OFF-GRID SOLAR: Complete Course by the Energy Engineer
OFF-GRID SOLAR: Complete Course by the Energy Engineer, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 73 lectures, 63 quizzes, based on 1182 reviews, and has 4015 subscribers.
You will learn about The vital COMPONENTS in an off grid energy systems The correct DESIGN principles of energy systems The truth behind INVERTER GENERATORS and what their advantages actually are The reality of LITHIUM ION batteries versus the conventional lead acid batteries The actual performance of the different SOLAR CHARGERS and their pro's and con's The newest INVERTER technologies available and how they are wired into your system A clear understanding of the different types of BATTERIES and which option is the best for your system How a SOLAR PANEL actually works, and how to get the highest power output The differences between the different TECHNOLOGIES available on the market The basic principles on how ELECTRICITY works The true functioning of ALTERNATORS and how their performance can be improved The reasons behind POWER FLUCTUATIONS and how to mitigate their harmful effects A true understanding of FUSES & BREAKERS and how they should protect your system The reasons behind VOLTAGE DROP and how it really relates to wiring sizes This course is ideal for individuals who are NOVICES who want to explore how to be self-sufficient in their energy needs or SYSTEM OWNERS who intend to upgrade their off grid energy system[s] or RV OWNERS who are planning to install a new energy system in their RV or upgrade the existing system or OFF GRID ENTHOUSIASTS who want to polish their understanding of energy systems and how to operate & configure the systems or COTTAGE OWNERS who current are without an energy system or are planning to upgrade their existing energy system or STUDENTS who want to have access to a compact and concise source of information on off grid energy systems or BOAT OWNERS who are planning to install a new energy system in their vessel or upgrade the existing system It is particularly useful for NOVICES who want to explore how to be self-sufficient in their energy needs or SYSTEM OWNERS who intend to upgrade their off grid energy system[s] or RV OWNERS who are planning to install a new energy system in their RV or upgrade the existing system or OFF GRID ENTHOUSIASTS who want to polish their understanding of energy systems and how to operate & configure the systems or COTTAGE OWNERS who current are without an energy system or are planning to upgrade their existing energy system or STUDENTS who want to have access to a compact and concise source of information on off grid energy systems or BOAT OWNERS who are planning to install a new energy system in their vessel or upgrade the existing system.
Enroll now: OFF-GRID SOLAR: Complete Course by the Energy Engineer
Title: OFF-GRID SOLAR: Complete Course by the Energy Engineer
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 73
Number of Quizzes: 63
Number of Published Lectures: 72
Number of Published Quizzes: 63
Number of Curriculum Items: 136
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 135
Original Price: $124.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The vital COMPONENTS in an off grid energy systems
- The correct DESIGN principles of energy systems
- The truth behind INVERTER GENERATORS and what their advantages actually are
- The reality of LITHIUM ION batteries versus the conventional lead acid batteries
- The actual performance of the different SOLAR CHARGERS and their pro's and con's
- The newest INVERTER technologies available and how they are wired into your system
- A clear understanding of the different types of BATTERIES and which option is the best for your system
- How a SOLAR PANEL actually works, and how to get the highest power output
- The differences between the different TECHNOLOGIES available on the market
- The basic principles on how ELECTRICITY works
- The true functioning of ALTERNATORS and how their performance can be improved
- The reasons behind POWER FLUCTUATIONS and how to mitigate their harmful effects
- A true understanding of FUSES & BREAKERS and how they should protect your system
- The reasons behind VOLTAGE DROP and how it really relates to wiring sizes
Who Should Attend
- NOVICES who want to explore how to be self-sufficient in their energy needs
- SYSTEM OWNERS who intend to upgrade their off grid energy system[s]
- RV OWNERS who are planning to install a new energy system in their RV or upgrade the existing system
- OFF GRID ENTHOUSIASTS who want to polish their understanding of energy systems and how to operate & configure the systems
- COTTAGE OWNERS who current are without an energy system or are planning to upgrade their existing energy system
- STUDENTS who want to have access to a compact and concise source of information on off grid energy systems
- BOAT OWNERS who are planning to install a new energy system in their vessel or upgrade the existing system
Target Audiences
- NOVICES who want to explore how to be self-sufficient in their energy needs
- SYSTEM OWNERS who intend to upgrade their off grid energy system[s]
- RV OWNERS who are planning to install a new energy system in their RV or upgrade the existing system
- OFF GRID ENTHOUSIASTS who want to polish their understanding of energy systems and how to operate & configure the systems
- COTTAGE OWNERS who current are without an energy system or are planning to upgrade their existing energy system
- STUDENTS who want to have access to a compact and concise source of information on off grid energy systems
- BOAT OWNERS who are planning to install a new energy system in their vessel or upgrade the existing system
Are you interested in generating your power off the grid? This clear and comprehensive course teaches you how an off grid energy systems works, and which design options and considerations you should be aware of.
