Amazon EKS in 60 Minutes: Hands-on with Kubernetes in AWS
Amazon EKS in 60 Minutes: Hands-on with Kubernetes in AWS, available at $49.99
Loopback 4: Modern ways to Build APIs in Typescript & NodeJs
Loopback 4: Modern ways to Build APIs in Typescript & NodeJs, available at $59.99
Fortran For Beginners
Fortran For Beginners, available at $49.99
C# in 6 Hours: C# For Complete Beginners Learn C# by Coding
C# in 6 Hours: C# For Complete Beginners Learn C# by Coding, available at $74.99
Code a Small Business Website using popular web frameworks
Code a Small Business Website using popular web frameworks, available at $44.99
R Programming Language
R Programming Language, available at $59.99
Effective Verilog Learning with Intel FPGAs
Effective Verilog Learning with Intel FPGAs, available at $84.99
Real-World ASP .Net Web Forms Project Course
Real-World ASP .Net Web Forms Project Course, available at $69.99
Create Board and Video Game Design Projects – 4 Courses in 1
Create Board and Video Game Design Projects – 4 Courses in 1, available at $59.99