Number Theory / Modular Arithmetic
Number Theory / Modular Arithmetic, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 83 lectures, based on 37 reviews, and has 200 subscribers.
You will learn about In this course all fundamentals and advance Concepts of Number Theory/Modular Arithmetic are covered.. The fundamental Concepts like, Calculation of GCD value, Euclidean algorithm, Extended Euclidean algorithm etc. are covered. The advance Concepts like Diophantine Equation, Chinese Remainder, Euler's Theorem, Little Fermat's Theorem, Prime Factor, Legendre and Jacobi symbol, etc. After Completion of this Course learner will be able to apply the core and fundamental concepts of number theory as per the need of application. This course is ideal for individuals who are Engineering, Computer Science Students and Faculty, IT professionals, Research Scholars of Information Security. It is particularly useful for Engineering, Computer Science Students and Faculty, IT professionals, Research Scholars of Information Security.
Enroll now: Number Theory / Modular Arithmetic
Title: Number Theory / Modular Arithmetic
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 83
Number of Published Lectures: 83
Number of Curriculum Items: 83
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 83
Original Price: ₹3,999
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- In this course all fundamentals and advance Concepts of Number Theory/Modular Arithmetic are covered..
- The fundamental Concepts like, Calculation of GCD value, Euclidean algorithm, Extended Euclidean algorithm etc. are covered.
- The advance Concepts like Diophantine Equation, Chinese Remainder, Euler's Theorem, Little Fermat's Theorem, Prime Factor, Legendre and Jacobi symbol, etc.
- After Completion of this Course learner will be able to apply the core and fundamental concepts of number theory as per the need of application.
Who Should Attend
- Engineering, Computer Science Students and Faculty, IT professionals, Research Scholars of Information Security.
Target Audiences
- Engineering, Computer Science Students and Faculty, IT professionals, Research Scholars of Information Security.
This contains all Fundamentals and Advance concepts of Number Theory/Modular Arithmetic.
This Course is designed in such a way that anybody will understand no matter whether you are beginner or expert.
To start this course, you don’t require any prerequisites because all prerequisites are covered in course only.
Here all course contents are organized in very systematic manner with clear crystal explanation.
In this Course all types of problems are included which start from very basics to advanced.
This Couse will be not only helpful to crack your university exam but also competitive exam like. GATE, NET, SET etc.
To design this course inputs has been taken from experts who belong to reputed university professor, industrial expert, and university students.
In this course we will cover, Euclidean Algorithm, Diophantine Equation, Inverse Modulus Calculation, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Modular Exponentiation, Little Fermat’s Theorem, Euler Theorem, Euler Totient Function, Prime Factor, Quadratic Residue, Legendre Symbol, and Jacobi Symbol.
This Course is designed for those who belongs to Engineering Students, Mathematics Scholar, Research scholar from Information and Network security background.
Engineering Vidya team ensure that you will like this course and after purchasing the course if you realize it doesn’t full fill your requirements, so you can claim for refund as per policy of Udemy.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Modular arithmetic or Number Theory.
Lecture 2: Road Map of Modular Arithmetic or Number Theory
Chapter 2: Calculation of Modulus Value
Lecture 1: Modulus value Calculation from given Number part-1
Lecture 2: Modulus value Calculation from given Number Part-2
Chapter 3: Simplification of a ≡ b (mod m)
Lecture 1: Prerequisite Lecture ( How to Calculate divisor of any number).
Lecture 2: Simplification Procedure of a ≡ b (mod m)
Lecture 3: Examples on a ≡ b (mod m)
Chapter 4: Commutative Law and Associative Law of Modular Arithmetic
Lecture 1: Mathematical Description of Commutative law and Associative law.
Lecture 2: Examples on Commutative and Associative law
Chapter 5: Euclidean Algorithm
Lecture 1: Examples to Calculate GCD Using Euclidean Algorithm Part-1.
Lecture 2: Examples to Calculate GCD Using Euclidean Algorithm Part-2.
Chapter 6: Diophantine Equation
Lecture 1: Procedure to solve Diophantine Equation
Lecture 2: Examples on Diophantine Equation Part-1
Lecture 3: Examples on Diophantine Equation Part-2
Lecture 4: Examples on Diophantine Equation Part-3
Lecture 5: Examples on Diophantine Equation Part-4
Lecture 6: Examples on Diophantine Equation Part-5
Lecture 7: Examples on Diophantine Equation Part-6
Chapter 7: Inverse Modulus Calculation
Lecture 1: Procedure to Calculate Inverse Modulus
Lecture 2: Examples on Inverse Modulus Calculation Part-1.
Lecture 3: Examples on Inverse Modulus Calculation Part-2.
Lecture 4: Examples on Inverse Modulus Calculation Part-3.
