The immortal classical Chinese poetry season 1
The immortal classical Chinese poetry season 1, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.63, with 38 lectures, based on 8 reviews, and has 791 subscribers.
You will learn about The students will learn a wide range of Chinese vocabularies, for example, vocabularies describing Nature, emotion, major human conditions and express theselves in these terms. This course is ideal for individuals who are Students interested in learning Chinese language and culture, preferably has some preliminary basic Chinese by having taken or be willing to take my College Mandarin Chinese on Your Own Beginning Level. It would be ideal if they are willing to take the intermediate level of that sequence as well. It is particularly useful for Students interested in learning Chinese language and culture, preferably has some preliminary basic Chinese by having taken or be willing to take my College Mandarin Chinese on Your Own Beginning Level. It would be ideal if they are willing to take the intermediate level of that sequence as well. .
Enroll now: The immortal classical Chinese poetry season 1
Title: The immortal classical Chinese poetry season 1
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.63
Number of Lectures: 38
Number of Published Lectures: 38
Number of Curriculum Items: 38
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 38
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The students will learn a wide range of Chinese vocabularies, for example, vocabularies describing Nature, emotion, major human conditions and express theselves in these terms.
Who Should Attend
- Students interested in learning Chinese language and culture, preferably has some preliminary basic Chinese by having taken or be willing to take my College Mandarin Chinese on Your Own Beginning Level. It would be ideal if they are willing to take the intermediate level of that sequence as well.
Target Audiences
- Students interested in learning Chinese language and culture, preferably has some preliminary basic Chinese by having taken or be willing to take my College Mandarin Chinese on Your Own Beginning Level. It would be ideal if they are willing to take the intermediate level of that sequence as well.
This course will allow you to learn a wide range of Chinese language (such as language describing Nature, emotion, basic topics of human existence) by learning the breath-taking, immortal beauty of the original works of the most famous classical Chinese poets, world-renowned poets such as Li Po, Tu Fu, Wang Wei, etc. More than any other countries, classical Chinese poetry is given the most prominent and exalted status, which not only shapes Chinese language, literature, arts, philosophy and religion, but also Chinese history and politics. Chinese scholar-officials are invariably good poets who had passed Civic Entrance Exams with good grades and became high officials by composing excellent poetry and to a lesser extent, great essays. Moreover, the language of classical Chinese poetry is surprisingly similar to modern Chinese language, therefore it is very adaptable to the language use in daily life. For example, look at any casually selected poetic line, such as Li Po’s poem, “月下独酌”,(“Drinking Alone under the Moon”) “花间一壶酒/独酌无相亲/举杯邀明月/对影成三人”,(“Among the flowers, a jug of wine/ drinking alone, no companion/ raise the cup, invite bright moon/ And my shadows, makes three”) you will see that every phrase in the poetic lines is perfectly understandable and applicable as modern Chinese language. To the very few vocabularies that changes their usage in time, the course will explain carefully and provide the modern equivalent. One major change is that the monosyllabic vocabularies in classical Chinese becomes double-syllabic in modern Chinese, but the source and change is perfectly traceable and easy to master and gives you a clear idea of the development of Chinese language. Therefore, by learning this course, you will not only take pride in yourself being able to understand and appreciate the greatest jewel of Chinese language and art, as well as crystallized Chinese philosophy embedded in this literary genre, which is world-renowned and highly influential on world literature and arts, but also learn a great range of Chinese language quickly, impressively, and memorably through the original works of these famous poets, and these language you acquired through this course is perfectly adaptable to your modern, daily use.
