Introduction to Rally Test Management Tool
Introduction to Rally Test Management Tool, available at $39.99
Jupyter Notebook for Data Science
Jupyter Notebook for Data Science, available at $39.99
Complete Datatable Tutorial with CodeIgniter 3.x Framework
Complete Datatable Tutorial with CodeIgniter 3.x Framework, available at $39.99
Complete C# Unity 2D & 3D Game Development Masterclass 2020
Complete C# Unity 2D & 3D Game Development Masterclass 2020, available at $39.99
API: RESTful API testing for complete beginners. POSTMAN
API: RESTful API testing for complete beginners. POSTMAN, available at $39.99
Make An RPG With GameMaker Studio 2
Make An RPG With GameMaker Studio 2, available at $39.99
Using Cycles Render Engine in Blender 3D
Using Cycles Render Engine in Blender 3D, available at $39.99
Build Machine Learning Web Application with Streamlit
Build Machine Learning Web Application with Streamlit, available at $39.99
Beginners Guide to Machine Learning – Python, Keras, SKLearn
Beginners Guide to Machine Learning – Python, Keras, SKLearn, available at $39.99
Learning Path: C++: High Performance applications with C++
Learning Path: C++: High Performance applications with C++, available at $39.99