Andrii Piatakha Courses

JUnit 5, Mockito, PowerMock, TDD, BDD & ATTD

JUnit 5, Mockito, PowerMock, TDD, BDD & ATTD, available at $49.99

C# Console and Windows Forms Development w/ Entity Framework

C# Console and Windows Forms Development w/ Entity Framework, available at $109.99

Java Collections Framework + Generics, Lambdas & Stream API

Java Collections Framework + Generics, Lambdas & Stream API, available at $64.99

Code Reviews for Secure, Clean, and Scalable Code

Code Reviews for Secure, Clean, and Scalable Code, available at $54.99

Relational Databases & SQL: Complete Guide for Developers

Relational Databases & SQL: Complete Guide for Developers, available at $69.99

Complete Microsoft SQL Server Database Design Masterclass

Complete Microsoft SQL Server Database Design Masterclass, available at $99.99

ChatGPT Complete Guide: OpenAI API, AI Tools, ChatGPT 4

ChatGPT Complete Guide: OpenAI API, AI Tools, ChatGPT 4, available at $64.99

Software Architecture and Clean Code Design in OOP

Software Architecture and Clean Code Design in OOP, available at $69.99

Learn to Code in Python 3: Programming beginner to advanced

Learn to Code in Python 3: Programming beginner to advanced, available at $69.99

Mastering Cucumber Java BDD: Build Efficient Automated Tests

Mastering Cucumber Java BDD: Build Efficient Automated Tests, available at $39.99

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