Mathematics for Class 8 students
Mathematics for Class 8 students, available at $24.99, with 117 lectures, and has 6 subscribers.
You will learn about Elementary Algebra Elementary Arithmetic Elementary Geometry and mensuration Elementary Data handling and graph This course is ideal for individuals who are Students learning mathematics at Class 8 level. or Students needing to work on some mathematics basics for competitive examinations. or Students loosing interest in Mathematics due to lack of concept building. It is particularly useful for Students learning mathematics at Class 8 level. or Students needing to work on some mathematics basics for competitive examinations. or Students loosing interest in Mathematics due to lack of concept building.
Enroll now: Mathematics for Class 8 students
Title: Mathematics for Class 8 students
Price: $24.99
Number of Lectures: 117
Number of Published Lectures: 117
Number of Curriculum Items: 117
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 117
Original Price: ₹1,199
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Elementary Algebra
- Elementary Arithmetic
- Elementary Geometry and mensuration
- Elementary Data handling and graph
Who Should Attend
- Students learning mathematics at Class 8 level.
- Students needing to work on some mathematics basics for competitive examinations.
- Students loosing interest in Mathematics due to lack of concept building.
Target Audiences
- Students learning mathematics at Class 8 level.
- Students needing to work on some mathematics basics for competitive examinations.
- Students loosing interest in Mathematics due to lack of concept building.
This course covers Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry, Mensuration, Data Handling and Graph as per the CBSE syllabus of Class 8 level. The course is helpful in making one comfortable with these topics and provides a good start for building a strong foundation with focus on concept clarity.
In Algebra, there are 3 major topics in this course — Linear Equations in One Variable, Algebraic Expressions and Factorization of Algebraic Expressions. It starts with concept of linear, formulating linear equations, solving them and some applications of this concept. Formulation of linear equations is start of linear programming and modelling that has great applications in advanced topics like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Then, this course goes into algebraic expressions, terms, factors, coefficients etc. to make you comfortable with the language of algebra. It formulates few algebraic expressions for real life problems and discusses the steps to make you able to formulate expressions on your own. It also discusses about operations like addition, subtraction and multiplication of algebraic expressions.
There are few examples of simplification of expressions which can be helpful in making expressions simpler without affecting their properties. This is useful in future to make mathematical model simpler and less computation extensive.
There are few popular algebraic identities that make the application of algebraic expressions fast and convenient. We discuss and apply some of the identities in this course.
In Algebra, we also discuss various techniques to factorize algebraic expressions. It is recommended that you watch the videos and understand the concepts discussed there. If required, keep pausing the videos to give yourself sufficient time to make yourself comfortable with that. Apply these concepts on problems given in your textbook. In case of difficulty, watch the videos again.
It starts with concepts of inverse and identity. Gets into the need of various types of numbers. It explores some of the properties of numbers and then makes you explore on your own. It discusses about variables in direct, inverse or no proportion and various applications of them.
Then this course gets into some of the most commonly used concepts in arithmetic like percent and interest. It goes deep into increasing and decreasing various numbers with percent which is different than doing same with numbers. It makes one understand interest rate, compounding of interest and impact of compounding on interest. All these concepts have been discussed with real life applications.
This course also discusses powers and exponents. These are useful in working with very large and small numbers. We discuss here positive and negative exponents. Concepts of squares, square roots, cubes and cube roots are discussed in detail. Some of the interesting patterns with numbers leading to these concepts are extremely helpful in developing smart approach in applying them in real life problems.
Data Handling and Graph:
This can be the first course on data and related topics for everyone. No matter, what field one wants to specialize, being able to make valuable meaning from data provide distinct advantage in achieving the goal. Every business and service have to make extensive use of data to remain competitive.
This course starts at the most fundamental level by discussing various types of data. It helps you in organizing these data and presenting them in such forms that can be used intuitively in deriving meaningful information from them. We discuss about various types of graphs, interpret them and do some exercises.
We live with uncertainties all around. This course also introduces the concept of probability that is used in measuring and managing uncertainties.
The concepts discussed in this course grow at advanced level into the specialized fields like artificial intelligence, data science, algorithms, quantitative finance, etc. All the contents in this course have been created by professionals who are passionate about learning, applying and teaching Mathematical concepts. As you go through the course, you find that certain points are repeated more frequently than others. Discussions on certain topics go much deeper than some other topics. Sometimes, same topic is discussed with quite a few variations. These details have been decided based on analysis of learning difficulties faced by various students. The course helps in understanding the concepts deeply, encourages to apply the concepts learnt and prepares the students to face future challenges in enjoying way with ease.
Geometry and Mensuration:
Students finding geometry and mensuration somewhat difficult can enjoy this course and learn with ease. Students who are comfortable with these topics will be able to dive deeper in these concepts and make these topics their strong topics.
This course focuses on understanding the basics deeply and hence is able to create excitement among students to learn and apply the concepts of geometry and mensuration.
It starts with simple and not simple curves. Gets into the concept of convex and concave. Then, it discusses various types of quadrilateral and their properties based on sides, angles and diagonals. Some of the concepts related to congruence of triangles and properties of parallel lines are revised here.
The course is also an introductory course on mensuration. It introduces the concept of perimeter and area for two dimensional surfaces. It goes into meaning and application of these concepts and also solves some interesting real life applications.
There are sections on surface area and volume of three dimensional bodies. Few numerical problems related to relationships between them and making use of them in some real life applications are also solved here.
Construction of quadrilaterals and understanding shapes have also been included in this course.