The video lectures implement the new Person-In-Presentation [PIP] format, whereby you watch both the instructor and the Dynamic Course Presentation at the same time: Boring lectures are a thing of the past.
This course provides you with solid and concise information, presented in a pleasant and enjoyable format: No more procrastination! Your course instructor is Jesse Gorter: A Renewable Energy Engineer with over 10 years of experience in the design and installation of Off Grid Energy Systems.
You will get a full understanding of all the topics related to Off Grid Energy Systems, brought to you in three [3] sections which each have three [3] subtopics: All you need to know in nine [9] chapters!
Generation [Section A]
Solar Panels
Storage [Section B]
Charge Controllers
Fundamentals of Electricity
Consumption [Section C]
Fuses & Breakers
You will learn the relevant material through small ‘chunks’ of video lectures of a few minutes each. After each lecture you have the possibility to test your knowledge through an [optional] multiple choice question.
Join the growing community of individuals who educate themselves properly on how to live off the grid. Take action now! Educate yourself by staring this course, so that you will be able to make well-informed decisions for your system. TIP: Udemy offers a very generous refund policy in case the course content turns out different than expected.
See you soon!
Jesse Gorter
Renewable an Sustainable Energy Engineer, Master of Engineering
Mechanical Engineer, Energy Technology, Bachelor of Engineering
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Solar Panels
Lecture 1: Solar Panels // Photo Voltaic Effect
Lecture 2: Solar Panels // Materials
Lecture 3: Solar Panels // From Cell to System Part 1 of 2
Lecture 4: Solar Panels // From Cell to System Part 2 of 2
Lecture 5: Solar Panels // Connections Part 1 of 2
Lecture 6: Solar Panels // Connections Part 2 of 2
Chapter 2: Generators
Lecture 1: Generators // Jargon Part 1 of 3
Lecture 2: Generators // Jargon Part 2 of 3
Lecture 3: Generators // Jargon Part 3 of 3
Lecture 4: Generators // Fuel Consumption Part 1 of 2
Lecture 5: Generators // Fuel Consumption Part 2 of 2
Lecture 6: Generators // Capacity
Lecture 7: Generators // Inverter Generators Part 1 of 2
Lecture 8: Generators // Inverter Generators Part 2 of 2
Lecture 9: Generators // Fuel Options
Lecture 10: Generators // Externalities
Chapter 3: Alternators
Lecture 1: Alternators // Inside
Lecture 2: Alternators // Regulators
Lecture 3: Alternators // Smart Alternators // Part 1 of 2
Lecture 4: Alternators // Smart Alternators // Part 2 of 2_copy
Chapter 4: Batteries
Lecture 1: Batteries // Battery Basics
Lecture 2: Batteries // Voltaic Cell
Lecture 3: Batteries // Cell Vs. Battery
Lecture 4: Batteries // Charge Cycle // Bulk
Lecture 5: Batteries // Charge Cycle // Absorption
Lecture 6: Batteries // Charge Cycle // Equalization
Lecture 7: Batteries // Lead Acid Family
Lecture 8: Batteries // Lead Acid Charge Cycle
Lecture 9: Batteries // Lithium Ion Family
Lecture 10: Batteries // Lithium Ion Charge Cycle
Lecture 11: Batteries // Lithium Ion Topping Charge
Chapter 5: Charge Controllers
Lecture 1: Chargers // Operation Principles
Lecture 2: Chargers // Source Vs. Load
Lecture 3: Chargers // I/V Curve Part 1 of 2
Lecture 4: Chargers // I/V Curve Part 2 of 2
Lecture 5: Chargers // PWM Solar Charger
Lecture 6: Chargers // PWM I/V Curve
Lecture 7: Chargers // MPPT Solar Charger
Lecture 8: Chargers // MPPT I/V Curve
Lecture 9: Chargers // Solar Charger Options
Lecture 10: Chargers // PWM Wiring
Lecture 11: Chargers // Battery Chargers
Chapter 6: Electricity
Lecture 1: Electricity // Battery Capacity
Lecture 2: Electricity // The Battery Bank
Lecture 3: Electricity // DC Vs. AC Appliances
Lecture 4: Electricity // How AC is made
Lecture 5: Electricity // The AC Waveform
Lecture 6: Electricity // AC-DC Rectifier
Lecture 7: Electricity // Wrap-up
Chapter 7: Inverters
Lecture 1: Inverters // The Basics
Jesse Gorter
Renewable Energy Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 13 votes
- 3 stars: 76 votes
- 4 stars: 345 votes
- 5 stars: 742 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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