Project based Text Mining in Python
Project based Text Mining in Python, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 100 lectures, based on 96 reviews, and has 543 subscribers.
You will learn about In this course the students will learn the basics of text mining and will build on it to perform document categorization, grouping and sentiment analysis. The practicals are carried out in Python language, Natural Language Processing (NLP) is used for pre-processing before training machine learning models. Sentiment analysis of user hotel reviews Deep neural networks for text analysis This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners in python and curious about data science or Knows programming in Python and basic concepts of Data Science but cannot practically relate the two. or Intermediate level Data scientists interested in latest text analysis approaches. It is particularly useful for Beginners in python and curious about data science or Knows programming in Python and basic concepts of Data Science but cannot practically relate the two. or Intermediate level Data scientists interested in latest text analysis approaches.
Enroll now: Project based Text Mining in Python
Title: Project based Text Mining in Python
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 100
Number of Published Lectures: 96
Number of Curriculum Items: 106
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 102
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- In this course the students will learn the basics of text mining and will build on it to perform document categorization, grouping and sentiment analysis.
- The practicals are carried out in Python language, Natural Language Processing (NLP) is used for pre-processing before training machine learning models.
- Sentiment analysis of user hotel reviews
- Deep neural networks for text analysis
Who Should Attend
- Beginners in python and curious about data science
- Knows programming in Python and basic concepts of Data Science but cannot practically relate the two.
- Intermediate level Data scientists interested in latest text analysis approaches.
Target Audiences
- Beginners in python and curious about data science
- Knows programming in Python and basic concepts of Data Science but cannot practically relate the two.
- Intermediate level Data scientists interested in latest text analysis approaches.
In this course, we study the basics of text mining.
The basic operations related to structuring the unstructured data into vector and reading different types of data from the public archives are taught.
Building on it we use Natural Language Processing for pre-processing our dataset.
Machine Learning techniques are used for document classification, clustering and the evaluation of their models.
Information Extraction part is covered with the help of Topic modeling
Sentiment Analysis with a classifier and dictionary based approach
Almost all modules are supported with assignments to practice.
Two projects are given that make use of most of the topics separately covered in these modules.
Finally, a list of possible project suggestions are given for students to choose from and build their own project.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: Instructor's Introduction
Lecture 3: Course Outline
Lecture 4: Course Overview
Chapter 2: Text Representation
Lecture 1: 2.1.1 Theoretical Concepts of Text Representation
Lecture 2: 2.1.2 Bag of Words Approach
Lecture 3: 2.1.3 Binary and TF-IDF Representation Schemes
Lecture 4: 2.2.1 Structuring One Document Corpus
Lecture 5: 2.2.2 Structuring a Multiple Document Corpus
Lecture 6: 2.2.3 Setting Parameters
Lecture 7: 2.2.4 Using TF-IDF Representation
Lecture 8: 2.2.5 Reading Data from a Labeled Dataset
Lecture 9: 2.2.6 Using Textual Dataset from UCI Respository
