Pronounce Russian Properly
Pronounce Russian Properly, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 38 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 67 reviews, and has 704 subscribers.
You will learn about Over 300 of the most frequently used words in spoken Russian. 32 audio tracks with the vocabulary to practice, recorded by a native speaker. A book in PDF format that contains all the content of the course and helps you revise it quickly and easily. The main goal of this course is to get you acquainted with the sounds and the manners of speaking that exist in Russian but do NOT exist in English. In this course, you will learn to produce Russian vowels and consonants (all of the sounds used in speech, NOT just the alphabet letters). By the end of this course, you will be able to stress the right syllable in each word and the right word in each sentence. Finally, you will manage to respect the intonation patterns of the Russian language. This course is ideal for individuals who are Learn Russian Pronunciation is an excellent resource for students, tourists, and business people looking for a comprehensive introduction to this complex (but not complicated!) language. or Perfect for beginners who want to develop good pronunciation habits from the start or for people who already know lots of vocabulary but have difficulty understanding native speakers or be understood by them. It is particularly useful for Learn Russian Pronunciation is an excellent resource for students, tourists, and business people looking for a comprehensive introduction to this complex (but not complicated!) language. or Perfect for beginners who want to develop good pronunciation habits from the start or for people who already know lots of vocabulary but have difficulty understanding native speakers or be understood by them.
Enroll now: Pronounce Russian Properly
Title: Pronounce Russian Properly
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 38
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 38
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 43
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 43
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Over 300 of the most frequently used words in spoken Russian.
- 32 audio tracks with the vocabulary to practice, recorded by a native speaker.
- A book in PDF format that contains all the content of the course and helps you revise it quickly and easily.
- The main goal of this course is to get you acquainted with the sounds and the manners of speaking that exist in Russian but do NOT exist in English.
- In this course, you will learn to produce Russian vowels and consonants (all of the sounds used in speech, NOT just the alphabet letters).
- By the end of this course, you will be able to stress the right syllable in each word and the right word in each sentence.
- Finally, you will manage to respect the intonation patterns of the Russian language.
Who Should Attend
- Learn Russian Pronunciation is an excellent resource for students, tourists, and business people looking for a comprehensive introduction to this complex (but not complicated!) language.
- Perfect for beginners who want to develop good pronunciation habits from the start or for people who already know lots of vocabulary but have difficulty understanding native speakers or be understood by them.
Target Audiences
- Learn Russian Pronunciation is an excellent resource for students, tourists, and business people looking for a comprehensive introduction to this complex (but not complicated!) language.
- Perfect for beginners who want to develop good pronunciation habits from the start or for people who already know lots of vocabulary but have difficulty understanding native speakers or be understood by them.
WELCOMEto my training, designed specifically for you – a person who wants to speak Russian properly and be easily understood!
I have no doubts you have experienced this problem before (formulated one way or another):
“I have been learning Russian for so long but I still have a hard time understanding native speakers, or being understood by them”.
Well, I can assure you, it is NOT your fault! The problem lies in the bad habit to study languages almost solely from texts. Does it make sense to start speaking a language if you cannot hear it properly yet? If you do not know which sounds make up the language? If you do not know how to pronounce them? I believe it does not.
Instead, I offer you to learn good pronunciation from the start! My main objective is to get you acquainted with the sounds and the manners of speaking that exist in Russian but do NOT exist in English.
Here’s what you’ll gain in my Pronounce Russian Properlytutorial:
· 38 INFORMATIVE SCREENCAST LECTURES (over 3.5 hours of content) to start hearing and speaking Russian properly from the beginning;
· Over 300 of the MOST FREQUENTLY USED WORDS in spoken Russian;
· 32 AUDIO TRACKS with the vocabulary to practice, recorded by a native speaker;
· A BOOK IN PDF FORMAT. It contains all the content of our course, nicely formatted, to help you review it quickly and easily;
· INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET transcriptions for each of the examples, so you can see the pronunciation of every word and sentence instantly;
· A SPECIAL TECHNIQUE to model your pronunciation after that of native speakers, along with the material to practice.