Lecture 5: Examples on Inverse Modulus Calculation Part-4.
Lecture 6: Examples on Inverse Modulus Calculation Part-5.
Chapter 8: Linear Congruence ax ≡ b (mod m)
Lecture 1: Theorem and Classification of Linear Congruence ax ≡ b (mod m)
Lecture 2: Examples on Linear Congruence ax ≡ b (mod m) part-1.
Lecture 3: Examples on Linear Congruence ax ≡ b (mod m) part-2.
Lecture 4: Examples on Linear Congruence ax ≡ b (mod m) part-3.
Lecture 5: Examples on Linear Congruence ax ≡ b (mod m) part-4.
Lecture 6: Examples on Linear Congruence ax ≡ b (mod m) part-5.
Lecture 7: Examples on Linear Congruence ax ≡ b (mod m) part-6.
Lecture 8: Examples on Linear Congruence ax ≡ b (mod m) part-7.
Chapter 9: Chinese Remainder Theorem
Lecture 1: Introduction and Formula To Solve Chinese Remainder Theorem
Lecture 2: Procedure To Solve Chinese Remainder Theorem
Lecture 3: Examples on CRT part-1.
Lecture 4: Examples on CRT part-2.
Lecture 5: Examples on CRT part-3.
Lecture 6: Examples on CRT part-4.
Lecture 7: Examples on CRT part-5.
Lecture 8: Examples on CRT part-6.
Chapter 10: Modular Exponentiation using Distributive Law
Lecture 1: Mathematical Description of Distributive Law
Lecture 2: Examples of Modular Exponentiation using Distributive law part-1.
Lecture 3: Examples of Modular Exponentiation using Distributive law part-2.
Lecture 4: Examples of Modular Exponentiation using Distributive law part-3.
Lecture 5: Examples of Modular Exponentiation using Distributive law part-4.
Lecture 6: Examples of Modular Exponentiation using Distributive law part-5.
Chapter 11: Fermat's Little Theorem
Lecture 1: Fermat's Little Theorem Mathematical description.
Lecture 2: Examples on Fermat's Little Theorem Part-1.
Lecture 3: Examples on Fermat's Little Theorem Part-2.
Lecture 4: Examples on Fermat's Little Theorem Part-3.
Lecture 5: Examples on Fermat's Little Theorem Part-4.
Lecture 6: Examples on Fermat's Little Theorem Part-5.
Lecture 7: Examples on Fermat's Little Theorem Part-6.
Lecture 8: Examples on Fermat's Little Theorem Part-7.
Chapter 12: Euler Totient Function
Lecture 1: Relative Prime Number and Co-Prime Number
Lecture 2: Definition and Procedure To find Euler Totient Function
Lecture 3: Properties of Euler's Totient Function
Lecture 4: Examples on Euler's Totient Function
Chapter 13: Euler's Theorem
Lecture 1: Euler's Theorem Mathematical Description and Application.
Lecture 2: Examples on Euler's Theorem Part-1.
Lecture 3: Examples on Euler's Theorem Part-2.
Lecture 4: Examples on Euler's Theorem Part-3.
Lecture 5: Examples on Euler's Theorem Part-4.
Lecture 6: Linear Congruence ax ≡ b (mod m) Simplification Using Euler's Theorem.
Lecture 7: Examples on Linear Congruence Simplification Using Euler's Theorem Part-1.
Lecture 8: Examples on Linear Congruence Simplification Using Euler's Theorem Part-2.
Chapter 14: Prime Number
Lecture 1: Prime Number Generation and Eratosthenes Algorithm.
Lecture 2: Examples on Prime Number Generation.
Chapter 15: Prime Factor Calculation
Lecture 1: Prime Number and Composite Number
Lecture 2: Examples on Prime Factor Calculation Part-1.
Lecture 3: Examples on Prime Factor Calculation Part-2.
Chapter 16: Quadratic Residue
Lecture 1: Quadratic Residue Mathematical explanation
Lecture 2: Examples on Quadratic Residue
Chapter 17: Legendre Symbol and Jacobi Symbol
Lecture 1: Legendre Symbol Definition,Formula and Properties.
Lecture 2: Examples on Legendre symbol Part-1.
Lecture 3: Examples on Legendre symbol Part-2.
Lecture 4: Examples on Legendre symbol Part-3.
Lecture 5: Examples on Legendre symbol Part-4.
Lecture 6: Jacobi Symbol Definition and Algorithm.
Lecture 7: Jacobi Symbol Examples part-1.
Lecture 8: Jacobi Symbol Examples part-2.
Lecture 9: Jacobi Symbol Examples part-3.
Lecture 10: Jacobi Symbol Examples part-4.
Engineering Vidya
Master's and PhD pursuing in Engineering.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 7 votes
- 5 stars: 22 votes
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