Spanish for Advanced Beginners: Move Beyond the Basics
Spanish for Advanced Beginners: Move Beyond the Basics, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 106 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 73 reviews, and has 654 subscribers.
You will learn about Speak Spanish with more confidence Speak with natural conversational Spanish Understand the grammar concepts behind what you're speaking Learn deep Spanish Expand vocabulary for real-life situation This course is ideal for individuals who are Enthusiastic Spanish students who have the basics down and are ready to dive deeper to prepare themselves for intermediate-level Spanish study or Spanish students who are eager to learn grammar and vocabulary within a conversational, realistic context. It is particularly useful for Enthusiastic Spanish students who have the basics down and are ready to dive deeper to prepare themselves for intermediate-level Spanish study or Spanish students who are eager to learn grammar and vocabulary within a conversational, realistic context.
Enroll now: Spanish for Advanced Beginners: Move Beyond the Basics
Title: Spanish for Advanced Beginners: Move Beyond the Basics
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 106
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 106
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 115
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 115
Original Price: $84.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Speak Spanish with more confidence
- Speak with natural conversational Spanish
- Understand the grammar concepts behind what you're speaking
- Learn deep Spanish
- Expand vocabulary for real-life situation
Who Should Attend
- Enthusiastic Spanish students who have the basics down and are ready to dive deeper to prepare themselves for intermediate-level Spanish study
- Spanish students who are eager to learn grammar and vocabulary within a conversational, realistic context.
Target Audiences
- Enthusiastic Spanish students who have the basics down and are ready to dive deeper to prepare themselves for intermediate-level Spanish study
- Spanish students who are eager to learn grammar and vocabulary within a conversational, realistic context.
You already know the basics of Spanish? You would like to move beyond the basics, though you’re not quite at the intermediate level? Then this course is for you!
Keep building your Spanish skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, vocabulary and grammar at the advanced beginner level with this course.
Follow along a story of family and friends who are going on a trip to Peru to learn real, conversational Spanish at your own pace.
Use the PDFs, listening exercises (grabación) and grammar, vocab and skill-building activities to advance your conversational Spanish skills while learning deeply about the Spanish language all at the same time.
This course includes plenty of exercises applied to real-world topics (this course’s theme is a trip to Peru, travel) so that you can use the Spanish you learn in a real-world scenario. There are also quizzes to ensure you’ve understood the topics covered AND “tareas finales” or final assignments at the end of each unit that encourage you to apply your Spanish knowledge in a realistic situation.
It is designed to cover topics needed for an A2 level of Spanish according to the CEFR (advanced beginner level), though you cannot earn an official A2 certificate with this course.
This course teaches in Standard Latin American Spanish, though there are activities and exercises to become familiar with Castilian (Spain) Spanish.
This course is the second course in a series here on Udemy. The first course is entitled “Spanish for Beginners: From 0 to Conversational”
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction – How to take this course
Lecture 1: Course and Teacher Introduction
Lecture 2: How to take this course
Chapter 2: Unit 10: Vamos de vacaciones
Lecture 1: Unit 10 Overview
Lecture 2: Grabación 10.1: Present progressive tense
Lecture 3: Actividad 1: Present progressive tense
Lecture 4: Actividad 2: Present progressive tense
Lecture 5: Grabación 10.2: Indirect Object Pronouns with PARECER
Lecture 6: Actividad 3: Indirect Object Pronouns with PARECER
Lecture 7: Actividad 4: Verb DECIDIR
Lecture 8: Grabación 10.3: Vocab in context – choosing a flight
Lecture 9: Actividad 5: Verbs SALIR & LLEGAR
Lecture 10: Grabación 10.4: El que/La que
Lecture 11: Actividad 6: Vocab in context – choosing a flight
Lecture 12: Grabación 10.5: Listening comprehension
Lecture 13: Actividad 7: Reading comprehension
Lecture 14: Actividad 8: Verbs PREFERIR & DEBER
Lecture 15: Actividad 9: Verb DEBER + vocab in context
Lecture 16: Tarea Final Unidad 10
Chapter 3: Unidad 11: Preparando el viaje
Lecture 1: Grabación 11.1: Emotions
Lecture 2: A10: Emotions vocab
Lecture 3: A11: Demasiado, bastante, suficiente
Lecture 4: A12: Possessive pronouns
Lecture 5: Grabación 11.2: Me too, me neither
Lecture 6: A13: Me too, me neither
Lecture 7: A14: Todos, algunos, nadie
Lecture 8: Grabación 11.3: Listening comprehension, PODER
Lecture 9: A15: Verb PODER
Lecture 10: Grabación 11.4: Listening comprehension, DOP
Lecture 11: A16: Direct object pronouns
Lecture 12: Grabación 11.5: Listening comprehension, antes y después
Lecture 13: A17, 18: Vocab in context, antes y después
Lecture 14: Tarea Final Unidad 11
Chapter 4: Unidad 12: ¡Ya vamos!
