The Complete French Course : Daily Life Conversations
The Complete French Course : Daily Life Conversations, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 179 lectures, based on 183 reviews, and has 1768 subscribers.
You will learn about Master everyday life situations in French Immerse yourself in over a hundred practical French dialogues Acquire essential French phrases for various communication contexts Increase your confidence practicing with real scenarios Consolidate your skills with targeted exercises and assessments Understand and use the subjunctive and conditional moods This course is ideal for individuals who are If you finished my previous courses and want a logical progression or If you wish a course based on real everyday life scenarios or If you want to know all the practical and useful expressions and speak like a local or If you want to boost your confidence and be able to handle various situations in France It is particularly useful for If you finished my previous courses and want a logical progression or If you wish a course based on real everyday life scenarios or If you want to know all the practical and useful expressions and speak like a local or If you want to boost your confidence and be able to handle various situations in France.
Enroll now: The Complete French Course : Daily Life Conversations
Title: The Complete French Course : Daily Life Conversations
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 179
Number of Published Lectures: 173
Number of Curriculum Items: 179
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 173
Original Price: $84.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master everyday life situations in French
- Immerse yourself in over a hundred practical French dialogues
- Acquire essential French phrases for various communication contexts
- Increase your confidence practicing with real scenarios
- Consolidate your skills with targeted exercises and assessments
- Understand and use the subjunctive and conditional moods
Who Should Attend
- If you finished my previous courses and want a logical progression
- If you wish a course based on real everyday life scenarios
- If you want to know all the practical and useful expressions and speak like a local
- If you want to boost your confidence and be able to handle various situations in France
Target Audiences
- If you finished my previous courses and want a logical progression
- If you wish a course based on real everyday life scenarios
- If you want to know all the practical and useful expressions and speak like a local
- If you want to boost your confidence and be able to handle various situations in France
Bonjour tout le monde !
My name is Yohann and I will help you learn our beautiful French language.
First, If you are a complete beginner, please consider taking my first class : The Complete French Course : Learn French – Beginners. You can find it on my instructor profile. It is a popular course and will probably suit you better if you don’t have much knowledge of French. It is followed by my second course : The Complete French Course : Low Intermediate that I would recommend as well if you want a smooth transition towards this Intermediate course. But that’s just a recommendation.
This course is perfect for youif you want to advance your French speaking abilities with a course that brings daily French life to your lessons through engaging dialogues, targeted grammar practice and vocabulary. You’ll be equipped to live and communicate in France with ease !
How does it work ?
The course is divided in 40 lessons (~23 hours of videos and a hundred dialogues) all following a logical progression and exploring all the real-life situations you could encounter in France.
Each lesson starts with engaging dialogues on a specific topic, paired with questions to check your understanding. Then we break down each dialogue, highlighting key vocabulary and new grammar. We put all that into practice and finally we finish with a focus on communication, giving you the essential sentences to be able to deal with your daily French situations easily!
For the exercise part, don’t forget that you will need a pen and a piece of paper to complete them with me. It’s easy, just follow the instructions on the video!
And very important ! After each lesson you will have access to the summary of the lesson and a vocabulary list with all the good expressions to use for each communication situation along with the translation and an audio document to ensure a perfect pronunciation !
You will also find bilans or assessments with many exercises through the course. So please, do your homework 🙂
Which level will I reach ?
At the end of this course ranging from a A2 to B1 level, you will reach a conversational B1 level.
If you want to cover all the grammar required for a B1 level I would recommend you to have a look at my other courses (Master the Past Tenses & The Complete French Course – Low Intermediate)
Check out the preview lessons available and see if this course would be a good fit for you.
And finally, don’t hesitate to contact me, I’m ready to answer any questions you might have !
Ready to start ? See you in class !
