3D & Animation Courses


Create Realistic, Photograph-Based Textures with Photoshop

Create Realistic, Photograph-Based Textures with Photoshop, available at $24.99


Create a 3d Grenade Asset with Maya and Substance Painter

Create a 3d Grenade Asset with Maya and Substance Painter, available at $59.99


ZBrush 4 R8 Course on Creating Game of Thrones Style Armour!

ZBrush 4 R8 Course on Creating Game of Thrones Style Armour!, available at $64.99


Vray Materials with 3ds Max + Vray : The Quickest Way

Vray Materials with 3ds Max + Vray : The Quickest Way, available at $54.99


Blender Isometric Art : Create 3D Scenes From Scratch

Blender Isometric Art : Create 3D Scenes From Scratch, available at $44.99


Rigid Body Simulation Guide in Blender

Rigid Body Simulation Guide in Blender, available at $79.99


Maya 2018 VFX – Learn to create Visual effects using Maya

Maya 2018 VFX – Learn to create Visual effects using Maya, available at $49.99


Fusion 360: Create a slide and pop mechanism

Fusion 360: Create a slide and pop mechanism, available at $27.99


SOLIDWORKS Course: Turn 2D Sketches into 3D Models

SOLIDWORKS Course: Turn 2D Sketches into 3D Models, available at $19.99


Scene Creation with Blender and Substance Painter

Scene Creation with Blender and Substance Painter, available at $64.99

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