Technology and Indian Law
Technology and Indian Law, available at $24.99, has an average rating of 3.92, with 92 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 6 reviews, and has 20 subscribers.
You will learn about Structure of Indian Legal System including Constitution of India and Judicial System Course aims at building bridges between technology and law, an important aspect of digital economy Legal aspects related to establishment of facotory, industry and company What is legal contract and essentials of legally enforceable contract Various legislations related to employees/labours/workmens welfare How technologiest can help in improving the legal system Course aims to make Indian technologists aware of the legal implications of their work Understand the impact of emerging/contemporary technologies on the legal ecosystem How to protect your intellectual creations from infringement Course outline possible options issues and risks for law makers and regulators in India Innovative assessment methods including 200+ multiple choice questions Make you responsible citizen by understaning not only rights but also being aware of various rules and regulations used in daily life This course is ideal for individuals who are Engineering students to understand the emerging issues in the field of Technolovy Law or Beginners in Undergraduate Law Courses to open new career option to technical law courses or Enterpreneurs to help you avoid costly legal mistakes/loss of good options availble in legal ecosystem or Academicians dealing with technology and law related courses to get overview of assessments or Technology Hobbist to understand legal risks/issues and options in technology advances while developing technical poducts or Business Executives to undestand legal implications into technology plans and advances or Information Technology Managers to improve your ability to shape privacy and security systems or Public official to aid you in shaping and implementing regulations or Academic leaders in engineering institute to undestand compliances and also necessity of interdisciplinary tech law courses It is particularly useful for Engineering students to understand the emerging issues in the field of Technolovy Law or Beginners in Undergraduate Law Courses to open new career option to technical law courses or Enterpreneurs to help you avoid costly legal mistakes/loss of good options availble in legal ecosystem or Academicians dealing with technology and law related courses to get overview of assessments or Technology Hobbist to understand legal risks/issues and options in technology advances while developing technical poducts or Business Executives to undestand legal implications into technology plans and advances or Information Technology Managers to improve your ability to shape privacy and security systems or Public official to aid you in shaping and implementing regulations or Academic leaders in engineering institute to undestand compliances and also necessity of interdisciplinary tech law courses.
Enroll now: Technology and Indian Law
Title: Technology and Indian Law
Price: $24.99
Average Rating: 3.92
Number of Lectures: 92
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 92
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 101
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 101
Original Price: ₹1,199
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Structure of Indian Legal System including Constitution of India and Judicial System
- Course aims at building bridges between technology and law, an important aspect of digital economy
- Legal aspects related to establishment of facotory, industry and company
- What is legal contract and essentials of legally enforceable contract
- Various legislations related to employees/labours/workmens welfare
- How technologiest can help in improving the legal system
- Course aims to make Indian technologists aware of the legal implications of their work
- Understand the impact of emerging/contemporary technologies on the legal ecosystem
- How to protect your intellectual creations from infringement
- Course outline possible options issues and risks for law makers and regulators in India
- Innovative assessment methods including 200+ multiple choice questions
- Make you responsible citizen by understaning not only rights but also being aware of various rules and regulations used in daily life
Who Should Attend
- Engineering students to understand the emerging issues in the field of Technolovy Law
- Beginners in Undergraduate Law Courses to open new career option to technical law courses
- Enterpreneurs to help you avoid costly legal mistakes/loss of good options availble in legal ecosystem
- Academicians dealing with technology and law related courses to get overview of assessments
- Technology Hobbist to understand legal risks/issues and options in technology advances while developing technical poducts
- Business Executives to undestand legal implications into technology plans and advances
- Information Technology Managers to improve your ability to shape privacy and security systems
- Public official to aid you in shaping and implementing regulations
- Academic leaders in engineering institute to undestand compliances and also necessity of interdisciplinary tech law courses
Target Audiences
- Engineering students to understand the emerging issues in the field of Technolovy Law
- Beginners in Undergraduate Law Courses to open new career option to technical law courses
- Enterpreneurs to help you avoid costly legal mistakes/loss of good options availble in legal ecosystem
- Academicians dealing with technology and law related courses to get overview of assessments
- Technology Hobbist to understand legal risks/issues and options in technology advances while developing technical poducts
- Business Executives to undestand legal implications into technology plans and advances
- Information Technology Managers to improve your ability to shape privacy and security systems
- Public official to aid you in shaping and implementing regulations
- Academic leaders in engineering institute to undestand compliances and also necessity of interdisciplinary tech law courses
Engineering is the branch of science and technology concerned with design, building and the use of engine, machines and structures. In this fast moving world scenario, it is seen that the field of Engineering has traveled a very long distance of time space. In the modern parlance, this field must be properly knitted with the important dimensions of Law. An Engineer must have adequate knowledge of these vital subject if he ever wishes to establish himself in this Industrial world.
