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Mastering Qt 5 GUI Programming, available at $39.99
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Image Manipulation with Python and Pillow, available at $39.99
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JavaScript Fundamentals ES6 for beginners, available at $19.99
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Python: Master Machine Learning with Python: 3-in-1, available at $19.99
C# Remoting : Build Client / Server Database Applications
C# Remoting : Build Client / Server Database Applications, available at $54.99
ROS2 (Foxy-Humble) For Beginners I: Basics, Motion & Lasers
ROS2 (Foxy-Humble) For Beginners I: Basics, Motion & Lasers, available at $59.99
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LAMP Stack and WAMP, MAMP : Install PHP, Apache, Perl, MySQL, available at $27.99
Mastering ElasticSearch 6.x and the Elastic Stack
Mastering ElasticSearch 6.x and the Elastic Stack, available at $19.99
Python Basics for beginners
Python Basics for beginners, available at $19.99
Learn ASP.NET Core Step By Step
Learn ASP.NET Core Step By Step, available at $19.99