Bluelime Learning Solutions Courses


Introduction To Java Programming For Beginners

Introduction To Java Programming For Beginners, available at $19.99


Mastering Window Functions in SQL: Advanced Data Analysis

Mastering Window Functions in SQL: Advanced Data Analysis, available at $54.99


Installing Python and creating Virtual Environments

Installing Python and creating Virtual Environments, available at $39.99


Java Swing (GUI) Programming for Beginners

Java Swing (GUI) Programming for Beginners, available at $44.99


Build a Word Count App with Java and NetBeans

Build a Word Count App with Java and NetBeans, available at $19.99


Build a web app with Python and Django in less than 2 hours

Build a web app with Python and Django in less than 2 hours, available at $19.99


Python GUI Development with tkinter: Build desktop Apps

Python GUI Development with tkinter: Build desktop Apps, available at $49.99


Build SQL Queries with Excel from scratch

Build SQL Queries with Excel from scratch, available at $39.99


Build Database Driven Apps with : SQL Server , C# , Python

Build Database Driven Apps with : SQL Server , C# , Python, available at $54.99


Create a Notepad Application with C# and Visual Studio

Create a Notepad Application with C# and Visual Studio, available at $27.99

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