Lecture 1: Grabación 12.1: Listening comprehension, ya & irregular tú mandatos
Lecture 2: A19: Irregular affirmative tú mandatos
Lecture 3: A20, 21: Reading comprehension, adverbs
Lecture 4: A22: Ya
Lecture 5: Grabación 12.2: Listening comprehension, vocab in context
Lecture 6: A23: Airport vocab
Lecture 7: Grabación 12.3: Listening comprehension, what a ___ ____ construction
Lecture 8: A24: What a ___ ____ construction
Lecture 9: Grabación 12.4: Listening comprehension, dictation
Lecture 10: A25: Traffic vocb
Lecture 11: Grabación 12.5: Listening comprehension, hotel vocab
Lecture 12: A26: Hotel vocab
Lecture 13: Tarea Final Unidad 12
Chapter 5: Unidad 13: Explorando la ciudad
Lecture 1: Grabación 13.1: Listening comprehension, future simple tense
Lecture 2: A27, 28: Future simple tense
Lecture 3: Grabación 13.2: Listening comprehension, Castillian Spanish
Lecture 4: A29: Castillian Spanish dialect
Lecture 5: A30: Vosotros affirmative and negative mandatos
Lecture 6: A32: Weather vocab
Lecture 7: Grabación 13.3: Listening comprehension, climate
Lecture 8: Grabación 13.4: Listening comprehension, conmigo, contigo
Lecture 9: A33: Conmigo, contigo translations
Lecture 10: A34: Nosotros affirmative mandatos
Lecture 11: Tarea Final Unidad 13
Chapter 6: Unidad 14: Los sitios de interés
Lecture 1: A35: Animals vocab
Lecture 2: Grabación 14.1: Listening comprehension, attaching DOPs to mandatos and gerunds
Lecture 3: A36, 37: Attaching DOPs to mandatos and gerunds
Lecture 4: A38: History vocab
Lecture 5: Grabación 14.2: Listening comprehension, past simple tense
Lecture 6: Grabación 14.3: Past Simple Tense Grammar Notes
Lecture 7: A39, 40: Past simple tense
Lecture 8: Tarea Final Unidad 14
Chapter 7: Unidad 15: El restaurante
Lecture 1: Grabación 15.1: Listening comprehension, directions
Lecture 2: A41: Listening comprehension, directions
Lecture 3: A42, 43: 'A' personal and verb VER
Lecture 4: Grabación 15.2: Listening comprehension, at a restaurant
Lecture 5: A44: Verb PEDIR
Lecture 6: A44 addendum
Lecture 7: Grabación 15.3: Listening comprehension, at the dinner table
Lecture 8: A45: Verb DAR
Lecture 9: A46: Mandatos positivos with DOP & IOP
Lecture 10: A47: DOP & IOP
Lecture 11: Grabación 15.4: Dictation, restaurant
Lecture 12: A48: Mandatos negativos with DOP & IOP
Lecture 13: Tarea Final Unidad 15
Chapter 8: Unidad 16: El médico
Lecture 1: A49: Human body vocab
Lecture 2: Grabación 16.1: Listening comprehension, doctor's office
Lecture 3: A50: Simple past tense
Lecture 4: A51: Verb DOLER
Lecture 5: Grabación 16.2: Listening comprehension, verbs like GUSTAR
Lecture 6: A52, 53: Verbs like GUSTAR
Lecture 7: Grabación 16.3: Listening comprehension, injuries
Lecture 8: A54, 55: Irregular preterit verbs
Lecture 9: A56: Past participles
Nikki Joslin
English and Spanish Teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 8 votes
- 4 stars: 23 votes
- 5 stars: 41 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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