Data Science & Python: Data Science with Real Problems (2)
Data Science & Python: Data Science with Real Problems (2), available at $19.99
Learn to build real time object detection in video
Learn to build real time object detection in video, available at $29.99
From 0 to 1: Hive for Processing Big Data
From 0 to 1: Hive for Processing Big Data, available at $84.99
Want to be a Big Data Scientist?
Want to be a Big Data Scientist?, available at $49.99
Pro data science in Python
Pro data science in Python, available at $19.99
Ensemble Machine Learning in Python: Random Forest, AdaBoost
Ensemble Machine Learning in Python: Random Forest, AdaBoost, available at $24.99
Scala and Spark for Big Data and Machine Learning
Scala and Spark for Big Data and Machine Learning, available at $69.99
Dummy Variable Regression & Conjoint (Survey) Analysis in R
Dummy Variable Regression & Conjoint (Survey) Analysis in R, available at $24.99
Machine Learning with Jupyter Notebooks in Amazon AWS
Machine Learning with Jupyter Notebooks in Amazon AWS, available at $49.99
Master Machine Learning , Deep Learning with Python
Master Machine Learning , Deep Learning with Python, available at $19.99