Teaching English as a Foreign Language(TEFL) Certificate
Teaching English as a Foreign Language(TEFL) Certificate, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.36, with 83 lectures, 10 quizzes, based on 507 reviews, and has 1719 subscribers.
You will learn about Demonstrate understanding of the key principles of teaching English as a foreign language, including communicative language teaching, task-based learning, and s Learn how to generate an income from teaching English online or as a freelancer Includes a Full Lesson Package Starter Pack : For Classroom based & Online Teachers Learn how to travel and generate an income from teaching English abroad Learn how to teach English online from the application, demo to hiring proses Learn where to find free teaching recourses and how to gamify tour ESL classroom Learn how to teach English to younger learners Learn how to study in Thailand on an Educational visa whilst teaching to generate an income Teaching abroad the hiring process and visa application stages in Thailand Develop effective lesson plans that integrate language skills, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, and use a variety of teaching aids and materials . Apply best practices in classroom management, including establishing clear rules and expectations, monitoring student progress, and providing effective feedback Analyze and evaluate different approaches to language teaching and learning, including their strengths, limitations, and applicability to different learners. Demonstrate proficiency in using technology to enhance language teaching and learning, including online resources, educational apps, and digital tools. Develop reflective and critical thinking skills to assess and improve teaching practices, identify areas for professional development. Demonstrate an understanding of ethical and professional standards in language teaching, including respecting diversity. Learn how to create lesson plans, teaching materials and assessments using ChatGPT This course is ideal for individuals who are Aspiring English language teachers who want to gain the skills and knowledge needed to teach English as a foreign language. or Experienced teachers who want to broaden their teaching skills and transition to teaching English as a foreign language. or Travel enthusiasts who want to combine their passion for travel with teaching English abroad. or Professionals who want to enhance their career prospects by gaining English language teaching certification. or Students who want to gain valuable teaching experience and earn money while studying abroad. or Teachers wanting to learn how to create lesson plans, teaching materials and assessments using AI to lessen their workload It is particularly useful for Aspiring English language teachers who want to gain the skills and knowledge needed to teach English as a foreign language. or Experienced teachers who want to broaden their teaching skills and transition to teaching English as a foreign language. or Travel enthusiasts who want to combine their passion for travel with teaching English abroad. or Professionals who want to enhance their career prospects by gaining English language teaching certification. or Students who want to gain valuable teaching experience and earn money while studying abroad. or Teachers wanting to learn how to create lesson plans, teaching materials and assessments using AI to lessen their workload.
Enroll now: Teaching English as a Foreign Language(TEFL) Certificate
Title: Teaching English as a Foreign Language(TEFL) Certificate
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.36
Number of Lectures: 83
Number of Quizzes: 10
Number of Published Lectures: 83
Number of Published Quizzes: 10
Number of Curriculum Items: 93
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 93
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Demonstrate understanding of the key principles of teaching English as a foreign language, including communicative language teaching, task-based learning, and s
- Learn how to generate an income from teaching English online or as a freelancer
- Includes a Full Lesson Package Starter Pack : For Classroom based & Online Teachers
- Learn how to travel and generate an income from teaching English abroad
- Learn how to teach English online from the application, demo to hiring proses
- Learn where to find free teaching recourses and how to gamify tour ESL classroom
- Learn how to teach English to younger learners
- Learn how to study in Thailand on an Educational visa whilst teaching to generate an income
- Teaching abroad the hiring process and visa application stages in Thailand
- Develop effective lesson plans that integrate language skills, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, and use a variety of teaching aids and materials .
- Apply best practices in classroom management, including establishing clear rules and expectations, monitoring student progress, and providing effective feedback
- Analyze and evaluate different approaches to language teaching and learning, including their strengths, limitations, and applicability to different learners.
- Demonstrate proficiency in using technology to enhance language teaching and learning, including online resources, educational apps, and digital tools.
- Develop reflective and critical thinking skills to assess and improve teaching practices, identify areas for professional development.
- Demonstrate an understanding of ethical and professional standards in language teaching, including respecting diversity.
- Learn how to create lesson plans, teaching materials and assessments using ChatGPT
Who Should Attend
- Aspiring English language teachers who want to gain the skills and knowledge needed to teach English as a foreign language.
- Experienced teachers who want to broaden their teaching skills and transition to teaching English as a foreign language.
- Travel enthusiasts who want to combine their passion for travel with teaching English abroad.
- Professionals who want to enhance their career prospects by gaining English language teaching certification.
- Students who want to gain valuable teaching experience and earn money while studying abroad.
- Teachers wanting to learn how to create lesson plans, teaching materials and assessments using AI to lessen their workload
Target Audiences
- Aspiring English language teachers who want to gain the skills and knowledge needed to teach English as a foreign language.
- Experienced teachers who want to broaden their teaching skills and transition to teaching English as a foreign language.
- Travel enthusiasts who want to combine their passion for travel with teaching English abroad.
- Professionals who want to enhance their career prospects by gaining English language teaching certification.
- Students who want to gain valuable teaching experience and earn money while studying abroad.
- Teachers wanting to learn how to create lesson plans, teaching materials and assessments using AI to lessen their workload
It’s natural to feel apprehensive about being stuck in a certain career or income group.
Teaching English online or abroad can be a great way to diversify your skills and income streams Enrolling in this course will help you to leverage your language proficiency and create opportunities for yourself while also helping others.
