Ultimate Electrical Circuits for Electrical Engineering
Ultimate Electrical Circuits for Electrical Engineering, available at $109.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 172 lectures, based on 553 reviews, and has 4736 subscribers.
You will learn about know all the fundamentals of electric circuits know the meaning of SI units or international units in electric circuits Know the definition of the electric charge in electric circuits Know the definition of the electric current in electric circuits Know the definition of voltage in electric circuits Know the definition of power in electric circuits Know the definition of energy in electric circuits Definition of conductance in electric circuits Know the difference between dependent and independent sources Applications of DC circuits in electric circuits Know the principle of the TV picture tube or CRT in electric circuits Know the basic laws of electricity in electric circuits Know about the electricity bills calculations in electric circuits Understand Ohm's law in electric circuits Know the definition of the nodes, branches and loops in electric circuits Know the definition of Kirchhoff's laws in electric circuits Know the definition of Kirchhoff's current law in electric circuits Know the definition of Kirchhoff voltage law in electric circuits Know series resistor and voltage division in electric circuits Know parallel resistor and current division in electric circuits Know Wye-Delta transformations in electric circuits Understand applications as lighting systems in electric circuits Understand Nodal analysis in electric circuits Understand Nodal analysis with voltage sources in electric circuits Understand the supernode in electric circuits Understand Mesh analysis in electric circuits Understand Mesh analysis with current sources in electric circuits Understand the Supermesh in electric circuits Understand How to use the Cramer method in electric circuits Comparison between Nodal and Mesh analysis in electric circuits Understand applications as DC transistor circuits in electric circuits Understand the meaning of the linearity property in electric circuits Use the Superposition theorem in electric circuits Understand Thevenin's theorem in electric circuits Understand Norton's theorem in electric circuits Maximum power transfer in electric circuits Understand the various types of operational amplifiers in electric circuits Understand ideal Op-Amp, inverting Amplifier, non-inverting amplifier in electric circuits Understand summing Op-Amp circuit in electric circuits Understand the difference Op-Amp circuit in electric circuits Understand cascaded Op-Amp circuit in electric circuits Know the applications of Op-Amp like digital-to-analog converter in electric circuits Know the applications of Op-Amp like instrumentation amplifiers in electric circuits Know what is a capacitor in electric circuits Understand how to simplify series capacitors in electric circuits Understand how to simplify parallel capacitors in electric circuits Know how to get energy stored in capacitors in electric circuits Know what is an inductor in electric circuits Understand how to simplify series inductors in electric circuits Understand how to simplify parallel inductors in electric circuits Know how to get energy stored in the inductor in electric circuits know the applications of capacitors and inductors as integrators in electric circuits know the applications of capacitors and inductors as differentiators in electric circuits Understand practical capacitors and practical inductors in electric circuits Simulation of basic electric circuits Simulation of operational amplifiers Simulation of charging and discharging of a capacitor Simulation of a source-free RL circuit Simulation of a source-free RC circuit Source-free RC circuit Solved examples on source-free RC circuits Source-free RL circuit Solved examples on source-free RL circuits Step response of an RC circuit Solved examples on step response of an RC circuit Step response of an RL circuit Solved examples on step response of an RL circuit Simulation of the step response of an RL circuit Simulation of the step response of an RC circuit AC electric circuits Phasor representation of AC Phasor relationships for circuit elements Impedance and admittance Kirchhoff’s laws and impedance combinations in the frequency domain Application of nodal analysis in AC circuits Application of mesh analysis in AC circuits Application of Thevenin and Norton theorems in AC circuits Application of source transformation in AC systems Application of superposition theorem in AC circuits Importance and applications of resonant circuits Definition and equations of a series resonant circuit Quality factor of a series resonant circuit Total impedance VS frequency in a series resonant circuit Bandwidth and selectivity curve of a series resonant circuit Derivation of cutoff frequencies Solution of solved examples on series resonant circuit Parallel resonant circuit Unity power factor of a parallel resonant circuit Maximum impedance of a parallel resonant circuit Quality factor of a parallel resonant circuit Bandwidth and cutoff frequencies of a parallel resonant circuit Effect of high quality factor on the parallel resonant circuit Instantaneous power and average power Maximum average power transfer Effective or RMS value in AC circuits Apparent power and power factor Complex power and power triangle Power factor correction This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants knowledge about electric circuits or Anyone who is interested in knowing the main concepts of electric circuits or Anyone who is a student and wants to learn about DC circuits or Anyone who is a student and wants to learn about AC circuits It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants knowledge about electric circuits or Anyone who is interested in knowing the main concepts of electric circuits or Anyone who is a student and wants to learn about DC circuits or Anyone who is a student and wants to learn about AC circuits.
