Building Big Data Pipelines with PySpark + MongoDB + Bokeh
Building Big Data Pipelines with PySpark + MongoDB + Bokeh, available at $49.99
Machine Learning for Predictive Maps in Python and Leaflet
Machine Learning for Predictive Maps in Python and Leaflet, available at $59.99
Big Data Analytics with PySpark + Tableau Desktop + MongoDB
Big Data Analytics with PySpark + Tableau Desktop + MongoDB, available at $54.99
Building Web GIS Apps with Java Spring Boot MVC and Leaflet
Building Web GIS Apps with Java Spring Boot MVC and Leaflet, available at $49.99
Spatial Data Visualization and Machine Learning in Python
Spatial Data Visualization and Machine Learning in Python, available at $49.99
Introduction to Maps in R Shiny and Leaflet
Introduction to Maps in R Shiny and Leaflet, available at $44.99
Building Web GIS Apps with C# ASP.NET CORE MVC and Leaflet
Building Web GIS Apps with C# ASP.NET CORE MVC and Leaflet, available at $39.99
Building Big Data Pipelines with SparkR & PowerBI & MongoDB
Building Big Data Pipelines with SparkR & PowerBI & MongoDB, available at $19.99
Big Data Analytics with PySpark + Power BI + MongoDB
Big Data Analytics with PySpark + Power BI + MongoDB, available at $54.99
Introduction to Maps in Folium and Python
Introduction to Maps in Folium and Python, available at $59.99