This course is an information of legal topics relevant to engineers. Course starts with introduction of legal system per se Indian legal system. Frequently used basic terms in legal system are explained. Engineers working in factories should be aware of industrial and labour laws. Therefore important industrial and labour acts are discussed in the course. Today’s engineers are working in corporations and companies. They need to register their intellectual creations. Hence discussion on contract law, companies act and IPR is an essential part of the course. There is also a section on various emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain, driverless cars, drone, 5G, IoT etc. and their implications on legal system. Knowledge of cyber laws have become imperative due to increasing online banking and e-commerce activites. Few landmark cases of Supreme Court are also mentioned. Various activities are recommended which can be beneficial for technology law teachers. This is an introductory course, emphasizes on legal principles that can provide engineers with the ability to recognize legal issues that are likely to arise in the engineering profession.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Foundation of Legal System
Lecture 1: Learning Outcomes and Introduction to Foundation of Legal System
Lecture 2: Indian Legal System: An Introduction
Lecture 3: Human Rights
Lecture 4: Fundamental Rights
Lecture 5: The Supreme Court of India
Lecture 6: Statutory Commissions– NHRC, NCW, NCM, NC-SC/ST etc.
Lecture 7: Representation of Peoples Act 1950
Lecture 8: Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
Lecture 9: Understanding the Importance of Stamp Duty
Lecture 10: Selective Frequently Used Legal Phrases
Chapter 2: Right to Information
Lecture 1: Learning Outcomes of Right to Information Chapter
Lecture 2: Official Secret Act, 1923
Lecture 3: Indian Evidence Act, 1872
Lecture 4: Right to Information Act, 2005
Lecture 5: Impact of Right to Information Act
Chapter 3: General Principles of Contract: India Contract Act, 1872
Lecture 1: Learning outcome and Intro to General Principles of Contract India Contract Act
Lecture 2: Contract Law: Agreement and Its Kinds
Lecture 3: Who Can Enter into a Contract
Lecture 4: Contract and Its Enforceability
Lecture 5: Offer and Acceptance in a Contract
Lecture 6: Essentials of Valid Contract- Lawful Consideration and Lawful Object
Lecture 7: Essentials of Valid Contract- Free Consent
Lecture 8: Types of Contract
Lecture 9: Contract of Agency
Lecture 10: Performance of Contracts
Lecture 11: Government Contracts
Lecture 12: Standard Form Contracts
Chapter 4: Industrial and Labor Laws
Lecture 1: Leanirng Outcomes and Introduction to Industrial and Labour Laws
Lecture 2: Labour Laws in India: An Overview
Lecture 3: Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
Lecture 4: Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
Lecture 5: Factories Act, 1948
Lecture 6: Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951
Lecture 7: Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
Lecture 8: Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976
Lecture 9: Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986
Lecture 10: Workmens Compensation Act, 1923
Lecture 11: Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
Lecture 12: Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
Lecture 13: Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
Lecture 14: Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948
Lecture 15: Employees' Provident Funds and [Miscellaneous Provisions] Act, 1952
Lecture 16: Payment of Wages Act, 1936
Lecture 17: Minimum Wages Act, 1948
Lecture 18: Employees’ Pension Scheme 1995
Lecture 19: Apprentices Act, 1961
Lecture 20: Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
Lecture 21: Fatal Accidents Act, 1855
Lecture 22: Trade Unions Act, 1926
Lecture 23: Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013
Lecture 24: Collective Bargaining
Chapter 5: Intellectual Property Rights
Lecture 1: Learning Outcomes of IPR Chapter
Lecture 2: Types of Intellectual Property
Lecture 3: Indian Copyright Act 1957
Lecture 4: Indian Trademark Act 1999
Lecture 5: Indian Patent Act 1970
Chapter 6: Other Important Acts Engineers Should Know
Lecture 1: Learning outcomes and Introduction to other laws
Lecture 2: Consumer Protection Act
Lecture 3: Competition Act 2002
Lecture 4: Designs Act 2000
Lecture 5: Bureau of Indian Standards Act 2016
Lecture 6: Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Design Act 2000
Lecture 7: Electricity Act 2003
Lecture 8: Atomic Energy Act 1962
Lecture 9: Motors Vehicle Act 1988
Lecture 10: Food Safety and Standards Act 2006
Lecture 11: National Food Security Act 2013
Lecture 12: Environment Protection Act 1986
Chapter 7: Company Laws
Lecture 1: Learning Outcomes and Introduction to Company Laws
Lecture 2: Companies Act, 1956- Nature and Meaning
Lecture 3: Classification of Companies
Lecture 4: Incorporation of Companies
Lecture 5: Sources of Capital
Lecture 6: Board of Directors
Lecture 7: Company Meetings
Lecture 8: Foreign Exchange Management Act FEMA 1999
Chapter 8: Emerging Technologies and Legal Implications
Lecture 1: Learning Outcomes and Intro to Legal Implications of Emerging Technologies
Lecture 2: How technologists can help reshape legal system
Lecture 3: Cyber Crimes, Cyber Threats and Issues: Information Technology Act 2000
Lecture 4: Blockchain and Legal Issues
Lecture 5: Legal Implications of Artificial Intelligence
Lecture 6: Legal Ecosystem for Autonomous Vehicles and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
Lecture 7: Privacy and Data Protection with a Trillion Connected & Cognitive Devices
Lecture 8: Legal Ecosystem for 5G
Surendra Rathod
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 0 votes
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