Enroll now: Ultimate Electrical Circuits for Electrical Engineering
Title: Ultimate Electrical Circuits for Electrical Engineering
Price: $109.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 172
Number of Published Lectures: 172
Number of Curriculum Items: 172
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 172
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- know all the fundamentals of electric circuits
- know the meaning of SI units or international units in electric circuits
- Know the definition of the electric charge in electric circuits
- Know the definition of the electric current in electric circuits
- Know the definition of voltage in electric circuits
- Know the definition of power in electric circuits
- Know the definition of energy in electric circuits
- Definition of conductance in electric circuits
- Know the difference between dependent and independent sources
- Applications of DC circuits in electric circuits
- Know the principle of the TV picture tube or CRT in electric circuits
- Know the basic laws of electricity in electric circuits
- Know about the electricity bills calculations in electric circuits
- Understand Ohm's law in electric circuits
- Know the definition of the nodes, branches and loops in electric circuits
- Know the definition of Kirchhoff's laws in electric circuits
- Know the definition of Kirchhoff's current law in electric circuits
- Know the definition of Kirchhoff voltage law in electric circuits
- Know series resistor and voltage division in electric circuits
- Know parallel resistor and current division in electric circuits
- Know Wye-Delta transformations in electric circuits
- Understand applications as lighting systems in electric circuits
- Understand Nodal analysis in electric circuits
- Understand Nodal analysis with voltage sources in electric circuits
- Understand the supernode in electric circuits
- Understand Mesh analysis in electric circuits
- Understand Mesh analysis with current sources in electric circuits
- Understand the Supermesh in electric circuits
- Understand How to use the Cramer method in electric circuits
- Comparison between Nodal and Mesh analysis in electric circuits
- Understand applications as DC transistor circuits in electric circuits
- Understand the meaning of the linearity property in electric circuits
- Use the Superposition theorem in electric circuits
- Understand Thevenin's theorem in electric circuits
- Understand Norton's theorem in electric circuits
- Maximum power transfer in electric circuits
- Understand the various types of operational amplifiers in electric circuits
- Understand ideal Op-Amp, inverting Amplifier, non-inverting amplifier in electric circuits
- Understand summing Op-Amp circuit in electric circuits
- Understand the difference Op-Amp circuit in electric circuits
- Understand cascaded Op-Amp circuit in electric circuits
- Know the applications of Op-Amp like digital-to-analog converter in electric circuits
- Know the applications of Op-Amp like instrumentation amplifiers in electric circuits
- Know what is a capacitor in electric circuits
- Understand how to simplify series capacitors in electric circuits
- Understand how to simplify parallel capacitors in electric circuits
- Know how to get energy stored in capacitors in electric circuits
- Know what is an inductor in electric circuits
- Understand how to simplify series inductors in electric circuits
- Understand how to simplify parallel inductors in electric circuits
- Know how to get energy stored in the inductor in electric circuits
- know the applications of capacitors and inductors as integrators in electric circuits
- know the applications of capacitors and inductors as differentiators in electric circuits
- Understand practical capacitors and practical inductors in electric circuits
- Simulation of basic electric circuits
- Simulation of operational amplifiers
- Simulation of charging and discharging of a capacitor
- Simulation of a source-free RL circuit
- Simulation of a source-free RC circuit
- Source-free RC circuit
- Solved examples on source-free RC circuits
- Source-free RL circuit
- Solved examples on source-free RL circuits
- Step response of an RC circuit
- Solved examples on step response of an RC circuit
- Step response of an RL circuit
- Solved examples on step response of an RL circuit
- Simulation of the step response of an RL circuit
- Simulation of the step response of an RC circuit
- AC electric circuits
- Phasor representation of AC
- Phasor relationships for circuit elements
- Impedance and admittance
- Kirchhoff’s laws and impedance combinations in the frequency domain
- Application of nodal analysis in AC circuits
- Application of mesh analysis in AC circuits
- Application of Thevenin and Norton theorems in AC circuits
- Application of source transformation in AC systems
- Application of superposition theorem in AC circuits
- Importance and applications of resonant circuits
- Definition and equations of a series resonant circuit
- Quality factor of a series resonant circuit
- Total impedance VS frequency in a series resonant circuit
- Bandwidth and selectivity curve of a series resonant circuit
- Derivation of cutoff frequencies
- Solution of solved examples on series resonant circuit
- Parallel resonant circuit
- Unity power factor of a parallel resonant circuit
- Maximum impedance of a parallel resonant circuit
- Quality factor of a parallel resonant circuit
- Bandwidth and cutoff frequencies of a parallel resonant circuit
- Effect of high quality factor on the parallel resonant circuit
- Instantaneous power and average power
- Maximum average power transfer
- Effective or RMS value in AC circuits
- Apparent power and power factor
- Complex power and power triangle
- Power factor correction
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants knowledge about electric circuits
- Anyone who is interested in knowing the main concepts of electric circuits
- Anyone who is a student and wants to learn about DC circuits
- Anyone who is a student and wants to learn about AC circuits
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants knowledge about electric circuits
- Anyone who is interested in knowing the main concepts of electric circuits
- Anyone who is a student and wants to learn about DC circuits
- Anyone who is a student and wants to learn about AC circuits
“Ultimate Electric Circuits Course from A to Z for Beginners”
This is the only course with everything you need to know about the basics of electric circuits for complete beginners without any previous knowledge.