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Faire les courses
Lecture 1: Explications & Dialogue 1
Lecture 2: Dialogue 2
Lecture 3: Dialogue 3
Lecture 4: Dialogue 4
Lecture 5: Les commerces et commerçants
Lecture 6: Révisions le Futur Simple
Lecture 7: Le Conditionnel de politesse
Lecture 8: Les bonnes expressions
Lecture 9: Exercices
Chapter 2: Préciser les quantités
Lecture 1: Dialogues 1 et 2
Lecture 2: Vocabulaire et Exercices
Lecture 3: Exprimer des quantités et Exercices
Lecture 4: Le pronom EN (quantité) et Exercices
Lecture 5: 2-5 Les Bonnes Expressions et Exercices
Chapter 3: Passer une commande – Commander
Lecture 1: Dialogue 1
Lecture 2: Ingrédients et Pâtisseries
Lecture 3: Les Bonnes Expressions
Lecture 4: Dialogue 2
Lecture 5: Vocabulaire au restaurant
Lecture 6: Les Bonnes Expressions et Exercices
Chapter 4: Réserver
Lecture 1: Dialogues 1,2 et 3
Lecture 2: Vocabulaire : Hôtel et Taxi
Lecture 3: Le Questionnement et Exercices
Lecture 4: Les Bonnes Expressions et Exercices
Chapter 5: Modifier une réservation
Lecture 1: Dialogue
Lecture 2: Les Bonnes Expressions
Chapter 6: Parler d'argent
Lecture 1: Dialogue 1
Lecture 2: Les Bonnes Expressions (Le budget) et Exercices
Lecture 3: Dialogues 2 et 3
Lecture 4: Vocabulaire de la Banque et Exercices
Lecture 5: Les Bonnes Expressions (Les démarches)
Chapter 7: Demander l'échange, le remboursement
Lecture 1: Dialogues 1 et 2
Lecture 2: Les Bonnes Expressions et Exercices
Chapter 8: Hésiter – Ne pas être sûr(e)
Lecture 1: Dialogue 1
Lecture 2: Vocabulaire et Exercices (Chez le coiffeur)
Lecture 3: Dialogue 2
Lecture 4: Les Bonnes Expressions et Exercices
Lecture 5: Dialogue 3
Lecture 6: Vocabulaire Informatique
Lecture 7: La Comparaison et Exercices
Lecture 8: Les Bonnes Expressions et Exercices
Chapter 9: Demander, donner des informations
Lecture 1: Dialogue 1
Lecture 2: Vocabulaire de la Poste et de l'Administration – Exercices
Lecture 3: Les Bonnes Expressions et Exercices
Lecture 4: Dialogue 2
Lecture 5: Vocabulaire – À la salle de sport
Chapter 10: S'inscrire à une activité
Lecture 1: Dialogue
Lecture 2: Les Bonnes Expressions et Exercices
Chapter 11: Chercher, localiser
Lecture 1: Dialogues 1 et 2
Lecture 2: Les prépositions de lieu et Exercices
Lecture 3: Les pronoms indéfinis
Lecture 4: Les Bonnes Expressions et Exercice
Lecture 5: Dialogues 3,4 et 5
Lecture 6: Vocabulaire des Directions et Exercices
Chapter 12: Décrire un lieu – Les vacances
Lecture 1: Dialogues 1 et 2
Lecture 2: Situer un lieu géographiquement
Lecture 3: Les activités de vacances
Lecture 4: Les Bonnes Expressions et Exercice
Chapter 13: Son lieu de vie – S'installer
Lecture 1: Dialogues 1 et 2
Lecture 2: Vocabulaire – Décrire un logement
Lecture 3: Les Bonnes Expressions et Exercices
Lecture 4: Dialogue 3
Lecture 5: L'Impératif et Exercices
Chapter 14: S'abonner – Internet et Téléphonie
Lecture 1: Dialogues 1 et 2
Lecture 2: Vocabulaire de la Téléphonie
Lecture 3: Les Bonnes Expressions et Exercice
Chapter 15: Demander des explications
Lecture 1: Dialogue 1
Lecture 2: Le Gérondif et Exercices
Lecture 3: Les Bonnes Expressions
Chapter 16: Chercher une solution
Lecture 1: Dialogues 1 et 2
Lecture 2: Faire une réclamation
Lecture 3: Les Bonnes Expressions – Indemnisation et Mécontentement
Lecture 4: Exercices
Lecture 5: Vocabulaire L'avion
Lecture 6: Vocabulaire Le train
Lecture 7: La Cause et La Conséquence
Chapter 17: Décrire un vol
Lecture 1: Dialogue et Compréhension Écrite
Lecture 2: Vocabulaire et Exercices
Lecture 3: Le Passif
Lecture 4: Exercices
Lecture 5: Les Bonnes Expressions et Exercices
Chapter 18: Décrire un accident
Lecture 1: Dialogues 1 et 2
Yohann Coussot
French Teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 12 votes
- 4 stars: 40 votes
- 5 stars: 130 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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