World History: Mesopotamia -world’s first civilization
World History: Mesopotamia -world’s first civilization, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 2.13, with 46 lectures, based on 4 reviews, and has 9 subscribers.
You will learn about This Course deals with some of the earliest cities – those of Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq. Learn about the salient features of Mesopotamian civilization. Learn about the geography of Mesopotamia. Appreciate the significance of Urbanization in Southern Mesopotamia Know how movement of goods into cities took place and the culture in cities. This course is ideal for individuals who are Leaners of History. or Leaners interested to study about the Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization or Learn about how the Mesopotamian developed system of Writing. or Learn how the Mesopotamian civilization developed across the temples and cities. It is particularly useful for Leaners of History. or Leaners interested to study about the Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization or Learn about how the Mesopotamian developed system of Writing. or Learn how the Mesopotamian civilization developed across the temples and cities.
Enroll now: World History: Mesopotamia -world’s first civilization
Title: World History: Mesopotamia -world’s first civilization
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 2.13
Number of Lectures: 46
Number of Published Lectures: 46
Number of Curriculum Items: 46
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 46
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- This Course deals with some of the earliest cities – those of Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq.
- Learn about the salient features of Mesopotamian civilization.
- Learn about the geography of Mesopotamia.
- Appreciate the significance of Urbanization in Southern Mesopotamia
- Know how movement of goods into cities took place and the culture in cities.
Who Should Attend
- Leaners of History.
- Leaners interested to study about the Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization
- Learn about how the Mesopotamian developed system of Writing.
- Learn how the Mesopotamian civilization developed across the temples and cities.
Target Audiences
- Leaners of History.
- Leaners interested to study about the Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization
- Learn about how the Mesopotamian developed system of Writing.
- Learn how the Mesopotamian civilization developed across the temples and cities.
Let’s learn about the Mesopotamia (from the Greek, meaning ‘between two rivers’) was an ancient region located in the eastern Mediterranean bounded in the northeast by the Zagros Mountains and in the southeast by the Arabian Plateau, corresponding to modern-day Iraq and parts of Iran, Syria, and Turkey and known as the Fertile Crescent and the cradle of civilization.
The ‘two rivers’ of the name refer to the Tigris and the Euphrates and the land was known as ‘Al-Jazirah’ (the island) to the Arabs as a fertile land surrounded by water. The term “Fertile Crescent” was coined by Egyptologist J.H. Breasted (l. 1865-1935) in 1916 to describe the region at the north-end of the Persian Gulf, associated with the biblical Garden of Eden.
Mesopotamia was the home of many different civilizations spanning thousands of years which contributed significantly to world culture and progress. Many of the aspects of daily life taken for granted in the present day, such as writing, the wheel, a code of laws, the sail, the concept of the 24-hour day, beer-brewing, civil rights, and irrigation of crops all were first developed in the land between two rivers which was home to the great Mesopotamian civilizations.
The Cradle of Civilization
Unlike the more unified civilizations of Egypt or Greece, Mesopotamia was a collection of varied cultures whose only real bonds were their script, their gods, and their attitude toward women. The social customs, laws, and even language of the Sumerian people differs from the Akkadian Period, for example, and cannot be assumed to correspond to those of the Babylonian Civilizations; it does seem, however, that the rights of women (during some periods), the importance of literacy, and the pantheon of the gods were indeed shared throughout the region, though the gods had different names in various regions and periods.
As a result of this, Mesopotamia should be more properly understood as a region that produced multiple empires and civilizations rather than any single civilization. Even so, Mesopotamia is known as the “cradle of civilization” primarily because of two developments that occurred there, in the region of Sumer, in the 4th millenium BCE:
the rise of the city as recognized today.
the invention of writing (although writing is also known to have developed in Egypt, in the Indus Valley, in China, and to have taken form independently in Mesoamerica).
