Andrii Piatakha Courses

JPA & Hibernate: Complete Course with Online Shop Example

JPA & Hibernate: Complete Course with Online Shop Example, available at $64.99

WebServices testing (RestSharp + Postman) Complete Guide

WebServices testing (RestSharp + Postman) Complete Guide, available at $74.99

Git from Basics to Advanced: Practical Guide for Developers

Git from Basics to Advanced: Practical Guide for Developers, available at $54.99

Selenium in Java – Setup Simple Test Automation Framework

Selenium in Java – Setup Simple Test Automation Framework, available at $59.99

Object Oriented Programming – Basics to Advance (Java OOP)

Object Oriented Programming – Basics to Advance (Java OOP), available at $74.99

Java Best Practices for Efficient, Scalable, and Secure Code

Java Best Practices for Efficient, Scalable, and Secure Code, available at $54.99

OpenAI API (ChatGPT, Whisper, DALL-E) – Complete Course

OpenAI API (ChatGPT, Whisper, DALL-E) – Complete Course, available at $49.99

OWASP API Security Top 10 2021 with Java Examples

OWASP API Security Top 10 2021 with Java Examples, available at $74.99

WebServices testing (RestAssured + Postman) Complete Guide

WebServices testing (RestAssured + Postman) Complete Guide, available at $59.99

Java Multithreading – Concurrency, Parallelism & Performance

Java Multithreading – Concurrency, Parallelism & Performance, available at $59.99

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