All the contents in this course have been created by professionals who are passionate about learning, applying and teaching Mathematical concepts. As you go through the course, you find that certain points are repeated more frequently than others. Discussions on certain topics go much deeper than some other topics. Sometimes, same topic is discussed with quite a few variations. These details have been decided based on analysis of learning difficulties faced by various students. The course helps in understanding the concepts deeply, encourages to apply the concepts learnt and prepares the students to face future challenges in enjoying way with ease.
Topics in this course go long way in higher classes/ grades in Schools. They form significant part of tests related to Numerical Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, Mathematical Reasoning etc. Students have to take these tests when they try for entrance examination in professional courses or take competitive examinations for various jobs. Majority of the students find it time consuming and difficult at that stage. This results into poor preparation for the examination and dis-satisfactory result. The only wise way to be strong in such situations is to learn these topics in right way right here.
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*As per the Udemy policy related to young students “those under 18 but above the age of consent may use the services only if a parent or guardian opens their account, handles any enrollments, and manages their account usage.”
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Rational Numbers
Lecture 1: Additive Inverse
Lecture 2: Multiplicative Inverse
Lecture 3: Identity
Lecture 4: Natural Numbers and More
Lecture 5: Rational Numbers
Lecture 6: Closure
Lecture 7: Commutativity
Lecture 8: Associativity
Lecture 9: Distributivity
Lecture 10: Numbers Between Numbers
Lecture 11: Understanding Numbers — Expansion and More
Lecture 12: Divisiblity by 3 or 9
Lecture 13: Questions that Challenge You Also Help You
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Linear Equations in One Variable
Lecture 1: What is Linear
Lecture 2: Solving Linear Equations
Lecture 3: Formulating Linear Equations
Lecture 4: Some Applications
Lecture 5: Applications Reducible to Linear Form
Lecture 6: Techniques for Solving Linear Equations
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Understanding Quadrilateral
Lecture 1: Simple and Not-simple Curves
Lecture 2: Closed, Convex and Concave
Lecture 3: Polygons and Their Names
Lecture 4: Number of Diagonals in a Polygon
Lecture 5: Sum of Interior Angles
Lecture 6: Sum of Exterior Angles
Lecture 7: Some Questions on Interior and Exterior Angles
Lecture 8: Types of Quadrilateral
Lecture 9: Revision of Congruence of Triangles and Parallel Lines
Lecture 10: Sides and Angles of Parallelogram
Lecture 11: Diagonals of Parallelogram
Lecture 12: Some Questions on Angles of Parallelogram
Lecture 13: Parallelogram and Rectangle
Lecture 14: Diagonals of Rhombus and Kite
Chapter 4: Data Handling and Graphs
Lecture 1: Data
Lecture 2: Frequency Table with Nominal Data
Lecture 3: Frequency Table with Cardinal Data
Lecture 4: Bar Chart with Nominal Data
Lecture 5: Histogram with Cardinal Data
Lecture 6: Double Bar Chart
Lecture 7: Pie Chart
Lecture 8: Interpreting Pie Chart
Lecture 9: Dependent and Independent Variables
Lecture 10: Linear Graph
Lecture 11: Parallel to Axis
Lecture 12: Interpretation and Finding Values
Lecture 13: Change Handling
Lecture 14: Rotation and Non-linear
Lecture 15: Slopes and Their Meaning
Lecture 16: Random Experiment and Probability
Lecture 17: Probability in Decision Making
Chapter 5: Chapter 4: Practical Geometry (Construction of Quadrilaerals)
Lecture 1: Construction of Triangles and Quadrlaterals
Lecture 2: Construction of Quadrilaterals with Sides and Diagonals
Lecture 3: Construction of Quadrilaterals with Sides and Angles
Chapter 6: Chapter 10: Visualizing Solid Shapes
Lecture 1: Views – Top, Front and Side
Lecture 2: Polyhedron
Chapter 7: Chapter 9: Algebraic Expressions and Identities
Lecture 1: Forming Algebraic Expressions
Lecture 2: Like and Unlike Terms
Lecture 3: Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions
Lecture 4: Multiplication of Monomials
Lecture 5: Multiplication of Algebraic Expressions
Lecture 6: Simplification
Lecture 7: Identities and Non-identities in Algebraic Expressions
Lecture 8: Some Popular Identities
Lecture 9: Some Usage of Identities
Lecture 10: Identities Application
Lecture 11: Increase in Area of Rectangle
Chapter 8: Chapter 14: Factorization of Algebraic Expressions
Lecture 1: Factors and Irreducible Factors
Lecture 2: Factorization by Common Factors
Lecture 3: Factorization by Regrouping
Lecture 4: Factorization Using Identities
Lecture 5: Factorization Using Factor Sum Concept
Lecture 6: Miscellaneous Problems on Factorization
Lecture 7: Division of Algebraic Expressions by Monomials
Lecture 8: Division by Polynomials
Lecture 9: Division without Factorization
Chapter 9: Chapter 11: Mensuration
Lecture 1: What is Perimeter
Lecture 2: Perimeter and Area
Lecture 3: Some Applications
Lecture 4: Perimeter and Area involving Circles
Lecture 5: Area of Triangle and Triangulation
Lecture 6: Application of Triangulation
Lecture 7: Surface Area of Cuboid, Cube and Cylinder
Lecture 8: Application Problems on Surface Area
Lecture 9: Volume of Cuboid, Cube and Cylinder
Lecture 10: Application Problems on Surface Area and Volume
Chapter 10: Chapter 8: Comparing Quantities — Percent and Interest
Lecture 1: Percent
Lecture 2: Ratio and Percent
Lecture 3: Increase and Decrease with Percent
Lecture 4: Some Applications of Percent
Lecture 5: Evaluating Promo Offers
Extreme Learners
Learning with Passion
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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