foundation for taking up high level competitive exams like Olympiad, etc
- Parents or guardians or adults above 18 years looking for a quality content on complete fundamentals of math for their ward
- Teachers who want to learn how to present the material in front of their target students
- A general math lover who wants to enjoy mathematics
Target Audiences
- All students (new or old) of math who want to clear all concepts from the beginning
- All students of math who want to learn multiple methods of solving the same problem
- Students who want to build strong foundation for taking up high level competitive exams like Olympiad, etc
- Parents or guardians or adults above 18 years looking for a quality content on complete fundamentals of math for their ward
- Teachers who want to learn how to present the material in front of their target students
- A general math lover who wants to enjoy mathematics
1) Many preview videos: You can watch many preview videos and learn those topics without paying any price.
2) 1 free chapter: I have given one complete chapter (the chapter of “PERCENTAGE”) for preview. This gives you an idea of my style of teaching and the depth to which I discuss a topic. To gain full perspective, watch it completely and not just in bits-and-pieces.
3) Hand-written notes: You will see everything being handwritten by me on the board, be it definitions or concepts or examples. This will make your task of notes-taking extremely easy.
4) Explanation from level zero: I have started every chapter from level zero. And then, step-by-step, I have moved on to more difficult concepts.
5) In-depth Explanation: Every concept has been explained in great details. For easy understanding, you will also see me solving many on-spot problems while discussing a particular topic.
6) Ready-made solved problems: You will find tons of problems of varying difficulty solved by me. You can easily score 95% marks in your school exams just by watching and hand-practicing these problems. No need to solve any other material after these. Sometimes I have demonstrated multiple methods to solve the same problem. This is done to broaden your line of thought.
7) Chapter revision problems: In some chapters, I have included the revision of the chapter through problems to help you with your quick revision during your exam time.
1) Friendly support in the Q&A section
2) Lifetime access to this course
3) 30-day money back guarantee
1) Structure: This course titled “Mastering the Fundamentals of Math (Mathematics)” comes in 2 parts and this is the Part 1.
2) Contents of Part 1: Basics of numbers (including Roman numeral system, Hindu-Arabic numeral system, International system of numeration, Indian system of numeration, Rounding off, Estimation), Factors & Multiples (including prime numbers, composite numbers, HCF, LCM), Divisibility rules and Divisibility tests, Number systems (covering Natural numbers, Whole numbers, Integers, Fractions and Rational numbers), Simplification, Decimal number system, Binary number system, Bases and Exponents (including Laws of Indices), The set theory, The unitary method, Ratio & Proportion, Percentages, Profit & Loss, Simple Interest, and Average speed.
3) Contents of Part 2: Algebra, Linear equations in 1 variable, Plane geometry (covering Point, Line segment, Line, Ray, Angle, Pair of Angles, Pair of lines, Parallel lines & a transversal, Curve, Polygon, Triangle, Quadrilateral, Circle), 3-dimensional geometry (covering Cuboid, Cube, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere), Geometrical constructions, Mensuration, Statistics, Trigonometry, Coordinate geometry, and Logarithm.
1) Order of covering the chapters: The course has been designed in such a way that you can start learning directly from any topic as you like. There is no need to begin the course from the first lecture itself. In fact, jump directly to the topic you need the most at this moment and begin from there. For example: If a student wants to learn ‘Decimal number system’, then he/she must directly jump to the first video of that section. No need to go through the lectures appearing before it as per the sequence.
2) Length of the course: The length of the course is a little bit longer than usual. This is because I have handwritten almost everything that I have discussed (and this consumes a lot of time) and I have also solved much more problems than usual (as done in coaching classes) to clear the concepts concretely. Students will gain immensely just by watching me solve the problems. You are advised to make adjustments in watching the lectures as per your needs and requirements.
3) For fast coverage: Watch the videos in double speed whenever required.
4) If your exam is near by: If your exam is near by and you already know the theory of a particular chapter, just watch the ‘Problem sessions’ of that chapter for fast coverage. Later on, you should go for thorough coverage.
5) Time required to finish the course: Ideally, a student devoting nearly 2 hours per day learning from this course, is expected to cover the entire course (both Part 1 and Part 2) in about 4 months. However, there is no need to rush, as the course is available to you forever after the purchase. Personally, I would recommend that you cover lectures at your own pace and convenience. Just make sure that you learn something from it on a daily basis, even if it is just a 15 minutes content that you covered in the entire day. Consistency is the key.
1) This course is a collection of many topics and you have access to them forever after the purchase. In every chapter you will find many new things to learn which I am sure you never got to learn before.
2) One of the best taught chapters in Part 2 is the chapter of ‘Geometry’. I guarantee that very less students study this topic the way it should actually be studied. Once studied you will develop a rock-solid foundation in Geometry.
3) Similarly, the chapter of ‘Number System’ in Part 1 has been presented in quite a meticulous manner. You will feel this yourself.