My goal is to help anyone interested in teaching English full/part-time, whilst traveling or living abroad, or from the comfort of their own homes to land their first teaching job with ease.
The course includes a variety of teaching demos, free teaching resources, and lesson plans, free E-books, quizzes and step-by-step guides to ensure you have a full understanding of how English is taught as a foreign language at language schools, international schools, kindergartens, and online companies.
Course Layout:
Introduction to TEFL vocabulary
Second Language Acquisition
ESL lesson Planning
Modern teaching methods in Asia
The four skills
Teaching integrated skills lessons
Classroom management
Understanding cultural differences
Teaching English to Younger learners
Teaching Online and the hiring process
Teaching English Abroad and the hiring process
Applying for an educational visa
Obtaining a work
Generating an income from teaching English
Teaching Grammar in Use
Chatgpt for Language Teachers
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Welcome , start your teaching adventure here!
Chapter 1: Introduction to TEFL vocabulary
Lecture 1: What is language acquisition?
Lecture 2: What is student-centered learning?
Lecture 3: Defining the teaching methods used in TEFL classrooms and online teaching
Lecture 4: Language Proficiency
Lecture 5: The 4 skills
Lecture 6: Comprehensible input defined
Lecture 7: What is 'scaffolding'?
Lecture 8: Scaffolding : a teaching demonstration
Lecture 9: PDF version
Chapter 2: Second Language Acquisition
Lecture 1: Second Language Acquisition theory
Lecture 2: PDF version
Chapter 3: Language Proficiency
Lecture 1: The different levels of language proficiency amongst students
Lecture 2: Proficiency Levels : a Teaching Demonstration
Lecture 3: Proficiency Levels : a Teaching Demonstration Part 2
Lecture 4: Placement test
Chapter 4: The four language learning skills
Lecture 1: The four skills an introduction
Lecture 2: Teaching listening and speaking
Lecture 3: Teaching Reading
Lecture 4: Teaching Writing
Lecture 5: PDF version
Chapter 5: Teaching Integrated Skills
Lecture 1: What are integrated skills?
Lecture 2: Integrated skills lesson examples
Lecture 3: PDF version
Chapter 6: The most popular teaching methods in TEFL
Lecture 1: The Evolution of TEFL Methodology
Lecture 2: Ace Online Teaching :Total Physical Response Method (TPR)
Lecture 3: Task-based Learning (TBL)
Lecture 4: Task-Based Learning : Materials
Lecture 5: The Most Popular Method: Communicative Based Language Teaching Approach
Lecture 6: The Direct Method
Lecture 7: Speak like a soldier: The Audio Lingual Method/Army Method
Lecture 8: PDF version
Lecture 9: PDF version
Chapter 7: Step by Step lesson planning in TEFL
Lecture 1: Lesson Planning Step 1 : Writing Objectives
Lecture 2: Lesson Planning Step 2 : Warmers
Lecture 3: PDF version
Lecture 4: Lesson Planning : Step 3 : Engagement
Lecture 5: PDF version
Lecture 6: Lesson Planning Step 4 : Practice
Lecture 7: PDF version
Lecture 8: Lesson Planning Step 5 : Application
Lecture 9: PDF version
Lecture 10: Lesson Planning : Methods and Materials
Chapter 8: Teaching English to Younger Learners
Lecture 1: Theory
Lecture 2: Overcoming Challenges
Lecture 3: Lesson Demonstration
Lecture 4: Lesson Plan PDF
Lecture 5: Top 10 Tips when teaching English to younger learners online/classroom based
Chapter 9: Classroom management
Lecture 1: Classroom management techniques
Lecture 2: Increase Cultural awareness
Lecture 3: Managing Disruptive behaviour
Chapter 10: Assessing the four skills
Lecture 1: Formative Assessment
Lecture 2: Summative Assessment
Lecture 3: Assessing listening
Lecture 4: assessing reading
Lecture 5: assessing writing
Lecture 6: assessing speaking
Chapter 11: Teaching Grammar in Context
Lecture 1: Teaching Grammar in context
Chapter 12: Teaching English Online
Lecture 1: Making a Compelling Introduction Video
Lecture 2: The hiring process at a variety of popular online companies
Lecture 3: Downloadable list of Online Companies and Application Links
Chapter 13: Teaching English Abroad
Lecture 1: Top 10 Countries : Teach English in Asia
Lecture 2: Landing an ESL job in Thailand complete process
Lecture 3: Studying a BA degree in Thailand whilst teaching part time
Lecture 4: Countries : ESL teaching
Lecture 5: Teaching and learning with an open mind
Chapter 14: Free Teaching Recourses & Gamification in TEFL
Lecture 1: Free teaching recourses , lesson plans and gamification
Lecture 2: Lesson Plan free Teamplates
Chapter 15: Bonus Lecture: ChatGPT and AI for Language Teachers
Lecture 1: Getting started with ChatGPT
Lecture 2: Generating a lesson topic with ChatGPT
Lecture 3: Creating a Warmer with CharGPT
Lecture 4: Creating an Engagement activity with ChatGPT
Lecture 5: Creating a Practice reading & writing activity
Lecture 6: Creating a Listening and Speaking activity with a Youtube video on ChatGPT
Lecture 7: Creating Tables for a worksheet activity using ChatGPT
JM van Rensburg @Englishteacheredu
English Language Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 55 votes
- 4 stars: 156 votes
- 5 stars: 283 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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