Essential Guide to Python Pandas
Essential Guide to Python Pandas, available at $64.99
Python Programming: Machine Learning, Deep Learning | Python
Python Programming: Machine Learning, Deep Learning | Python, available at $79.99
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Data Science: CNN & OpenCV : Chest XRAY-Pneumonia Detection, available at $44.99
Data Science with R (beginner to guru)
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Artificial Intelligence : Drowsiness Detection using DLib
Artificial Intelligence : Drowsiness Detection using DLib, available at $44.99
Apache Spark and Scala for Cassandra Professionals
Apache Spark and Scala for Cassandra Professionals, available at $64.99
Data Engineering with Google Dataflow and Apache Beam on GCP
Data Engineering with Google Dataflow and Apache Beam on GCP, available at $54.99
Machine Learning and Deep Learning Projects in Python
Machine Learning and Deep Learning Projects in Python, available at $59.99
Python For Data Science And Machine Learning Masterclass
Python For Data Science And Machine Learning Masterclass, available at $19.99
ChatGPT Unveiling the Basics, Advancement, Inner Workings
ChatGPT Unveiling the Basics, Advancement, Inner Workings, available at $54.99