Spanish Course. Spanish language. Learn Spanish at home no1.
Spanish Course. Spanish language. Learn Spanish at home no1., available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.85, with 78 lectures, based on 13 reviews, and has 70 subscribers.
You will learn about You'll be prepared to have your first basic Spanish conversation. You'll learn Spanish without traveling to Spanish speaking country. You'll learn phrases and vocabulary that you'll be using in real life. You'll learn grammar only if you need to know 'why' and 'how' sth functions. You'll be equipped with powerful tools to help you master languages faster and more effectively. You'll learn how to learn and use the language every day. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is designed for complete beginners but also for those with some knowledge but lack of confidence to speak. It is particularly useful for This course is designed for complete beginners but also for those with some knowledge but lack of confidence to speak.
Enroll now: Spanish Course. Spanish language. Learn Spanish at home no1.
Title: Spanish Course. Spanish language. Learn Spanish at home no1.
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.85
Number of Lectures: 78
Number of Published Lectures: 78
Number of Curriculum Items: 80
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 80
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You'll be prepared to have your first basic Spanish conversation.
- You'll learn Spanish without traveling to Spanish speaking country.
- You'll learn phrases and vocabulary that you'll be using in real life.
- You'll learn grammar only if you need to know 'why' and 'how' sth functions.
- You'll be equipped with powerful tools to help you master languages faster and more effectively.
- You'll learn how to learn and use the language every day.
Who Should Attend
- This course is designed for complete beginners but also for those with some knowledge but lack of confidence to speak.
Target Audiences
- This course is designed for complete beginners but also for those with some knowledge but lack of confidence to speak.
Most of the courses you come across are designed for travelers. Even though the title doesn’t indicate that. But they teach things like ordering food in the restaurant or asking for direction and a lot more like that, which are mostly irrelevant to the learners that can’t or simply don’t want to travel right now. This course is different. This is the course that will help you to learn Spanish at your home. That will teach you not only the Spanish language but also how to learn it, how to be effective, and how to use the language without ever needing to buy a plane ticket. If one day you decide to travel you will only have to learn some words related to traveling and this will be the only thing you’ll have to do, because you’ll be speaking confidently already.
Go through all of the modules to see that learning languages is not that difficult:
A) Will teach you how Spanish is created, will help you to understand it, and how to work with it to adjust it more to your personal needs.
B) Will teach you creating phrases and sentences in Spanish. Translating from English at the beginning stage is required, but this will disappear when you start using the language.
C) Will teach you some rules. But only those that are required at this stage. You’ll not find here all the complex rules and exceptions. I won’t let you get bored and be overwhelmed with the information which is not necessary at this point and which holds people from speaking. The time will come when you’ll have to master it to improve your Spanish. But not now. And YES! You can speak without knowing why and how the sentence is constructed. Try it!
D) In this module I send a message to all of you, who want to learn quickly and speak. You don’t need a special talent for that. You can become a polyglot also. It is not reserved for me only.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: S1 Instruction
Lecture 1: Instruction
Chapter 2: S2
Lecture 1: C) Grammar: Personal Subject Pronouns
Lecture 2: D) Tips and practice: Important: before you start learning phrases
Lecture 3: A) Hi! How are you?
Lecture 4: B) Check and repeat: Hi! How are you?
Lecture 5: A) Where are you from?
Lecture 6: B) Check and repeat: Where are you from?
Lecture 7: D) Tips and practice: Active learning 1
Lecture 8: D) The ugly truth. Do you realy want to speak Spanish?
Lecture 9: D) Tips and practice: Small talk 1
Chapter 3: S3
Lecture 1: C) Grammar: Regular verbs
Lecture 2: A) I am
Lecture 3: B) Check and repeat: I am
Lecture 4: D) Tips and practice: Spanish pronunciation. Speak like a Spaniard.
Lecture 5: A) Do you speak Spanish?
Lecture 6: B) Check and repeat: Do you speak Spanish?
Lecture 7: D) Tips and practice: Verbs in practice – Present tense
Lecture 8: D) Tips: Learn words – perfect method to remember
Chapter 4: S4
Lecture 1: C) Grammar: To be
Lecture 2: D) Tips and practice: To be in practice
Lecture 3: A) I have
Lecture 4: B) Check and repeat: I have
Lecture 5: A) I live in a big city
Lecture 6: B) Check and repeat: I live in a big city
Lecture 7: D) Tips and practice: Small talk 2
Lecture 8: D) Grammar first or speaking first? That is a question.
Chapter 5: S5
Lecture 1: C) Grammar: I have
Lecture 2: D) Tips and practice: Nouns in practice – I have
Lecture 3: A) I can
Lecture 4: B) Check and repeat: I can
Lecture 5: D) Tips and practice: regular verbs – singular
Lecture 6: A) Are you married?
Lecture 7: B) Check and repeat: Are you married?
Lecture 8: D) Tips and practice: Active learning 2
Lecture 9: D) Only one letter but makes a difference
Chapter 6: S6
Lecture 1: C) Grammar: Spanish letters
Lecture 2: A) I have a job
Lecture 3: B) Check and repeat: I have a job
Lecture 4: A) What's the weather like?
Lecture 5: B) Check and repeat: What's the weather like
Lecture 6: D) You need words to communicate
Chapter 7: S7
Lecture 1: C) Grammar: Accent
Lecture 2: A) I'm learning Spanish
Lecture 3: B) Check and repeat: I'm learning Spanish
Lecture 4: A) How to say 'a dog' in Spanish
Lecture 5: B) Check and repeat: How to say …… in Spanish
Lecture 6: D) Learn min but get max
Chapter 8: S8
Lecture 1: C) Grammar: To be or To be
Lecture 2: A) When can we speak?
Lecture 3: B) Check and repeat: When can we speak?
Lecture 4: A) Can we meet?
Lecture 5: B) Check and repeat: Can we meet?
Lecture 6: D) Being systematic doesn’t require life devotion
Chapter 9: S9
Lecture 1: C) Grammar: To can and to want
Lecture 2: A) Better practice than theory
Lecture 3: B) Check and repeat: Better practice than theory
Lecture 4: A) I have to
Lecture 5: B) Check and repeat: I have to
Chapter 10: S10
Lecture 1: C) Grammar: Reflexive Verbs
Lecture 2: A) I like
Lecture 3: B) Check and repeat: I like
Lecture 4: D) How to practise speaking without travelling
Chapter 11: S11
Lecture 1: C) Grammar: I like
Lecture 2: A) I am sick
Lecture 3: B) Check and repeat: I am sick
Lecture 4: A) So do I
Lecture 5: B) Check and repeat: So do I
Lecture 6: D) Where to find people for Spanish conversation.
Chapter 12: S12
Lecture 1: A) Do you like beer?
Lecture 2: B) Check and repeat: Do you like beer?
Lecture 3: A) At what time?
Lecture 4: B) Check and repeat: At what time?
Chapter 13: S13
Lecture 1: C) Grammar: Possessive Adjectives
Lecture 2: A) My home
Lecture 3: B) Check and repeat: My home
Lecture 4: A) I want to speak Spanish
Lecture 5: B) Check and repeat: I want to speak Spanish
Lecture 6: D) Why should I learn Spanish
Iwona Stepien
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 10 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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