C# with WinForms and SQL Create Database Driven Desktop App
C# with WinForms and SQL Create Database Driven Desktop App, available at $44.99
Explore Java IO
Explore Java IO, available at $44.99
Selenium WebDriver with C# for Beginners
Selenium WebDriver with C# for Beginners, available at $44.99
Laravel RESTful APIs and Docker: A Practical Guide
Laravel RESTful APIs and Docker: A Practical Guide, available at $44.99
Build 64 iOS9 projects in Swift. Build 50 apps and 14 games!
Build 64 iOS9 projects in Swift. Build 50 apps and 14 games!, available at $44.99
Fullstack React & GoLang: Design to Reality Volume 1
Fullstack React & GoLang: Design to Reality Volume 1, available at $44.99
Introduction to Maps in R Shiny and Leaflet
Introduction to Maps in R Shiny and Leaflet, available at $44.99
iOS Development Crash Course – Beginners to Publishing App
iOS Development Crash Course – Beginners to Publishing App, available at $44.99
Writing Maintainable Unit Tests
Writing Maintainable Unit Tests, available at $44.99