Teaching Languages Online
Teaching Languages Online, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 3.6, with 41 lectures, based on 16 reviews, and has 59 subscribers.
You will learn about How to teach languages effectively online. Build your confidence, effectiveness, efficiency and professionalism as an online teacher of languages. What are the essential pieces of software and hardware we need, how to improve sound and lighting, and use tools, tabs, bookmarks, shortcuts and more. How to present materials, give feedback and use electronic course materials, how to interact effectively with learners online with breakout rooms. How to replicate kinaesthetic activities and add multimedia using Jamboard and Padlet, and how to spice up your lesson with games in MSWord, Jamboard & Quizlet. The pros and cons of virtual backgrounds and what makes a good electronic course book, and how to use them effectively. This course is ideal for individuals who are Language teachers or prospective language teachers. or Language teachers wanting to improve their confidence teaching online and get new ideas, or to become more efficient. or Whether teaching in Teams, Zoom, Google Meet or another platform, the principles given in the course apply. Jamboard and Padlet are throughly introduced, and I give you ways of using these tools and MSWord for replicating kinaesthetic learning. or The principles also apply whether you're teaching, English or any other language. It is particularly useful for Language teachers or prospective language teachers. or Language teachers wanting to improve their confidence teaching online and get new ideas, or to become more efficient. or Whether teaching in Teams, Zoom, Google Meet or another platform, the principles given in the course apply. Jamboard and Padlet are throughly introduced, and I give you ways of using these tools and MSWord for replicating kinaesthetic learning. or The principles also apply whether you're teaching, English or any other language.
Enroll now: Teaching Languages Online
Title: Teaching Languages Online
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 3.6
Number of Lectures: 41
Number of Published Lectures: 37
Number of Curriculum Items: 54
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 50
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to teach languages effectively online. Build your confidence, effectiveness, efficiency and professionalism as an online teacher of languages.
- What are the essential pieces of software and hardware we need, how to improve sound and lighting, and use tools, tabs, bookmarks, shortcuts and more.
- How to present materials, give feedback and use electronic course materials, how to interact effectively with learners online with breakout rooms.
- How to replicate kinaesthetic activities and add multimedia using Jamboard and Padlet, and how to spice up your lesson with games in MSWord, Jamboard & Quizlet.
- The pros and cons of virtual backgrounds and what makes a good electronic course book, and how to use them effectively.
Who Should Attend
- Language teachers or prospective language teachers.
- Language teachers wanting to improve their confidence teaching online and get new ideas, or to become more efficient.
- Whether teaching in Teams, Zoom, Google Meet or another platform, the principles given in the course apply. Jamboard and Padlet are throughly introduced, and I give you ways of using these tools and MSWord for replicating kinaesthetic learning.
- The principles also apply whether you're teaching, English or any other language.
Target Audiences
- Language teachers or prospective language teachers.
- Language teachers wanting to improve their confidence teaching online and get new ideas, or to become more efficient.
- Whether teaching in Teams, Zoom, Google Meet or another platform, the principles given in the course apply. Jamboard and Padlet are throughly introduced, and I give you ways of using these tools and MSWord for replicating kinaesthetic learning.
- The principles also apply whether you're teaching, English or any other language.
Thanks for considering this course. My teaching has moved 100% online and over the last one and a half years, I’ve put a lot of thought into what makes effective online teaching.
This course will build your confidence, give you new ideas, and make you reevaluate your online teaching. All the ideas and techniques shown revolve around the principles of providing a better learning experience for the learner, and reducing our stress levels and time we need to prepare and follow-up classes.
Topics include:
The Essentials and IT
What are the essential pieces of software and hardware or peripherals we need, how can we improve sound and lighting, and how to make our teaching more efficient with tools, tabs, bookmarks, shortcuts, virtual backgrounds, aliases and an organised PC.
How can we engage and interact with our learners and deal with the problem of poor eye-contact? When should cameras be on and when off?
How can we best present materials and lessons online? How can we use electronic course books and portals to bets effect?
How can we give effective feedback and language correction? How can we best deal with course materials and scans/PDFs. What do we look for in an electronic course book and how can we get the most out of them?
How can we exploit the multimedia potential of the web and simulate the kinaesthetic activities we had in the real classroom using jamboard and Padlet?
How can we spice up your lesson with games in MSWord, Jamboard and Quizlet?
The principles apply to the teaching of all languages, and whether you use MSTeams, Zoom, GoogleMeet or another portal.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Essentials
Lecture 1: The Essentials
Lecture 2: Organisation and IT
Lecture 3: IT Tools and Utilities
Lecture 4: Cameras and Lighting
Lecture 5: Virtual Backgrounds
Lecture 6: Tabs to have ready
Lecture 7: Organising your Browser with Tab Groups.
Lecture 8: Browser Tab Groups 2 – Using Multiple Groups
Lecture 9: Setting up bookmarks in Chrome and tabs in a PDF viewer
Lecture 10: Dealing with PDF Gapfills
Lecture 11: Props and Boards
Chapter 3: Pedagogy
Lecture 1: Interaction
Lecture 2: Giving Feedback
Lecture 3: Microsoft Word 'Whiteboard' template
Lecture 4: Using the Microsoft Teams Whiteboard
Chapter 4: Course Books and Electronic Course Books
Lecture 1: Using Coursebooks
Lecture 2: Presenting materials effectively in online teaching using Word and PPT.
Lecture 3: How to effectively present materials in online teaching 2 – e-course books.
Lecture 4: What to look for in electronic course books and portals.
Lecture 5: Electronic Course Book Run-through – Business Result
Lecture 6: Bookmarks in Oxford Learners Bookshelf
Lecture 7: Managing materials in the Cornelsen Teaching Manager
Lecture 8: Klett Digital Teaching Assistant Run-through
Lecture 9: De-skewing and cleaning up PDFS
Chapter 5: Replicating Kinaesthetic Activities – Jaboard and Padlet
Lecture 1: Introduction to padlet
Lecture 2: Introduction to Jamboard
Lecture 3: Matching Activities in MSTeams Whiteboard
Lecture 4: Jumbled Texts in Microsoft Word
Lecture 5: Kinaesthetic Matching Activities in MSWord
Lecture 6: Getting to know you with multimedia in padlet
Lecture 7: Remaking and assigning different padlets for group work in breakout rooms
Chapter 6: Interactive Games for Online Teaching
Lecture 1: Quizlet Live as vocabulary revision Game
Lecture 2: Games in Kahoot
Lecture 3: Pictionary in Jamboard and MSWord
Lecture 4: Easy 'Hangman' in MSWord
Chapter 7: Final Words and Thanks
Lecture 1: Final Words and Thanks
David Jennings
Business English Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 6 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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