JavaScript Wizardry: The Basics Unveiled
JavaScript Wizardry: The Basics Unveiled, available at $74.99
100 Days of JavaScript:From Zero to Becoming a Pro Developer
100 Days of JavaScript:From Zero to Becoming a Pro Developer, available at $74.99
Platforming Game Mechanics in Unreal 5
Platforming Game Mechanics in Unreal 5, available at $74.99
Learn To Create a Tower Defence Game With Unity & C#
Learn To Create a Tower Defence Game With Unity & C#, available at $74.99
Up and Running with Concurrency in Go (Golang)
Up and Running with Concurrency in Go (Golang), available at $74.99
Python GUI Development with PyQt6 & Qt Designer
Python GUI Development with PyQt6 & Qt Designer, available at $74.99
Symfony 5 – The complete Guide for Beginners
Symfony 5 – The complete Guide for Beginners, available at $74.99
Big Data Visualization Toolkit (Tableau, Alteryx, QlikSense)
Big Data Visualization Toolkit (Tableau, Alteryx, QlikSense), available at $74.99
Build Modern Android App with REST API and Ktor Server
Build Modern Android App with REST API and Ktor Server, available at $74.99