The invention of the wheel is also credited to the Mesopotamians and, in 1922 CE, the archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley discovered “the remains of two four-wheeled wagons, [at the site of the ancient city of Ur] the oldest wheeled vehicles in history ever found, along with their leather tires” (Bertman, 35). Other important developments or inventions credited to the Mesopotamians include, but are by no means limited to, domestication of animals, agriculture and irrigation, common tools, sophisticated weaponry and warfare, the chariot, wine, beer, demarcation of time into hours, minutes, and seconds, religious rites, the sail (sailboats), and legal codes. Orientalist Samuel Noah Kramer, in fact, has listed 39 `firsts’ in human civilization that originated in Sumer.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction-Learning objectives
Lecture 2: Topic web
Chapter 2: Different Names used for the same civilization
Lecture 1: Mesopotamian civilization
Lecture 2: Sumerian Civilization
Lecture 3: Babylonian Civilization
Lecture 4: Akkadian Civilization
Lecture 5: Assyrians Civilization
Lecture 6: Different Names used for the same civilization
Chapter 3: Features of Mesopotamian civilization
Lecture 1: Features of Mesopotamian civilization
Lecture 2: Sources to understand Mesopotamian civilization
Chapter 4: Archaeology in Mesopotamia
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Archaeology in Mesopotamia
Chapter 5: Mesopotamia and Bible
Lecture 1: Mesopotamia and Bible-1
Lecture 2: Mesopotamia and Bible-2
Chapter 6: Mesopotamia and its Geography
Lecture 1: Mesopotamia and its Geography-1
Lecture 2: Mesopotamia and its Geography-2
Lecture 3: Mesopotamia and its Geography-3
Chapter 7: Mesopotamia-The Significance of Urbanism
Lecture 1: Mesopotamia -The Significance
Lecture 2: Mesopotamia -The Significance-2
Chapter 8: Mesopotamia-Movement of Goods into Cities and Communication
Lecture 1: Mesopotamia-Movement of Goods into Cities and Communication-1
Lecture 2: Movement of Goods into cities-2
Chapter 9: Mesopotamia- The Development of Writing
Lecture 1: Mesopotamia- The Development of Writing-1
Lecture 2: Mesopotamia- The Development of Writing-2
Lecture 3: why tablets occur by the hundreds at Mesopotamian sites?
Lecture 4: Literacy in Mesopotamia
Chapter 10: Construction and maintenance of temples in Mesopotamia
Lecture 1: Construction and maintenance of temples in Mesopotamia-1
Lecture 2: Construction and maintenance of temples in Mesopotamia-2
Chapter 11: Role of kings in Construction and maintenance of temples in Mesopotamia
Lecture 1: Role of kings in Construction and maintenance of temples in Mesopotamia-1
Lecture 2: Role of kings in Construction and maintenance of temples in Mesopotamia-2
Lecture 3: Role of kings in Construction and maintenance of temples in Mesopotamia-3
Lecture 1: Life in the City of Ur-FAMILY SYSTEM
Lecture 2: Life in the City of Ur-MARRIAGE SYSTEM
Lecture 3: Life in the City of Ur- TOWN PLANNING-1
Lecture 4: Life in the City of Ur- TOWN PLANNING-2
Chapter 13: Life in the city of Ur-SUPERSTITIONS
Lecture 1: Life in the City of Ur- Superstition-1
Lecture 2: Life in the City of Ur- Superstition-2
Chapter 14: A Trading Town in a Pastoral Zone-Kingdom of Mari
Lecture 1: A Trading Town in a Pastoral Zone-Kingdom of Mari-1
Lecture 2: A Trading Town in a Pastoral Zone-Kingdom of Mari-2
Lecture 3: A Trading Town in a Pastoral Zone-Kingdom of Mari-3
Lecture 4: A Trading Town in a Pastoral Zone-Kingdom of Mari-4
Chapter 15: Cities in Mesopotamian Culture
Lecture 1: Cities in Mesopotamian Culture-1
Lecture 2: Cities in Mesopotamian Culture-2
Chapter 16: The Legacy of Writing (Science and Technology) in Mesopotamia
Lecture 1: The Legacy of Writing (Science and Technology) in Mesopotamia-1
Lecture 2: The Legacy of Writing (Science and Technology) in Mesopotamia-2
Lecture 3: The Legacy of Writing (Science and Technology) in Mesopotamia-3
Lecture 4: The Legacy of Writing (Science and Technology) in Mesopotamia-4
Seshu Cheera
Faculty of Political science and Social science
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 0 votes
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