This course starts with the basic concepts of electricity to the level you will be very familiar with circuits.
Throughout the course you will get:
Basics concepts of electric circuits: This will help you understand the very basic definitions of electricity including voltage, current, power, and more.
Basic laws of electric circuits: This part will teach you about the branches, nodes, KVL, KCL, Ohm’s law, and Delta-Wye transformations.
Methods of analysis: You will learn how to analyze electric circuits using nodal analysis and mesh analysis.
Circuit theorems: In this part, you will learn more advanced circuit analysis techniques such as the superposition theorem, source transformation theorem, Thevenin theorem, Norton theorem, and maximum power transfer.
Operational amplifiers: You will be introduced to operational amplifiers including inverting, non-inverting, summing, difference, and cascaded amplifiers. These amplifiers are helpful in inverting or amplification or adding or subtracting different input signals.
Capacitors and inductors: These components are really important in the electrical system and other applications. You will find inductors as a representation of electrical machines and capacitors that can be used in power factor correction.
First-order circuits: These circuits are composed of resistors and inductors or resistors and capacitors. We will understand how to analyze them in the free and forced responses.
Basics of AC circuits: AC power or alternating power is the one which we have in our homes. We will learn about them and what is the difference between them and AC circuits.
Analysis of AC circuits: In this part, we will start analyzing our AC circuits with the different theorems that had been discussed at the beginning of the course.
Resonant circuits: In this part, we will discuss both series and parallel resonant circuits, these circuits have a crucial effect on electric circuits as well as have practical applications.
Electric circuit simulations using MATLAB: We will learn the simulation of many electric circuits in the well-known simulation program MATLAB Simulink. This will be a fun part that will increase your knowledge about electric circuits.
All of these topics are in a step by step lessons with many solved examples.
Bonus Gift:
You will find also the slides for the Ultimate Electric Circuits Course Bundle for those who are interested in them or having them as a revision for themselves:
458 Pages of Electric Circuits Course Slides
95 Pages of Electrical Resonance Course Slides
Take this bundle if you’ve been looking for ONE COURSE BUNDLE with in-depth insight into the basics of electric circuits.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Basic Concepts of Electric Circuits
Lecture 1: Introduction to Electrical Systems
Lecture 2: Electric Circuits, Charges, and Current
Lecture 3: Solved Examples 1
Lecture 4: Voltage, Energy, and Power
Lecture 5: Solved Examples 2
Lecture 6: Dependent and Independent Sources
Lecture 7: Cathode Ray Tube and Electricity Bills
Lecture 8: Special Thanks
Lecture 9: Course PDF Slides
Chapter 2: Basic Laws
Lecture 1: Introduction to Basic Laws
Lecture 2: Ohm's Law and Conductance
Lecture 3: Solved Examples 1
Lecture 4: Branch, Nodes, Loops, Series and Parallel Connection
Lecture 5: Kirchhoff's Laws KVL and KCL
Lecture 6: Solved Examples 2
Lecture 7: Voltage Division, Current Division, Analogy between Resistance and Conductance
Lecture 8: Solved Examples 3
Lecture 9: Delta-Wye and Wye-Delta Transformations
Lecture 10: Solved Examples 4
Lecture 11: Application on Basic Laws with a Solved Example
Chapter 3: Methods of Analysis
Lecture 1: Methods of Analysis and Nodal Analysis with No Voltage Source
