Math for Quantum Chromodynamics and the Electroweak theory
Math for Quantum Chromodynamics and the Electroweak theory, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 24 lectures, based on 3 reviews, and has 102 subscribers.
You will learn about Quantum Chromodynamics Electroweak Theory Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking The Higgs Mechanism Understand the fundamentals of the Standard model How quarks compose other particles such as baryons and mesons Local gauge invariance and interactions Neutral current interactions Left and right handed fields Special unitary group in N dimensions ( SU(N) ) basics of asymptotic freedom and confinement in QCD Colour and flavour of quarks W and Z bosons Gauge covariant derivative Weinberg angle gluons This course is ideal for individuals who are physicists or master's level students in physics (or advanced undergraduates) or mathematicians or physics enthusiasts or math enthusiasts or scientists or computational scientists or quantum engineers or anyone who is eager to discover the mathematical beauty of the universe It is particularly useful for physicists or master's level students in physics (or advanced undergraduates) or mathematicians or physics enthusiasts or math enthusiasts or scientists or computational scientists or quantum engineers or anyone who is eager to discover the mathematical beauty of the universe.
Enroll now: Math for Quantum Chromodynamics and the Electroweak theory
Title: Math for Quantum Chromodynamics and the Electroweak theory
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 24
Number of Published Lectures: 24
Number of Curriculum Items: 24
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 24
Original Price: €104.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Quantum Chromodynamics
- Electroweak Theory
- Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
- The Higgs Mechanism
- Understand the fundamentals of the Standard model
- How quarks compose other particles such as baryons and mesons
- Local gauge invariance and interactions
- Neutral current interactions
- Left and right handed fields
- Special unitary group in N dimensions ( SU(N) )
- basics of asymptotic freedom and confinement in QCD
- Colour and flavour of quarks
- W and Z bosons
- Gauge covariant derivative
- Weinberg angle
- gluons
Who Should Attend
- physicists
- master's level students in physics (or advanced undergraduates)
- mathematicians
- physics enthusiasts
- math enthusiasts
- scientists
- computational scientists
- quantum engineers
- anyone who is eager to discover the mathematical beauty of the universe
Target Audiences
- physicists
- master's level students in physics (or advanced undergraduates)
- mathematicians
- physics enthusiasts
- math enthusiasts
- scientists
- computational scientists
- quantum engineers
- anyone who is eager to discover the mathematical beauty of the universe
Master the Mathematics Behind Particle Physics!
Welcome to a course that aims to demystify the math driving two essential particle physics theories: Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and Electroweak Theory.
What You’ll Learn:
The Dirac Equation: Get comfortable with this vital equation, crucial for understanding particles like quarks and electrons. We will start from the classical field theory of a complex scalar field and generalize the theory to obtain the Dirac equation.
SU(N) Basics: We’ll kick off with a practical and theoretical exploration of SU(N) groups, a key concept in quantum physics and the foundation of the Standard model.
Understanding Interactions: We’ll break down particle interactions, uncovering the role of gauge covariant derivatives in deciphering quantum forces. Gauge invariance will be another essential topic related to particle interactions. For instance: we’ll see how the local gauge invariance of the theory for electrically charged particles requires the existence of the photon and of the electromagnetic interaction !This concept will also be applied to QCD and the Electroweak theory.
Dive into QCD: Explore the strong force, a major player in particle physics, and its mathematical foundation for the description of quarks and gluons.
Electroweak Theory: Understand how electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force come together in this simple, clear introduction. Its mathematical description will allow us to understand the behavior of leptons and quarks subjected to the electroweak force. The families of leptons and quarks will be discussed little by little during the course; the student will become more and more familiar as the course progresses.
The Higgs Field: We’ll examine the Higgs field, responsible for granting particles such as the Z and W bosons mass, and explore its mathematical aspects. This is a necessary step towards the equations of the standard model, since, in order to preserve a certain symmetry in the equations, the W and Z bosons are not allowed to have mass. The Higgs field, and in particular the so-called “Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking”, will allow the Z and W bosons to acquire mass.
Building Mathematical Intuition: Our approach prioritizes deep comprehension over complex formulas, ensuring you truly grasp the concepts.
By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid grasp of the mathematical framework supporting these advanced particle physics theories. Whether you’re a physics enthusiast or a student seeking to strengthen your foundation, this course equips you with the tools to navigate the captivating world of Quantum Chromodynamics and Electroweak Theory.
Enroll now and embark on your journey into the mathematical core of particle physics!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Some material for the course
Chapter 2: Important properties of the Dirac equation, Charge conservation, and SU(N)
Lecture 1: Considerations on the Dirac equation and Dirac matrices
Lecture 2: Dirac equation derived from a lagrangian
Lecture 3: Charge conservation law from Dirac equation
Lecture 4: Important properties of unitary matrices and group theory
Chapter 3: Quantum Chromodynamics
Lecture 1: Special unitary group in 3 dimensions
Lecture 2: Why local gauge invariance
Lecture 3: Commutator of covariant derivatives
Lecture 4: QCD: the mathematics of quarks and gluons
Lecture 5: Lagrangian for QCD
Lecture 6: Considerations on the QCD Lagrangian: asymptotic freedom and confinement
Chapter 4: Electroweak theory
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Electroweak Theory
Lecture 2: Left and right handed spinors
Lecture 3: Local gauge invariance for the electroweak theory
Lecture 4: Field strengths in the electroweak theory
Lecture 5: Charged current interactions
Lecture 6: Neutral current interactions
Lecture 7: Derivation of the quark charges
Chapter 5: Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism
Lecture 1: Spontaneous symmetry breaking
Lecture 2: The Higgs mechanism part 1
Lecture 3: The Higgs mechanism part 2
Lecture 4: The Higgs mechanism part 3
Chapter 6: Appendix
Lecture 1: Conserved current in electromagnetism
Emanuele Pesaresi
PhD in Mechanics and Advanced Engineering Sciences
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 1 votes
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