4) Many other chapters like: ‘Statistics’, ‘Coordinate geometry’, and almost every chapter are also quite elaborate.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: CH 0: Some preliminaries
Lecture 1: The prerequisites: Introduction
Lecture 2: How to 'add' numbers
Lecture 3: How to 'subtract' numbers
Lecture 4: How to 'multiply' numbers
Lecture 5: Multiplying by 10, 100, 1000, …
Lecture 6: How to 'divide' numbers
Lecture 7: The division algorithm
Lecture 8: Multiple of divisor nearest to the dividend
Lecture 9: Divisibility tests of numbers
Lecture 10: How to do 'cancellations' in division
Lecture 11: The 'VBODMAS' rule
Lecture 12: Problem session: On 'VBODMAS'
Chapter 2: CH 1: The Basics: Number, Numeral and Numeration
Lecture 1: 'Number' vs 'Numeral' vs 'Numeration'
Lecture 2: Numbers
Lecture 3: Numerals
Lecture 4: Roman Numeral System: Introduction
Lecture 5: Roman Numeral System: Rule 1
Lecture 6: Roman Numeral System: Rule 2
Lecture 7: Roman Numeral System: Rule 3
Lecture 8: Roman Numeral System: Rule 4
Lecture 9: Roman Numeral System: All 4 rules
Lecture 10: Problem session: On 4 rules
Lecture 11: Roman Numeral System – 1 to 1000
Lecture 12: Roman Numeral System – 1001 to 3999
Lecture 13: Problem session: Hindu-Arabic to Roman
Lecture 14: Roman Numeral System: Roman to Hindu-Arabic
Lecture 15: Problem session: Roman to Hindu-Arabic
Lecture 16: Roman Numeral System – beyond 3999
Lecture 17: Roman Numeral System: Demerits
Lecture 18: Hindu-Arabic Numeral System
Lecture 19: Numeration
Lecture 20: International system of numeration
Lecture 21: Problem session: International system of numeration
Lecture 22: Indian system of numeration
Lecture 23: Problem session: Indian system of numeration
Lecture 24: International numeration and Indian numeration
Lecture 25: Conversion problems
Lecture 26: Difference between International numeration and Indian numeration
Chapter 3: CH 1: The Basics: 'Face value' and 'Place value'
Lecture 1: Face value and Place value
Lecture 2: Difference between 'Face value' and 'Place value'
Lecture 3: Problem session: 1
Lecture 4: Problem session: 2
Lecture 5: Problem session: 3
Chapter 4: CH 1: The Basics: 'Expanded Form' of a Number
Lecture 1: Expanded form of a number: Introduction
Lecture 2: Problem session: Writing expanded form
Lecture 3: Problem session: Writing number from expanded form
Chapter 5: CH 1: The Basics: Comparing Numbers
Lecture 1: Comparing 2 numbers: Introduction
Lecture 2: Comparing 2 numbers: Rule 1
Lecture 3: Problem session: Rule 1
Lecture 4: Comparing 2 numbers: Rule 2
Lecture 5: Problem session: Rule 2
Lecture 6: Comparing 2 numbers: Rule 3
Lecture 7: Problem session: Rule 3
Lecture 8: Comparing 2 numbers: Rule 4
Lecture 9: Problem session: Rule 4
Lecture 10: Ascending order (Increasing order)
Lecture 11: Descending order (Decreasing order)
Lecture 12: Difference: Ascending order vs Descending order
Lecture 13: Comparing more than 2 numbers: Rules
Lecture 14: Comparing more than 2 numbers: Example 1
Lecture 15: Comparing more than 2 numbers: Example 2
Lecture 16: Comparing more than 2 numbers: Example 3
Lecture 17: Problem session: Ascending order and Descending order
Lecture 18: Problem session: Finding the smallest number
Lecture 19: Problem session: Finding the largest number
Chapter 6: CH 1: The Basics: Formation of Numbers
Lecture 1: Formation of Numbers – 1
Lecture 2: Formation of Numbers – 2
Lecture 3: Formation of Numbers – 3
Lecture 4: Formation of Numbers – 4
Lecture 5: Problem session – 1
Lecture 6: Problem session – 2
Lecture 7: Problem session – 3
Lecture 8: Problem session – 4
Lecture 9: Formation of Numbers – 5
Lecture 10: Formation of Numbers – 6
Lecture 11: Problem session – 5
Lecture 12: Problem session – 6
Lecture 13: Problem session – 7
Lecture 14: Problem session – 8
Lecture 15: Problem session – 9
Lecture 16: Problem session – 10
Chapter 7: CH 1: The Basics: Forming the greatest and the smallest number
Lecture 1: Forming the greatest and the smallest numbers with the given digits
Lecture 2: Problem session – 1
Lecture 3: Problem session – 2
Chapter 8: CH 1: The Basics: The smallest and the greatest numbers of n-digits
Lecture 1: The smallest and the greatest numbers of n-digits
Lecture 2: Problem session – 1
Lecture 3: Problem session – 2
Lecture 4: Some patterns
Chapter 9: CH 1: The Basics: Rounding off
Lecture 1: Rounding off – Introduction
Lecture 2: Rule – Rounding off to nearest tens
Lecture 3: Examples – Rounding off to nearest tens
Anubhav Kumar
Provides high-quality video contents on Mathematics
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 8 votes
- 4 stars: 22 votes
- 5 stars: 102 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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