Lecture 2: Solved Example 1
Lecture 3: Nodal Analysis with a Voltage Source
Lecture 4: Solved Examples 2
Lecture 5: Mesh Analysis with No Current Source
Lecture 6: Solved Examples 3
Lecture 7: Mesh Analysis with a Current Source
Lecture 8: Solved Example 4
Lecture 9: Nodal vs Mesh Analysis
Lecture 10: Application Transistor Circuit with a Solved Example
Chapter 4: Circuit Theorems
Lecture 1: Introduction to Circuit Theorems
Lecture 2: Superposition Theorem
Lecture 3: Example 1 on Superposition Theorem
Lecture 4: Example 2 on Superposition Theorem
Lecture 5: Source Transformation Theorem
Lecture 6: Example 1 on Source Transformation Theorem
Lecture 7: Example 2 on Source Transformation Theorem
Lecture 8: Thevenin Theorem
Lecture 9: Example 1 on Thevenin Theorem
Lecture 10: Example 2 on Thevenin Theorem
Lecture 11: Norton Theorem
Lecture 12: Example 1 on Norton Theorem
Lecture 13: Example 2 on Norton Theorem
Lecture 14: Maximum Power Transfer
Lecture 15: Example on Maximum Power Transfer
Chapter 5: Operational Amplifiers
Lecture 1: Introduction to Operational Amplifiers
Lecture 2: Example on Non Ideal Op Amp
Lecture 3: Construction of Ideal Operational Amplifiers
Lecture 4: Example on Ideal Operational Amplifiers
Lecture 5: Construction of Inverting Operational Amplifiers
Lecture 6: Example 1 on Inverting Operational Amplifiers
Lecture 7: Example 2 on Inverting Operational Amplifiers
Lecture 8: Construction of non Inverting Operational Amplifiers
Lecture 9: Example on non Inverting Operational Amplifiers
Lecture 10: Construction of Summing Operational Amplifiers
Lecture 11: Example on Summing Operational Amplifiers
Lecture 12: Construction of Difference Operational Amplifiers
Lecture 13: Example on Difference Operational Amplifiers
Lecture 14: Cascaded Operational Amplifiers
Lecture 15: Example on Cascaded Operational Amplifiers
Lecture 16: Digital to Analog Converter
Lecture 17: Example on Digital to Analog Converter
Lecture 18: Instrumentation Amplifiers
Lecture 19: Example on Instrumentation Amplifiers
Chapter 6: Capacitors and Inductors
Lecture 1: Introduction to Capacitors
Lecture 2: Equations of a Capacitor
Lecture 3: Solved Examples on Capacitors
Lecture 4: Series and Parallel Capacitors
Lecture 5: Solved Examples on Series and Parallel Capacitors
Lecture 6: Introduction to Inductors
Lecture 7: Solved Examples on Inductors
Lecture 8: Series and Parallel Inductors
Lecture 9: Solved Examples on Series and Parallel Inductors
Lecture 10: Application Integrator
Lecture 11: Application Differentiator
Chapter 7: First Order Circuits – Source-Free
Lecture 1: Introduction to First Order Circuits
Lecture 2: Source-Free RC Circuit
Lecture 3: Example 1 on Source-Free RC Circuit
Lecture 4: Example 2 on Source-Free RC Circuit
Lecture 5: Source-Free RL Circuit
Lecture 6: Example 1 on Source-Free RL Circuit
Lecture 7: Example 2 on Source-Free RL Circuit
Chapter 8: First Order Circuits – Step Response
Lecture 1: Step Response of an RC Circuit
Lecture 2: Example 1 on Step Response of an RC Circuit
Lecture 3: Example 2 on Step Response of an RC Circuit
Lecture 4: Step Response of an RL Circuit
Lecture 5: Example 1 on Step Response of an RL Circuit
Lecture 6: Example 2 on Step Response of an RL Circuit
Chapter 9: Basics of AC Circuits
Lecture 1: Introduction to AC Electric Circuits
Lecture 2: Solved Examples 1
Lecture 3: Phasor Representation of AC
Engr. Ahmed Mahdy
Top-Rated Bestselling Electrical Instructor | Researcher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 13 votes
- 2 stars: 25 votes
- 3 stars: 90 votes
- 4 stars: 163 votes
- 5 stars: 262 votes
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