Statistical Physics & Thermodynamics from Beginner to Expert
Statistical Physics & Thermodynamics from Beginner to Expert, available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 120 lectures, 8 quizzes, based on 126 reviews, and has 1851 subscribers.
You will learn about Basics: Tutorial of classical mechanics and statistics Theory: Statistical physics of isolated, closed & open systems Application: Thermodynamics with many examples Advanced project: Phase transitions based on statistical physics and Monte Carlo algorithms This course is ideal for individuals who are Students in science & engineering or Everyone who knows about classical mechanics and wonders what comes next It is particularly useful for Students in science & engineering or Everyone who knows about classical mechanics and wonders what comes next.
Enroll now: Statistical Physics & Thermodynamics from Beginner to Expert
Title: Statistical Physics & Thermodynamics from Beginner to Expert
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 120
Number of Quizzes: 8
Number of Published Lectures: 120
Number of Published Quizzes: 8
Number of Curriculum Items: 128
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 128
Original Price: $84.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Basics: Tutorial of classical mechanics and statistics
- Theory: Statistical physics of isolated, closed & open systems
- Application: Thermodynamics with many examples
- Advanced project: Phase transitions based on statistical physics and Monte Carlo algorithms
Who Should Attend
- Students in science & engineering
- Everyone who knows about classical mechanics and wonders what comes next
Target Audiences
- Students in science & engineering
- Everyone who knows about classical mechanics and wonders what comes next
This course is for everyone who wants to learn about statistical physics!
A bit of college mathematics (basic derivatives) is all you need to know!
Understanding the motion of a single object is possible using the laws of classical mechanics. However, when we want to consider billions of particles at the same time, we need a new method: Statistical physics. The theory behind this approach is fascinating due to its simplicity. Still, it allows to correctly predict the laws of thermodynamics.
You are kindly invited to join this carefully prepared coursein which we derive the following concepts from scratch. I will present examples and have prepared quizzes and exercises for all topics.
Optional tutorial of the essential basics (2 hours)
Laws of classical mechanics
Statistics & stochastics
Theory of statistical physics (3 hours)
Isolated, closed and open systems (micro canonical, canonical and grand canonical ensembles)
Probability density, partition function and average values
Applications and examples (6 hours)
Entropy, temperature and the laws of thermodynamics
Thermodynamic properties of gases
Phase transitions
At the end of the course there is even an optional section in which we simulate a phase transition using python. This is state of the art research!
Why me?
My name is Börge Göbel and I am a postdoc working as a scientist on theoretical magnetism. Therefore, I use statistical physics very often but I have not forgotten the time when I learned about this theory and still remember the problems that I and other students had.
I have refined my advisor skills as a tutor of Bachelor, Master and PhD students in theoretical physics and have other successful courses here on Udemy.
I hope you are excited and I kindly welcome you to our course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction & Physical background
Lecture 1: Overview of the course
Lecture 2: Classical mechanics background
Lecture 3: Newton's laws of motion
Lecture 4: Energy conservation law
Lecture 5: Hamiltonian mechanics
Lecture 6: What about statistical physics?
Lecture 7: Section summary
Lecture 8: Download the structure of this course
Lecture 9: Slides of this section
Chapter 2: [Optional] Mathematical background: Stochastics
Lecture 1: Section intro
Lecture 2: Probability & Tree diagrams for coin flip experiments
Lecture 3: Event & Counter event in a dice experiment
Lecture 4: Expectation values for coin, dice & urn problems
Lecture 5: Calculating probabilities: Urn problems
Lecture 6: Binomial distribution
Lecture 7: Discussion of the binomial distribution
Lecture 8: Normal distribution (Gaussian distribution)
Lecture 9: Poisson distribution
Lecture 10: Section outro
Lecture 11: [Exercises] Stochastics
Lecture 12: [Solution] Task 1 – Probabilities
Lecture 13: [Solution] Task 2 – Probabilities
Lecture 14: [Solution] Task 3 – Probabilities
Lecture 15: Slides of this section
Chapter 3: From microstates to the partition function of canonical ensembles
Lecture 1: Section intro
Lecture 2: Microstates
Lecture 3: Microstates versus macrostates
Lecture 4: Example: Statistical treatment of the harmonic oscillator
Lecture 5: Microcanonical ensemble
Lecture 6: Canonical ensemble
Lecture 7: Probability of the canonical ensemble
Lecture 8: Partition function
Lecture 9: Example: Kinetic energy of a gas – Definition of the temperature
Lecture 10: Example: Kinetic energy of a gas – Maxwell velocity distribution
Lecture 11: [Exercise] Barometric height formula
Lecture 12: [Solution] Potential energy of a gas – Barometric formula
Lecture 13: Equivalence of canonical and microcanonical ensemble in the thermodynamic limit
Lecture 14: Summary: Canonical and microcanonical ensembles
Lecture 15: Section outro
Lecture 16: Optional add-on: Quantum statistics example: Quantum harmonic oscillator
Lecture 17: Optional add-on: Liouville equation
Lecture 18: Slides of this section
Chapter 4: Laws of thermodynamics & Thermodynamic potentials
Lecture 1: Section intro
Lecture 2: First law of thermodynamics
Lecture 3: Thermodynamic work
Lecture 4: Pressure
Lecture 5: Second law of thermodynamics
Lecture 6: Entropy
Lecture 7: Third law of thermodynamics
Lecture 8: [Exercise] Entropy of a die
Lecture 9: [Solution] Entropy of a die
Lecture 10: Example: Entropy of a black hole
Lecture 11: Internal energy U as a thermodynamic potential
Lecture 12: Helmholtz free energy F
Lecture 13: Enthalpy H
Lecture 14: Gibbs free energy G
Lecture 15: Maxwell relations
Lecture 16: Section summary: Thermodynamic square
Lecture 17: Slides of this section
Chapter 5: Thermodynamics of gases
Lecture 1: Section intro
Lecture 2: Ideal gas
Lecture 3: Thermodynamic processes
Lecture 4: Isentropic processes
Lecture 5: Heat capacity
Lecture 6: Compressibility
Lecture 7: Thermal expansion
Lecture 8: Application: Thermodynamic cycles
Lecture 9: Efficiency of thermodynamic cycles
Lecture 10: Carnot cycle
Lecture 11: Real gas
Lecture 12: Slides of this section
Lecture 13: Section outro
Chapter 6: Phase transitions in Landau theory
Lecture 1: Section intro
Lecture 2: Phase transitions
Lecture 3: Landau theory
Lecture 4: Example: 2nd-order phase transition in Landau theory
Lecture 5: Example: 1st-order phase transition in Landau theory
Lecture 6: Slides of this section
Lecture 7: Section outro
Chapter 7: Grand canonical ensemble: Open systems with variable number of particles
Lecture 1: Section intro
Lecture 2: Partition function of the grand (macro) canonical ensemble
Lecture 3: Grand canonical potential & Entropy
Lecture 4: Non-interacting quantum gas
Lecture 5: Quantum statistics: Bosons versus fermions
Lecture 6: Fermions: Fermi-Dirac statistics
Lecture 7: Bosons: Bose-Einstein statistics
Dr. Börge Göbel
Scientist in Quantum Physics, Programmer and Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 35 votes
- 5 stars: 87 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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