Montessori Math Course (Early Childhood and Elementary)
Montessori Math Course (Early Childhood and Elementary), available at $34.99, has an average rating of 4.56, with 122 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 327 reviews, and has 1204 subscribers.
You will learn about Montessori Math Curriculum for Early Childhood and Elementary This course is ideal for individuals who are Montessori Teachers or parents who would like to learn about this philosophy in education to help them with their students or parenting at home It is particularly useful for Montessori Teachers or parents who would like to learn about this philosophy in education to help them with their students or parenting at home.
Enroll now: Montessori Math Course (Early Childhood and Elementary)
Title: Montessori Math Course (Early Childhood and Elementary)
Price: $34.99
Average Rating: 4.56
Number of Lectures: 122
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 122
Number of Curriculum Items: 125
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 124
Original Price: $34.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Montessori Math Curriculum for Early Childhood and Elementary
Who Should Attend
- Montessori Teachers or parents who would like to learn about this philosophy in education to help them with their students or parenting at home
Target Audiences
- Montessori Teachers or parents who would like to learn about this philosophy in education to help them with their students or parenting at home
Have you ever wanted to be a Montessori teacher but couldn’t afford the expenses of the training? Are you looking for Montessori step by step video presentations and albums to manage your Montessori class or homeschool your child?
We offer you Montessori education at your fingertips and the comfort of your home. Start your Montessori Journey and have a MACTE certified instructor to guide you through it.
-In this course you will have access to:
– 120 step by step Math lessons video presentations in a Montessori Classroom.
-Videos for all operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).
-Fractions and Equivalency.
-Lessons pdf manual with a step by step presentation provided.
-In action observation videos for assignment to able to reflect and see Montessori classroom in action.
-Resources to print for your class and shelf.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Overview
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Montessori Math presentations 3-6
Lecture 1: Number Rods Presentation 1
Lecture 2: Sandpaper Numerals
Lecture 3: Number Rods with numeral cards (In Order)
Lecture 4: Number Rods with number cards (In random order)
Lecture 5: Spindle Box
Lecture 6: Cards and Counters
Lecture 7: Linear Counting (Building the bead stairs) Teen boards
Lecture 8: Teen Board (Beads and Board)
Lecture 9: Ten Board Presentation 1
Lecture 10: Ten Board Presentation 2
Lecture 11: The Hundred Board presentation (with a child)
Lecture 12: Follow up on 100 board continued
Lecture 13: Introduction to golden beads (Three Period Name Lesson)
Lecture 14: Decimal system cards three period lesson
Lecture 15: Composition of numerals with the decimal system cards with a child
Lecture 16: Follow up on 100 board
Lecture 17: Grand display Decimal System 45 layout (Bird's eye view)
Lecture 18: Positive snake game (Math facts Practice)
Lecture 19: Positive snake game with black and white beads
Chapter 3: Montessori Addition Presentations (From concrete to abstract)
Lecture 1: Addition with small number rods presentation 1
Lecture 2: Addition with small number rods presentation 2
Lecture 3: Addition and Equal sign three period name lesson
Lecture 4: Addition with the strip board presentation 1
Lecture 5: Addition Strip Board presentation 2
Lecture 6: Static addition using the decimal materials (Concrete)
Lecture 7: Dynamic addition using the decimal materials (Concrete)
Lecture 8: Moving to abstraction with addition charts
Lecture 9: Addition chart 5 (Even Sum)
Lecture 10: Addition chart 5 (Odd Sum)
Lecture 11: Addition chart 6 (Bingo Game)
Lecture 12: Introducing the stamp game
Lecture 13: Static Addition using the stamp game
Lecture 14: Dynamic Addition using the stamp game
Lecture 15: Introducing short bead frame and static addition using it
Chapter 4: Montessori Subtraction Presentations (From concrete to abstract)
Lecture 1: Subtraction with the strip board presentation 1
Lecture 2: Subtraction with the strip board presentation 2
Lecture 3: Highlights about subtraction strip board
Lecture 4: Subtraction chart 2
Lecture 5: Subtraction chart 3 (Bingo Game)
Lecture 6: Static subtraction using the decimal materials
Lecture 7: Dynamic subtraction using the decimal system materials
Lecture 8: Static subtraction using the stamp game
Lecture 9: Dynamic subtraction using the stamp game
Lecture 10: Subtraction with ZERO in the minuend (Very Important)
Lecture 11: Static Subtraction using the small bead frame
Lecture 12: Dynamic subtraction using the short bead frame
Chapter 5: Montessori Multiplication Presentations (From Concrete to Abstract)
Lecture 1: Static Multiplication using the decimal system (Concrete)
Lecture 2: Dynamic multiplication using the decimal system (Concrete)
Lecture 3: Multiplication Bead Board
Lecture 4: Memorizing multiplication using multiplication charts (Abstract)
Lecture 5: Multiplication Chart 4
Lecture 6: Multiplication Chart 5
Lecture 7: Multiplication with the flat bead frame (Golden Frame)
Lecture 8: Multiplication with the Peg Board single digit multiplier
Lecture 9: Multiplication with the Peg Board double digits multiplier
Lecture 10: Graph Paper clarification
Lecture 11: Multiplication with the checkerboard double digits
Chapter 6: Montessori Division Presentations (From Concrete to Abstract)
Lecture 1: Division with the Decimal system materials (Concrete)
Lecture 2: Division bead board and division charts
Lecture 3: Division with racks and tubes introduction
Lecture 4: Racks and Tubes division without remainder
Lecture 5: Division with racks and tubes with remainder
Lecture 6: Montessori Hierarchy Material with Number Cards
Chapter 7: Multiples and Factors Montessori presentations
Lecture 1: Introduction to multiples and factors
Lecture 2: Finding Multiples of a number using bead bars (Concrete)
Lecture 3: Finding The Common Multiples Between Two Numbers
Lecture 4: Finding the factors of a number using the Peg board (Concrete)
Lecture 5: Prime factors with Peg Board
Lecture 6: Finding the lowest common multiple using the Peg Board
Lecture 7: Calculating Multiples Charts (Tables A,B, and C)
Lecture 8: Short Bead Chain of 5 (Presentation with a child)
Lecture 9: Long Bead Chain of 5 (With a child)
Chapter 8: Montessori Geometry Presentations
Lecture 1: Introduction to Geometry and Geometric Cabinet
Lecture 2: Geometric cabinet introduction continued
Lecture 3: Triangles drawer first row (Sorting according to sides)
Lecture 4: Triangles drawer second row (Sorting according to angles)
Lecture 5: Triangles drawer nomenclature cards (Moving to Abstract)
Lecture 6: Polygons drawer
Lecture 7: Constructive Triangles
Lecture 8: Point, Line, Plane, and Solid using the golden beads
Lecture 9: Point, Line, Plane, And Solid Nomenclature (Abstract)
Lecture 10: The Ray Montessori Presentation
Lecture 11: Straight and curved lines
Lecture 12: Parallel, divergent, convergent, oblique,horizontal, and vertical lines
Lecture 13: Line Segment
Lecture 14: Intersecting lines
Lecture 15: Different kinds of lines and part of a line nomenclature cards (Abstract)
Lecture 16: Introduction to the Montessori Protractor
Lecture 17: Using bead chains with the geometric cabinet
Dina Ahmed
Passionate Montessori Educator
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 22 votes
- 4 stars: 108 votes
- 5 stars: 188 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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