Let’s check out the most important features of the course in more detail.
If you have already tried to tackle Russian, you must be aware of its key features – Russian is NOT a phonetic language. It simply means that a sound can be written in numerous ways and, vice-versa, a group of letters can be pronounced in different ways, depending on the word.
In Russian, knowing how to pronounce a word is not enough to write it down. The reverse is true also: seeing a word in writing is not enough to know how to pronounce it. That is exactly why it is basically useless to start learning Russian with the alphabet. No native speaker pronounces Russian letters in words the way they are presented in the alphabet. We use manysounds not found in the alphabet.
In order to teach you Russian sounds and especially to draw your attention to the sounds that exist in Russian but not in English, I use the International Phonetic Alphabet in the course, also known as the IPA. The IPA lets us write down words the way we pronounce them.
Another technique I use in the course lets you model your pronunciation after that of native speakers. To do that, I offer my students to use an audio editor. Unlike other methods, I advise you not just listen to the recording and repeat AFTER it. You are going to do it WITHthe recording. To put it another way, you will try to synchronize your voice with the voice of the recording.
This will let you not only instantly hear if you pronounce the sound correctly or not, it will also let you keep an eye on the length of the sound (or syllable or word) to make sure you are in sync and using the same rhythm as the native speaker. The course contains 25 audio tracks recorded by a native speaker to let you practice. I will show you how to use a special tool to make the exercise more efficient.
Don’t worry! None of these techniques is rocket science.
Besides, this course has a number of takeaways, resources, and added educational benefits.
This training is designed to be self-paced but any serious student should be able to complete it in 3-4 weeks, including review times. You should observe nice results in terms of listening and speaking after only 2 weeks.
If you are interested in learning Russian to boost your career or just for fun, and appreciate a good challenge, this course is for you.
To sum up, you will have an unlimited, lifetime access to both screencast lessons, to the downloadable audio offered as a bonus and to the downloadable bonus PDF book, anytime and anywhere.
Besides, you will be able to ask the instructor any question related to the topic and receive a full, clear answer or let me know about any remark you have on how to further improve the course. The questions and remarks are reviewed weekly.
There’s truly no time to lose here. Get started now!
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Outline of the course
Lecture 2: Welcome!
Lecture 1: International Phonetic Alphabet
Lecture 2: Organizational questions
Lecture 1: The mouth and the lips
Lecture 2: The tongue
Lecture 3: The lips
Lecture 4: The vocal cords
Lecture 5: The glottis
Lecture 6: The alveolar ridge
Lecture 1: Consonants and consonant sounds
Lecture 2: Palatalization
Lecture 3: Consonant sounds found in both languages identically
Lecture 4: Consonant sounds that exist in English but are slightly different in Russian
Lecture 5: Consonant sounds that do not exist in English. The /ʂ/ sound (что)
Lecture 6: The /ʐ/ sound (уже)
Lecture 7: The /ɕ/ sound (вообще)
Lecture 8: The /x/ sound (хотеть)
Lecture 9: The /r/ sound (говорить)
Lecture 10: Combinations of consonant sounds
Lecture 11: Summing up
Lecture 1: Vowels and vowel sounds
Lecture 2: Diphthongs
Lecture 3: Vowel sounds common to both English and Russian
Lecture 4: Vowel sounds that do not exist in English. The /ɨ/ sound (ты)
Lecture 5: The /ɵ/ sound (ещё)
Lecture 6: The /ʉ/ sound (абсолютно)
Lecture 7: The /ɐ/ sound (она)
Lecture 8: IPA chart for Russian vowels
Lecture 1: Mobile and variable lexical stress
Lecture 2: Advantages of using stress
Lecture 3: Primary and secondary stress
Lecture 4: Rhythm
Lecture 1: Intonation
Lecture 2: Prosodic stress
Lecture 1: Table of comparison: English-Russian
Lecture 2: Applying it
Lecture 3: PDF and audio tracks
Tatiana Snauwaert
Language instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 20 votes
- 5 stars: 38 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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