Chapter 3: Machine Learning Theory
Lecture 1: Inductive Learning (Learning from Data)
Lecture 2: The Learning in Machine Learning
Lecture 3: Multi-disciplinary Nature of ML
Lecture 4: Types of ML Techniques
Lecture 5: Pattern Recognition
Lecture 6: 3.1.2 Machine Learning Project Pipeline
Chapter 4: Document Classification (Categorization)
Lecture 1: 3.1.1 Machine Learning Quick Review
Lecture 2: 3.1.2 Supervised Learning (Classification)
Lecture 3: 3.1.3 KNN, NB, DT and Linear Classifiers
Lecture 4: 3.2.1 Classifiers Implementation with Default Settings
Lecture 5: 3.2.2 Classifiers with Different Parameter Settings
Lecture 6: 3.2.3 Classification with a UCI Repository Dataset
Chapter 5: Document Clustering (Grouping)
Lecture 1: 4.1.1 Introduction to Clustering
Lecture 2: 4.1.3 K-Means Clustering
Lecture 3: 4.2.1 Implementing KMeans Clustering
Lecture 4: 4.1.4 Nearest Neighbors Clustering
Lecture 5: 4.2.2 Implementing NNs Clustering
Lecture 6: 4.1.5 Hierarchical Clustering
Lecture 7: 4.2.2 Agglomerative Clustering with Default Settings
Lecture 8: 4.1.6 Linkage with Hierarchical Clustering
Lecture 9: 4.2.3 Agglomerative Clustering with Parameters
Lecture 10: 4.2.4 Clustering UCI Repository Dataset
Lecture 11: 4.1.7 Setting Clustering Parameters
Lecture 12: 4.1.8 Suitable value of K (Clusters)
Lecture 13: 4.2.5 Calculating Suitable Value of K
Chapter 6: Validation and Evaluation
Lecture 1: 5.1.1 Validation and Evaluation
Lecture 2: 5.1.2 Cross Validation
Lecture 3: 5.2.1 Validation
Lecture 4: 5.2.2 K-Fold Cross Validation
Lecture 5: 5.2.3 Leave One Out Validation
Lecture 6: 5.1.3 Classifiers Evaluation
Lecture 7: 5.2.4 Predictive Accuracy of KNN using KFold
Lecture 8: 5.2.5 Precision, Recall and F1-measure
Lecture 9: 5.2.6 Confusion matrix
Lecture 10: 5.2.7 Putting it all together
Lecture 11: 5.1.4 Clustering Evaluation
Lecture 12: 5.2.8 Implementing Clustering Evaluation
Chapter 7: Pre-processing
Lecture 1: 6.1.1 Text Normalization
Lecture 2: 6.2.1 Lowercase, Whitespaces, Punctuations
Lecture 3: 6.2.2 Removing Stopwords
Lecture 4: 6.2.3 Stemming and Lemmatization
Lecture 5: 6.1.2 Regular Expressions
Lecture 6: 6.2.4 Applying Regular Expressions
Lecture 7: 6.2.5 Parts-of-speech Tagging
Lecture 8: 6.2.6 Data Acquisition
Lecture 9: 6.2.7 Text Segmentation and Tokenization
Chapter 8: Topic Modeling
Lecture 1: 7.1.1 Topic Modeling Introduction
Lecture 2: 7.1.2 Topic Modeling Plate Notation
Lecture 3: 7.1.3 Working of Topic Models (Latent Dirichlet Allocation)
Lecture 4: 7.2.1 Implementation of LDA
Lecture 5: 7.2.2 Practical with Topic Modeling on UCI repository
Lecture 6: 7.1.4 Impact of Hyper-parameters
Lecture 7: 7.2.3 Implementing LDA with Different Hyper-parameters
Lecture 8: 7.2.4 Online LDA with UCI Repository Dataset
Lecture 9: 7.1.5 LDA Evaluation
Lecture 10: 7.2.5 Perplexity
Chapter 9: Sentiment Analysis
Lecture 1: 8.1.1 Subjective vs Objective Analysis
Lecture 2: 8.1.2 Sentiment Analysis Techniques
Lecture 3: 8.1.3 Levels of Analysis and Associated Challenges
Lecture 4: 8.2.1 Sentiment Classification
Lecture 5: 8.1.4 WordNet Dictionary
Lecture 6: 8.2.2 WordNet based Sentiment Analysis
Lecture 7: 8.2.3 SentiWordNet based Sentiment Analysis
Chapter 10: Project
Lecture 1: Project 1: Query based Classification, Clustering and Sentiment Analysis
Lecture 2: Project 2: Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis
Lecture 3: Ideas for Course Project
Chapter 11: Deep Neural Models
Lecture 1: 10.1.1 Neural Networks and Deep Neural Networks
Lecture 2: 10.1.2 Neural Networks Hyperparameters
Lecture 3: 10.1.3 Backpropagation and Cost Function
Lecture 4: 10.2.1 Implementation of Neural Networks
Taimoor khan
Asst. Professor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 10 votes
- 4 stars: 24 votes
- 5 stars: 54 votes
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