Keras: Deep Learning in Python
Keras: Deep Learning in Python, available at $44.99
iOS 10 iPhone App Development: Learn the Basics in 2 hours
iOS 10 iPhone App Development: Learn the Basics in 2 hours, available at $44.99
Software Testing: Reporting Bugs Like a Pro Using Bugzilla
Software Testing: Reporting Bugs Like a Pro Using Bugzilla, available at $44.99
Laravel Vuejs Private (one to one) Chat App
Laravel Vuejs Private (one to one) Chat App, available at $44.99
Practical iOS 12 with Swift 5
Practical iOS 12 with Swift 5, available at $44.99
AWS: Serverless App Development with AWS: 3-in-1
AWS: Serverless App Development with AWS: 3-in-1, available at $44.99
WordPress for Beginners: Build your Brand with WordPress
Wordpress for Beginners: Build your Brand with Wordpress, available at $44.99
Heroku for PHP
Heroku for PHP, available at $44.99
Extended Reality (XR) – Building AR | VR | MR Projects
Extended Reality (XR) – Building AR | VR | MR Projects, available at $44.99
Beginners Guide to Test Driven Development
Beginners Guide to Test Driven Development, available at $44.99