Pattern Korean – 40 Most Common Korean Phrases
Pattern Korean – 40 Most Common Korean Phrases, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 5, with 40 lectures, based on 7 reviews, and has 43 subscribers.
You will learn about I can combine nouns, verbs, and adjectives to create my own sentences. I can become proficient by repeating the teacher’s pronunciation and following their tips. I can easily understand Korean grammar’s basic structure. I can learn Korean vocabulary easily through a specialized and personalized method. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who struggles to memorize a lot of Korean grammar or Anyone who struggles to utilize Korean verbs and particles or Anyone who wants to learn how Koreans speak in real life or Anyone who wants to learn simple Korean sentence patterns or Anyone who wants to talk or text with Koreans It is particularly useful for Anyone who struggles to memorize a lot of Korean grammar or Anyone who struggles to utilize Korean verbs and particles or Anyone who wants to learn how Koreans speak in real life or Anyone who wants to learn simple Korean sentence patterns or Anyone who wants to talk or text with Koreans.
Enroll now: Pattern Korean – 40 Most Common Korean Phrases
Title: Pattern Korean – 40 Most Common Korean Phrases
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 5
Number of Lectures: 40
Number of Published Lectures: 40
Number of Curriculum Items: 40
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 40
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- I can combine nouns, verbs, and adjectives to create my own sentences.
- I can become proficient by repeating the teacher’s pronunciation and following their tips.
- I can easily understand Korean grammar’s basic structure.
- I can learn Korean vocabulary easily through a specialized and personalized method.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who struggles to memorize a lot of Korean grammar
- Anyone who struggles to utilize Korean verbs and particles
- Anyone who wants to learn how Koreans speak in real life
- Anyone who wants to learn simple Korean sentence patterns
- Anyone who wants to talk or text with Koreans
Target Audiences
- Anyone who struggles to memorize a lot of Korean grammar
- Anyone who struggles to utilize Korean verbs and particles
- Anyone who wants to learn how Koreans speak in real life
- Anyone who wants to learn simple Korean sentence patterns
- Anyone who wants to talk or text with Koreans
Lecture Description
This lecture contains the 40 expressions that Koreans use the most!
If studying grammar has proven difficult to you, try a new way of learning by combining words.
#1. Study Korean with popular Korean teachers!
#2. Learn various example sentences by repeating after a native!
#3. Learn 1 Korean pattern a day through short 1-minute videos!
In only 40 days, you will be able to have so many more conversations in Korean, with Koreans.
If you take this lecture, you will be able to…
…combine nouns, verbs, and adjectives to create many Korean expressions
…pronounce fundamental Korean
…understand the basic grammar system of Korean
…learn a wide range of Korean vocabulary
Advantages unique to Pattern Korean!
Even by learning one pattern, you will be able to combine different words to express your opinion
You will be able to customize your answer following patterns that Koreans use
By repeating the patterns out loud, your speaking ability will improve
To improve daily conversation, you will learn the 40 most common phrases that Koreans use daily, easily and in a fun way
This is a great way of studying…
1. I choose a verb I know well, and I memorize it. [자다(to sleep)]
2. I watch the teacher’s pattern lecture. [V-고 싶어요]
3. I combine the verb I’ve memorized and the pattern I just learned, and I make my own sentence! [자고 싶어요]
4. I write the sentence down on my laptop, and I read it again once a day!
“Now that I’ve made 40 sentences, I’m done studying!
I can now have so many more conversations with Koreans!”
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Korean Pattern with nouns(N)
Lecture 1: N 좀 주세요(Please give me N)
Lecture 2: N 잘해요(I'm good at N)
Lecture 3: N 못해요(I can't -)
Lecture 4: N 잘알아요(I'm familiar with N)
Lecture 5: N 랑은 거리가 멀어요(I'm far from N)
Lecture 6: N 대로 잘 안돼요(It doesn't go well as N)
Lecture 7: N 이에요/예요(I am at N)
Lecture 8: N 있어요 / 없어요(I have N / I don't have N)
Lecture 9: N 다녀요(I go to N regulary)
Lecture 10: N 밖에 없어요(I only have N)
Lecture 11: N 아닌데요(I am not N)
Lecture 12: N 가는 길/중 이에요(I am on my way to N)
Lecture 13: N 완전 기대 중이에요(I am so looking forward to -)
Lecture 14: N 한테 물어보세요(Ask to N)
Lecture 15: N 이/가 어떻게 되세요?(What is N?)
Chapter 2: Korean Pattern with verbs(V)
Lecture 1: 빨리 V 고 싶어요(I can't wait to V)
Lecture 2: 결국 V 게 됐어요(I ended up -)
Lecture 3: V 고 싶어요(I want to V)
Lecture 4: V을까 생각 중이에요(I thinking to V)
Lecture 5: V 는 게 나아요(It is better to V)
Lecture 6: 안 V 기로 했어요(I decided not to V)
Lecture 7: 겨우 V 았/었어요(I managed to V)
Lecture 8: V 기가 어려운 것 같아요(It is hard to V)
Lecture 9: 막 V (으)려던 참이었어요(I was just about to V)
Lecture 10: V 아/어 줘서 정말 고마워요(Thank you so much for V)
Lecture 11: N에 V 러 가려고요(I am going to N in order to V)
Lecture 12: V ㄹ/을 준비됐어요(I am ready to V)
Lecture 13: 까짓것 V 죠 뭐(I am willing to V)
Lecture 14: V 걸 그랬어(I should have – )
Lecture 15: V 아도/어도 괜찮으시겠어요? (Do you mind if I V)
Lecture 16: 얼마나 자주 V 아/어요?(How often do you V)
Lecture 17: 죄송하지만 V 아/어 주시겠어요?(I am sorry but would you please V?)
Chapter 3: Korean Pattern with adjective(A)
Lecture 1: 생각보다 A 네요(It is A than I thought)
Lecture 2: A 점점 아/어지고 있어요(It is getting A)
Lecture 3: V or A 는 거 익숙해요(I am used to – )
Lecture 4: V or A (으)니 기분이 좋네요(It feels good to -)
Lecture 5: V or A 았/었 겠다(You must have pp)
Lecture 6: A 겠다(That would be A)
Lecture 7: 별로 V / A (Not really A)
Lecture 8: 일단 V or A (으)면 (Once – )
케이토픽 주식회사
한국어 전문 교육 기업
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 0 votes
- 5 stars: 7 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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