This first season of this classical Chinese poetry series choose the most famous poems of three greatest classical Chinese poets–Li Po, Tu Fu, Wang Wei, called the Poet Immortal (诗仙),Poet Saint (诗圣) and Poet Buddha (诗佛)respectively, and represent the Taoist, Confucius and Buddhist strands of Chinese culture respectively. Each poem of theirs is taught in three lectures: the first lecture teaches the language of the poem. Vocabulary lists are provided and taught to recite and to use in modern situation, the literal meaning of each poetic line is explained in great detail, and each poetic line is led to recite and memorize, because the vocabulary lists include vocabularies from the most basic to the advanced, any level of Chinese students can take the course, although it is advisable to take my College Mandarin Chinese on Your Own Beginning Level so that you are knowledgeable of the Chinese pinyin and writing system and basic Chinese vocabularies. The second lecture teaches in English the poetic implication, the relationship between its poetic form and meaning, composition method and philosophical influence of the poem, so that you understand and appreciate the cultural implication of the poem in greatest depth. The third lecture is a music recitation video made with my recitation (which you can read after), beautiful classical Chinese music and painting, so that you can further familiarize and memorize the language of the poem, and appreciate the immortal, living beauty of these poems.
Through learning this course you will be able to take greatest pride in yourself in being able to understand the greatest jewel of Chinese language and literature which has amazing homology with Chinese arts, philosophy and religion and shapes Chinese history for thousands of years. While you take the aesthetic flight, your Chinese skill will also improve drastically with the wide range of vocabularies and expression (in Nature, society, human emotion and basic human existence) you learned through these poems.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction of the course and study guide
Chapter 2: Li Po: Banished Taoist Immortal
Lecture 1: Introduction of Li Po's life and poetic works
Lecture 2: Li Po "Drinking Alone Under the Moon" text practice
Lecture 3: Li Po "Drinking Alone Under the Moon" poetry analysis
Lecture 4: Li Po "Drinking Alone under the Moon" musical recitation video
Lecture 5: Li Po "Farewell for My Uncle" text practice
Lecture 6: Li Po "Farewell to My Uncle" poetry analysis
Lecture 7: Li Po "Farewell for My Uncle" musical recitation video
Lecture 8: Li Po "Ancient Air" text practice
Lecture 9: Li Po "Ancient Air" poetry analysis
Lecture 10: Li Po "Ancient Air" musical recitation video
Chapter 3: Tu Fu: Disappointed Confucian Humanist
Lecture 1: Introduction of Tu Fu's life and poetic works
Lecture 2: Tu Fu On a Tower text practice
Lecture 3: Comparison of Li Po and Tu Fu's poetic style
Lecture 4: Tu Fu "On a Tower" musical recitation video
Lecture 5: Tu Fu "Overnight at White Sand Post Station" text practice
Lecture 6: Comparison of Li Po and Tu Fu's Poetic Style 2
Lecture 7: Tu Fu "Overnight at White Sand Post Station" musical recitation video 1
Lecture 8: Tu Fu "Thoughts of a Night on Boat" text practice
Lecture 9: Tu Fu "Thoughts of a Night on Boat" poetry analysis
Lecture 10: Tu Fu "Thoughts of a Night on Boat" musical recitation video
Lecture 11: Tu Fu "Chiang Han" text practice
Lecture 12: Tu Fu "Chiang Han" poetry analysis
Lecture 13: Tu Fu "Chiang Han" musical recitation video
Chapter 4: Wang Wei:Taoist and Zen Buddhist painter-poet
Lecture 1: Introduction of Wang Wei's life and poetic works
Lecture 2: Wang Wei "Deer Park" text practice
Lecture 3: Wang Wei "Deer Park" poetry analysis
Lecture 4: Wang Wei "Deer Park" musical recitation video
Lecture 5: Wang Wei "In the Mountain" text practice
Lecture 6: Wang Wei "In the Mountain" poetry analysis
Lecture 7: Wang Wei "In the Mountain" musical recitation video
Lecture 8: Wang Wei "Xin-yi Wu" text practice
Lecture 9: Wang Wei "Xin-yi Wu" poetry analysis
Lecture 10: Wang Wei "Xin-yi Wu" musical recitation video
Lecture 11: Wang Wei "Mu-lan Chai" text practice
Lecture 12: Wang Wei "Mu-lan Chai" poetry analysis
Lecture 13: Wang Wei "Mu-lan Chai" musical recitation video
Lecture 14: Bonus Lecture My website of Chinese language/culture of free contents and others
Hong Zeng
Professor of Chinese and English literature
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 6 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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